first principles studies of multiferroic materials

First principles studies of multiferroic materials Claude Ederer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

First principles studies of multiferroic materials Claude Ederer School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials Overview 1) Introduction to multiferroic materials

  1. First principles studies of multiferroic materials Claude Ederer School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  2. Overview 1) Introduction to multiferroic materials ● Why first principles calculations? 2) Density functional theory 3) Examples: a) BiFeO 3 ● Electric polarization ● Strain dependence ● Coupling between polarization and magnetism? ● Computational design of new multiferroic materials b) Other examples... Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  3. Introduction and definitions What is a multiferroic? Hans Schmid: “A material that combines two (or more) of the primary ferroic order parameters in one phase” Important: ● switchable domains (change in point symmetry) ● not necessarily coupled! In practice often: multiferroic = (anti-)ferromagnetic + ferroelectric = magnetic ferroelectric Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  4. Introduction and definitions What is a multiferroic? Hans Schmid: “A material that combines two (or more) of the primary ferroic order parameters in one phase” Important: ● switchable domains (change in point symmetry) ● not necessarily coupled! In practice often: multiferroic = (anti-)ferromagnetic + ferroelectric = magnetic ferroelectric Related but different: magneto-electric effect (electric field induces magnetization, magnetic field induces electric polarization) Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  5. Magneto-electric multiferroics Magneto-electric multiferroics = ferromagnetic + ferroelectric ● Ferromagnetic: M ● Ferroelectric: P Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  6. Magneto-electric multiferroics Magneto-electric multiferroics = ferromagnetic + ferroelectric ● Ferromagnetic: ● Domains: M ● Hysteresis: ● Ferroelectric: P Non-volatile data-storage! Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  7. Magneto-electric multiferroics • Coexistence of ferroelectric, ferroelastic and magnetic order From: Spaldin/Fiebig: “The renaissance of magneto- electric multiferroics”, Science 15, 5733 (2005) Possible Applications: → Interesting cross-correlations between ● magneto-electric RAM (electric polarization, magnetization, and strain! write/magnetic read) ● four-state memory ● ... Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  8. Some history History of magnetoelectric (ME) effect Known magnetic ferroelectrics: 1894 : First conjecture about ME effect by 1961 : Smolenskii et al.: mixed perovskites Pierre Curie (e.g. Pb(Fe 2/3 W 1/3 )O 3 , Pb(Fe 1/2 Nb 1/2 )O 3 ) 1956 : Landau/Lifshitz formulate symmetry 1963 : Smolenskii/Kiselev: BiFeO 3 requirements for ME effect (concept of time 1963 : Bertaut et al.: hexagonal R MnO 3 (e.g. reversal symmetry) YMnO 3 , HoMnO 3 ) 1959 : Dzyaloshinskii predicts ME effect in 1966 : Ascher/Schmid: Boracites M 3 B 7 O 13 X Cr 2 O 3 (e.g. Ni 3 B 7 O 13 I) 1960 : Experimental confirmation by Astrov 1968 : Eibschuetz/Guggenheim et al.: Ba M F 4 (ME) E (e.g. BaMnF 4 BaNiF 4 ) 1961 : Reciprocal (ME) H effect measured by Rado et al. But: small effects, mostly low temperatures, scarcity of materials, lack of microscopic understanding Recently: improved theoretical understanding, thin film preparation, new experimental techniques Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  9. Recent boom → Large polarization and → Small Polarization created (small) magnetization by non-centrosymmetric above room temperature magnetic order Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  10. Classification of magnetic ferroelectrics 1 Ferroelectricity independent of magnetism ) BiFeO 3 ● Boracites: Ni 3 B 7 O 13 I, Ni 3 B 7 O 13 Cl, Co 3 B 7 O 13 I, ... ● “Doped” multiferroics: Pb(Fe 2/3 W 1/3 )O 3 , Pb(Fe 1/2 Nb 1/2 )O 3 , ... ● “Lone pair” ferroelectrics: BiFeO 3 , BiMnO 3 , ... ● “Geometric” ferroelectrics ● proper: Ba M F 4 ( M =Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) ● improper: YMnO 3 , HoMnO 3 , ... (hexagonal manganites) YMnO 3 2 Ferroelectricity induced by ... ) ● ...magnetic order: TbMnO 3 , TbMn 2 O 5 , Ni 3 V 2 O 8 , CuFeO 2 , CoCr 2 O 4 ,... ● ...charge order”: LuFe 2 O 4 , Pr 1-x Ca x MnO 3 (?) BaNiF 4 TbMn 2 O 5 CoCr 2 O 4 One multiferroic is not necessarily equal to another multiferroic ! Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  11. Why first principles calculations? First principles : start directly from fundamental laws of Physics, without model assumptions or fitting parameters ● Diverse materials science requires a theoretical approach that is able to resolve differences between different materials ● Provide reference values for experimental data (make predictions) ● Rationalize experimental observations Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  12. Overview 1) Introduction to multiferroic materials ● Why first principles calculations? 2) Density functional theory 3) Examples: a) BiFeO 3 ● Electric polarization ● Strain dependence ● Coupling between polarization and magnetism? ● Computational design of new multiferroic materials b) Other examples... Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  13. Density functional theory Interacting many-body problem: Effective single particle problem: mapping exact for ground state! “Exchange-correlation potential” (has to be approximated) ● Facilitates quantitative predictions of materials properties ● Provides powerful analysis-tool for electronic structure Hohenberg/Kohn 1964, Kohn/Sham 1965, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1998 for Walter Kohn Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  14. The Hohenberg-Kohn Theorems The problem: Effort to calculate increases exponentially with N → only possible for small molecules (N ~10) Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  15. The Hohenberg-Kohn Theorems The problem: Effort to calculate increases exponentially with N → only possible for small molecules (N ~10) Hohenberg/Kohn 1964: ● All ground state properties of an interacting many-electron system are uniquely determined by the electron density ● The correct ground state density minimizes the total energy functional Density replaces many-body wavefunction as central quantity of interest But how to obtain the density? Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  16. The Kohn-Sham equations Idea (Kohn/Sham 1965): construct density from auxiliary non-interacting system with the same ground state density Interacting system: Non-interacting system: Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  17. The Kohn-Sham equations Idea (Kohn/Sham 1965): construct density from auxiliary non-interacting system with the same ground state density Interacting system: Non-interacting system: Iterate until self-consistency Still missing: expression for Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  18. The local density approximation (LDA) Exchange-correlation energy density of a homogeneous electron gas of density n Expected to be good for not slowly varying densities. Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  19. The local density approximation (LDA) Exchange-correlation energy density of a homogeneous electron gas of density n Expected to be good for not slowly varying densities. Extremely successful! Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  20. The local density approximation (LDA) Exchange-correlation energy density of a homogeneous electron gas of density n Expected to be good for not slowly varying densities. Extremely successful! Problems: ● Underestimates band gaps in many semiconductors ● Not adequate for strongly correlated d or f electrons (eventually predicts metallic instead of insulating ground states) → Improved xc-functionals: Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA), Exact exchange, hybrid functionals, GW, ... Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  21. Beyond LDA: correlated electrons Hubbard model : ● Competition between hopping (kinetic energy) and electron-electron interaction ● Contains main physics that dominates properties of many d and f electron systems ● But: extremely simplified, empirical parameters Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials

  22. Beyond LDA: correlated electrons Hubbard model : ● Competition between hopping (kinetic energy) and electron-electron interaction ● Contains main physics that dominates properties of many d and f electron systems ● But: extremely simplified, empirical parameters → Combine Hubbard-type interaction with LDA/DFT: LDA+ U (Anisimov et al. 1991) ● Leads to correct insulating ground state for many transition metal oxides ● Important: U dependence (basis set dependent parameter), double counting term E dc (shifts relative to “uncorrelated” bands) Claude Ederer First principles studies of multiferroic materials


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