fidelity versus interpretability

Fidelity versus Interpretability Derek Bridge Insight Centre for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Explaining Recommendations: Fidelity versus Interpretability Derek Bridge Insight Centre for Data Analytics University College Cork, Ireland Overview Recommender Systems Explaining Recommendations Case Studies Concluding Remarks

  1. Explaining Recommendations: Fidelity versus Interpretability Derek Bridge Insight Centre for Data Analytics University College Cork, Ireland

  2. Overview • Recommender Systems • Explaining Recommendations • Case Studies • Concluding Remarks


  4. What is a Recommender System? • Software that helps • Recommendations must users discover typically be – new music and other – relevant to the user media (‘ personalized ’) and the context-of-use – cultural artefacts such as (‘ contextualized ’) works of art and – diverse architecture – products and services – serendipitous – travel experiences – … – … Photo by Nickolai Kashirin (CC by 2.0)

  5. A Scenario A hungry academic …. …receives a recommendation for a place-to-eat but …not within walking distance …a fusion-style cuisine with which the academic is unfamiliar. …Her confidence in the recommendation might be improved by an explanation…

  6. A Scenario A hungry academic …. …receives a recommendation for a place-to-eat but …not within walking distance high cost …a fusion-style cuisine with which the academic is high uncertainty unfamiliar. …Her confidence in the recommendation might be improved by an explanation…

  7. Types of Recommender System • Content-based • Collaborative – User-based nearest-neighbours – Item-based nearest-neighbours – Matrix factorization Build Model Training set

  8. Types of Recommender System • Content-based • Collaborative – User-based nearest-neighbours – Item-based nearest-neighbours User & Context-of-use – Matrix factorization Build Model Training set

  9. Types of Recommender System • Content-based • Collaborative – User-based nearest-neighbours – Item-based nearest-neighbours User & Context-of-use – Matrix factorization Build Model Training set Recommendation

  10. Content-Based Crime, drama Action, sci-fi Adventure, drama, fantasy Comedy, drama, romance Western

  11. User-Based Nearest-Neighbours 5 4 4 3 4 5 2 5 3 3 2 5 4 1 5

  12. User-Based Nearest-Neighbours 5 4 4 3 4 5 2 5 3 User-user similarity 3 2 5 4 1 5

  13. Item-Based Nearest-Neighbours 5 4 4 3 4 5 2 5 3 3 2 5 4 1 5

  14. Item-Based Nearest-Neighbours 5 4 4 3 4 5 2 5 3 3 2 5 4 1 5 Item-item similarity

  15. Matrix Factorization 𝑜 movies 𝑛 users

  16. Matrix Factorization 𝑜 movies 𝑜 movies 𝑔 latent factors × 𝑔 latent factors ≈ 𝑛 users 𝑛 users

  17. Matrix Factorization 𝑜 movies 𝑜 movies 𝑔 latent factors × 𝑔 latent factors ≈ 𝑛 users 𝑛 users

  18. Ever More Complex Models Hybrids and Ensembles Multi- Objective Systems Latent Deep Feature Models Spaces

  19. Interpretable Models • Intelligible global • Challenges descriptions of systems – preserving accuracy – E.g. decision trees – intelligibility, e.g. when there are many features or No highly-engineered features High Yes Humidity – protecting Intellectual Normal Sunny Property Outlook Yes Overcast • Interpretable deep Rain Strong Wind No models Weak Yes – learn to associate semantic feature with nodes in – E.g. linear models (esp. hidden layers sparse linear models)

  20. DARPA’s XAI Initiative


  22. Explanations are Relational

  23. Explanations are Relational • Recommendation only – “You might like Never Let Me Go ”

  24. Explanations are Relational • Recommendation only – “You might like Never Let Me Go ” • Recommendation plus description – “You might like Never Let Me Go , a 2010 dystopian drama based on the 2005 novel of the same name…”

  25. Explanations are Relational • Recommendation only – “You might like Never Let Me Go ” • Recommendation plus description – “You might like Never Let Me Go , a 2010 dystopian drama based on the 2005 novel of the same name…” • Recommendation plus explanation – “You liked Atonement , so you might also like Never Let Me Go ” User & Context-of-use

  26. Intermediaries in Explanations Items User Recommendation Users Features [Vig et al., 2009]

  27. Intermediaries in Explanations likes Items User Recommendation Users Features [Vig et al., 2009]

  28. Intermediaries in Explanations likes are similar to Items User Recommendation Users Features [Vig et al., 2009]

  29. Intermediaries in Explanations likes are similar to Items is similar to User Recommendation Users Features [Vig et al., 2009]

  30. Intermediaries in Explanations likes are similar to Items is similar to who like User Recommendation Users Features [Vig et al., 2009]

  31. Intermediaries in Explanations likes are similar to Items is similar to who like User Recommendation Users Features likes [Vig et al., 2009]

  32. Intermediaries in Explanations likes are similar to Items is similar to who like User Recommendation Users Features likes are present in [Vig et al., 2009]

  33. Explanation Dimensions Interpretable Ethical Actionable Explanations Sound and Cheap-to- Complete compute (Fidelity)

  34. Fidelity Soundness Completeness How truthful each The extent to element in an which an Fidelity explanation is with explanation respect to the describes all of the underlying system underlying system [Kulesza et al., 2013]

  35. Fidelity Soundness Completeness How truthful each The extent to element in an which an Fidelity explanation is with explanation respect to the describes all of the underlying system underlying system increasing trust, fewer requests for clarification, better understanding [Kulesza et al., 2013]

  36. White-Box Explanations Build Model Training set

  37. White-Box Explanations User & Context-of-use Build Model Training set

  38. White-Box Explanations User & Context-of-use Build Model Training set Recommendation + “trace” data

  39. White-Box Explanations User & Context-of-use Build Model Training set Recommendation + “trace” data Explanation Generation Recommendation + Explanation

  40. White-Box Explanations Sound explanations User & Context-of-use Build Model Training set Recommendation + “trace” data Explanation Generation Recommendation + Explanation

  41. Black-Box Explanations Build Model Training set

  42. Black-Box Explanations User & Context-of-use Build Model Training set

  43. Black-Box Explanations User & Context-of-use Build Model Training set Recommendation

  44. Black-Box Explanations User & Context-of-use Build Model Training set Recommendation Explanation Generation Recommendation + Explanation

  45. Black-Box Explanations User & Context-of-use Build Model Training set Recommendation Explanation Generation Recommendation + Explanation

  46. Black-Box Explanations User & Context-of-use Build Model Training set Recommendation Explanation Other data Generation Recommendation + Explanation

  47. Black-Box Explanations User & Context-of-use Build Model Training set Queries Recommendation Explanation Other data Generation Recommendation + Explanation

  48. Black-Box Explanations Model-agnostic, User & probably not sound Context-of-use Build Model Training set Queries Recommendation Explanation Other data Generation Recommendation + Explanation

  49. Why Explain? Scrutability Trust Decision- Persuasion support


  51. CASE STUDY A White-Box Explanations of User-Based Nearest-Neighbours Recommendations

  52. Explaining User-Based Nearest Neighbours Recommendations is similar to who like User Recommendation Users • Difficulties – Often 50+ neighbours – Userids are meaningless: strangers! – Profiles are large and private

  53. Explaining User-Based Nearest Neighbours Recommendations is similar to who like User Recommendation Users • Difficulties – Often 50+ neighbours – Userids are meaningless: strangers! – Profiles are large and private – Good at persuading [Herlocker et al, 2000] – Less good for trust and decision-support [Bilgic & Mooney, 2005]

  54. Explaining User-Based Nearest Neighbours Recommendations User & Context-of-use Build Model Training set Recommendation + neighbours Explanation Generation Recommendation + Explanation

  55. CASE STUDY B Item-Based Explanations for User-Based Nearest-Neighbours Recommendations

  56. Item-Based Explanations likes are similar to User Recommendation Items • Good for trust and decision-support [Bilgic & Mooney, 2005] • Familiar, e.g. Amazon: – “Customers who bought Atonement also bought Never Let Me Go ”

  57. Item-Based Explanations for User-Based Recommendations is similar to who like User Recommendation Users

  58. Item-Based Explanations for User-Based Recommendations Explanation • The user’s partners neighbours • The movies the Candidate user has in common with items her partners • Rules that link Association candidates to the rules recommended item [Bridge & Dunleavy, 2014; Kaminskas, Durão & Bridge, 2017]


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