final councillor briefing

Final Councillor Briefing on Elvetham Chase Fleet, Hart DC 18 th - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Final Councillor Briefing on Elvetham Chase Fleet, Hart DC 18 th December 2017 Elvetham Chase Agenda : 1. Introduction 2. Final proposals 3. Education 4. Health 5. Highways 6. Conclusion 7. Questions Elvetham Chase Key aspects &

  1. Final Councillor Briefing on Elvetham Chase Fleet, Hart DC 18 th December 2017

  2. Elvetham Chase Agenda : 1. Introduction 2. Final proposals 3. Education 4. Health 5. Highways 6. Conclusion 7. Questions

  3. Elvetham Chase Key aspects & benefits of the proposals

  4. Elvetham Chase Key aspects & benefits of the proposals 700 new homes incl 40% affordable 59% of site remains green 41% built on Safe route to Calthorpe Park School Small vibrant local centre £6 million of highway improvements Available and deliverable now

  5. Elvetham Chase - Application All Technical Matters Agreed 1. Archaeology; HCC 8. Affordable Housing; HDC 2. Waste; HDC 9. Biodiversity; HDC 3. Flooding; HCC & EA 10. Network Rail; Network Rail 4. SANG; NE & HDC 11. Trees; HDC 5. Education; HCC 12. Highways; HCC 6. Ecology & Countryside; HDC 13. Trunk Roads; Highways England 7. Waste Water & Drainage; Thames Water 14. Noise & Air; Env. Agency & HDC

  6. Elvetham Chase Investment in Fleet’s schools • Site for new 2FE primary school plus £5 million • Approx. 185 additional places for Elvetham Heath and Fleet residents • £5 million secondary school contributions to expand Calthorpe School • New 60 place pre-school nursery

  7. Elvetham Chase Healthcare Up to £1.2m in contributions circa £840k to North Hampshire CCG circa £360k North East Hampshire & Farnham CCG Both CCG’s have confirmed it is possible to expand existing medical facilities to serve population

  8. Elvetham Chase Road, transport & pedestrian improvements

  9. Elvetham Chase Road, transport & pedestrian improvements 1. Hartley Wintney • New roundabout and single lanes into dual lanes (within existing highway) • A similar but larger solution requiring Common Land has been debated and could be delivered • HCC confirm smaller scheme is agreed

  10. Elvetham Chase Road, transport & pedestrian improvements 2 & 3. Fleet Road & Pale Lane • New roundabout access to site – Fleet Rd • Four new pedestrian/cycle crossings • Pale Lane partly pedestrianised • New footpath under Pale Lane railway arch • Bus loop through site

  11. Elvetham Chase 4. New crossing & footpath on Fleet Road

  12. Elvetham Chase Road, transport & pedestrian improvements 4a. Double Roundabout • Widening of carriageway to allow two lanes of traffic approaching both roundabouts • New footpath and improved crossings of Fleet Road and Hitches Lane to provide safe route for children to/from school

  13. Elvetham Chase Road, transport & pedestrian improvements 5. Oat Sheaf Traffic signal reconfiguration Improve pedestrian crossing at Reading Road North Carriageway widening along Reading Road South Improvements for cyclists

  14. Elvetham Chase Road, transport & pedestrian improvements 6. Community Bus & Cycle Route

  15. Elvetham Chase Road, transport & pedestrian improvements 7. Fleet Station • New Toucan crossing that allows traffic from Elvetham Road onto Fleet Road • Carriageway widening to allow two lanes of traffic leaving roundabout onto Fleet Road • Longer right turn land into Elvetham Road

  16. Elvetham Chase Conclusions • You challenged us to improve our scheme and provide greater benefits – we have and we thank you • The Calthorpe estate are committed to providing another outstanding community in the mould of its predecessor Elvetham Heath • Elvetham Chase bears all the hallmarks of quality, sustainability and place-making that will bear the test of time to be recognised as an exemplar for future development, and as such deserves your support

  17. Elvetham Chase Questions


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