Concrete experiences of f our region in terms of f comparability -With whom do we compare? E.g. with other regions, countries, etc.? -How have we done the selection process? -How – in terms of methodology - do we compare their performance?
Some examples: • EU-SPI Peer Regions -> Problem: 6 regions from the same country (Germany) • With regions with similar problems • The EU28 countries, including of course, your own country • Other regions in your country • Other criterion (regions with political parties member of EFA Group) • Internally (NUTS 3 or county level)
EU-SPI Score – Catalonia and peer regions 85 80 75 70 Score 65 60 55 50 45
Score in the SPI 3 dimensions – Catalonia and peer regions 100 90 80 Score 70 Basic Human Needs Foundations of Wellbeing 60 Opportunity 50 40
Catalonia component ranking in the EU-272 context Rank = 11| Max. Gap = 3,77 1 Posició de Catalunya en termes de PIB per càpita (2011) Rank = 57| Max. Gap = 36,4 51 68 Rank = 74| Max. Gap = 9,09 101 Rank = 92| Max. Gap = 26,8 Rank = 117| Max. Gap = 7,42 Posició 151 Rank = 140| Max. Gap = 12,9 Rank = 151| Max. Gap = 29,7 Rank = 172| Max. Gap = 19,3 Rank = 184| Max. Gap = 26,6 201 Rank = 205| Max. Gap = 29,4 251 Rank = 240| Max. Gap = 53,1 Rank = 250| Max. Gap = 46,7 301 Nutrition and Environmental Tolerance and Access to Health and Personal Safety Access to Water and Shelter Personal Freedom Personal Rights Access to Basic Basic Medical Care Quality Inclusion Advanced Wellness Information and Sanitation and Choice Knowledge Education Communications
Catalonia component ranking in the Spanish context 0 Posició de Catalunya en termes de PIB per càpita (2011) Rank = 8| Max. Gap = 18,68 2 Rank = 8| Max. Gap = 3,77 Rank = 5| Max. Gap = 9 Rank = 10| Max. Gap = 22,24 Rank = 8| Max. Gap = 6,75 4 4 6 Posicó Rànquing 8 10 Rank = 11| Max. Gap = 16,35 12 Rank = 13| Max. Gap = 6,33 14 Rank = 15| Max. Gap = 7,28 16 Rank = 17| Max. Gap = 36,44 Rank = 17| Max. Gap = 11,25 18 Rank = 18| Max. Gap = 12,99 Rank = 17| Max. Gap = 10,69 20 Access to Nutrition and Tolerance and Access to Access to Basic Water and Health and Personal Rights Environmental Personal Freedom Shelter Personal Safety Information and Basic Medical Care Inclusion Advanced Knowledge Sanitation Wellness Quality and Choice Communications Education
EU-SPI and GDP per capita for the Spanish regions 74.00 País Vasco Comunidad de Madrid 72.00 Comunidad Foral de Navarra Cataluña La Rioja 70.00 Aragón Illes Balears SPI score Castilla y León 68.00 Cantabria Principado de Asturias Galicia 66.00 Comunidad Valenciana Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta Canarias 64.00 Región de Murcia CastillaLa Mancha Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla 62.00 Andalucía 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 34.00 Extremadura PIB, x 1000 ppc
EU-SPI and Household Income for the Spanish regions 73.00 Galicia Principado de Asturias 72.00 Cantabria 71.00 País Vasco Comunidad Foral de Navarra 70.00 La Rioja 69.00 Aragón SPI score 68.00 Comunidad de Madrid Castilla y León 67.00 Castilla - La Mancha 66.00 Extremadura Catalunya 65.00 Comunidad Valenciana 64.00 Illes Balears Andalucía 63.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 27.00 Región de Murcia PIB, x 1000 ppc
CCAA and German Länder SPI vs PIB, Spain SPI vs PIB, Germany País Vasco 74.00 Comunidad de Madrid 75.00 Baden-Württemberg Comunidad Foral de Navarra Bayern Cataluña 74.00 72.00 Hessen La Rioja Niedersachsen Aragón 73.00 Nordrhein-Westfalen Illes Balears 70.00 Rheinland-Pfalz Castilla y León Saarland 72.00 Cantabria SPI score SPI score Schleswig-Holstein 68.00 Principado de Asturias Bremen 71.00 Galicia Hamburg Comunidad Valenciana 66.00 Berlin (RDA) 70.00 Ciudad Autónoma de Sachsen (RDA) Ceuta Canarias Brandenburg (RDA) 64.00 Región de Murcia 69.00 Mecklenburg-Vorp. (RDA) CastillaLa Mancha Sachsen-Anhalt (RDA) Ciudad Autónoma de 68.00 Thüringen (RDA) Melilla 62.00 Andalucía 18.00 23.00 28.00 33.00 38.00 43.00 48.00 53.00 16.00 21.00 26.00 31.00 36.00 PIB, x 1000 ppc Extremadura PIB, x 1000 ppc According to the NUTS classification, the 16 German länders are NUTS 1. Since the EU-SPI is computed at NUTS 2 level, some calculations have been made to obtain the German länder data. There are 9 länders that are at the same time NUTS 1 and NUTS 2, and no calculation was necessary. These are: Brandenburg. Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saarland, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thüringen and Berlin. But there are 7 länderthat contain more than one NUTS 2 statistical unit, so we have computed the components of each NUTS 1 by adding the proportional value (according to its population) of each NUTS 2 unit that they contain. Finally, we have computed the dimensions and the EU-SPI final value by using a un-weighted generalized mean of order B=0,5 (as stablished in the EU-SPI methodology) . The länder in which we have applied these calculations are: Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Hessen, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz and Sachsen.
EFA Countries
NUTS 3 and County Level
How does the possible exchange/learning process with the region/country which is used for the comparisons, look like? Not always a good result of a peer region of GDP is applicable to another peer region of GDP, because the contextual factors can be very different. For this reason, we want to encourage the creation of a number of external indicators to contextualize.
Ge General limi mitations of f the EU EU-SPI in terms of f comparability
What are the limitations of the EU-SPI (and other indexes – if you work with other ones) in terms of comparability? The EU-SPI analyses: - Territories with very different populations - Capitals regions and non-capital regions - Rural and Urban regions - Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox - Mediterranean and Northern regions - Perceptions - Different Labor Markets and economic structures - Decentralization levels - Public Spending
Densely populated areas behave differently? 100 90 Region GDPpc PPP 2011 EU-SPI Score Inner London 80.400 € 72,35 80 Luxembourg 66.700 € 73,4 EU-SPI Région de Bruxelles-Capitale / Brussels 55.600 € 66,85 Hoofdstedelijk Gewest 70 Hamburg 50.700 € 74,21 Bratislavský kraj 46.600 € 62,59 60 Île de France 45.600 € 71,24 Groningen 45.600 € 80,55 Stockholm 43.300 € 79,9 50 Praha 42.900 € 65,85 R² = 0.5202 Oberbayern 42.200 € 74,01 40 Wien 41.300 € 73,11 30 - € 10,000 € 20,000 € 30,000 € 40,000 € 50,000 € 60,000 € 70,000 € 80,000 € 90,000 €
Perceptions and Objective Data
Different economic structures
How should the EU-SPI get adapted/improved in order to make it more usable for comparisons? (E.g. easily identification of regions with which a specific region would like to get compared.) • The EU-SPI interpretation could use a series of external variables to help us understand the EU-SPI results. • Internal comparison of the EU-SPI results could also be improved, by finding regions with similar profiles (and maybe similar problems).
How could the further developed EU-SPI get used by your region in the future? • Policy making. • Budgeting. • Peer learning.
Internal Comparison -> Guidelines to better understand the possible roots of our problems. Eg: If the EU-SPI shows a bad score and rank in the component shelter, you could check: - Evolution of the perception of the cost of housing and related expenses - Evolution of the purchase and rental prices - Public housing - Public investment in housing - Others
Conclusions • New criteria for selection of peers needed, both internally and externally • Guidelines for interpretation of the EU-SPI results could be usefull
Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 95 90 85 80 Score 75 70 65 60 55
Acces to Basic Knowledge 90 80 Score 70 60 50
Health and Wellness 80 70 Score 60 50 40
Water and Sanitation 100 90 80 Score 70 60 50 40
Shelter 90 80 70 Score 60 50 40
Personal Rights 80 70 60 Score 50 40 30 20
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