financial update

Financial Update Faculty Associates, Inc. Board of Directors - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The University of Florida College of Dentistry Financial Update Faculty Associates, Inc. Board of Directors Meeting October 1, 2018 Aug FY19 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures Revenues Current FY Prior Year Difference Percent

  1. The University of Florida College of Dentistry Financial Update Faculty Associates, Inc. Board of Directors Meeting October 1, 2018

  2. Aug FY19 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures Revenues Current FY Prior Year Difference Percent Actual Actual Variance Clinical $3,185,755 $3,106,518 $79,237 2.6% Revenue Ancillary $21,290 $26,343 ($5,053) (19.2%) Revenue Contract and $1,107,734 $1,159,263 ($51,529) (4.5% GME Revenue Radiology $30,994 $29,589 $1,404 4.8% Internal Revenue Interest $606 $596 $11 1.8% Income Total $4,346,379 $4,322,310 $24,070 0.6% Revenues

  3. Aug FY19 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures Expenditures Current FY Prior Year Difference Percent Actual Actual Variance Personnel $2,842,113 $2,501,267 $340,845 13.6% Expenses Other $1,347,233 $1,249,399 $97,834 7.8% Operating Expenses Administrative Overhead $150,299 $192,349 ($42,050) (21.9%) Total $4,339,645 $3,943,016 $396,629 10.1% Expenses

  4. Aug FY19 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures Current FY Prior Year Difference Percent Actual Actual Variance Change in Net $6,734 $379,294 ($372,560) (98.2%) Assets

  5. Changes in Net Position As of August 31, 2018 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 (50,000) (100,000) (150,000) (200,000) (250,000) (300,000) (350,000) Community Endodontics Oral Oral Surgery Orthodontics Pediatric Periodontics Restorative Dentistry Dept Diagnostic Dept Dept Dentistry Dept Dept Dept Sciences Dept Dept Changes in Net Position (309,792) (119,989) 60,752 90,195 16,839 152,585 (60,379) 140,963 9/28/18

  6. Clinical Revenue Budget to Actual As of August 31, 2018 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 Community Clinic Endodontics Oral Oral Orthodontic Pediatric Periodontics Restorative Dentistry Admin Dept Diagnostic Surgery s Dept Dentistry Dept Dept Dept Sciences Dept Dept Dept Actual 559,146 272,080 46,500 386,109 730,421 203,440 255,783 148,846 639,447 Budget 731,241 357,791 171,166 346,368 648,058 204,336 235,725 177,075 548,762 9/28/18

  7. Questions?


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