fec henry flagler speedway to sunshine

FEC/Henry Flagler Speedway to Sunshine Henry Flagler DRAFT - - PDF document

AMTRAK / FEC CORRIDOR PROJECT Station Location Evaluation: Work-in-Progress Presentation City of Cocoa June 23, 2010 FEC/Henry Flagler Speedway to Sunshine Henry Flagler DRAFT - Amtrak/FEC Corridor Project - Cocoa Station Site

  1. AMTRAK / FEC CORRIDOR PROJECT Station Location Evaluation: Work-in-Progress Presentation City of Cocoa June 23, 2010 FEC/Henry Flagler “Speedway to Sunshine” Henry Flagler DRAFT - Amtrak/FEC Corridor Project - Cocoa Station Site Evaluation - "Work-in-Progress" Presentation - 6/23/2010 v1 1

  2. AMTRAK AMTRAK POTENTIAL NEW STATIONS (East Coast) FEC CORRIDOR FEC CORRIDOR • S t Augustine PROJECT PROJECT • Daytona Beach • Titusville • Cocoa (Port Canaveral) • Melbourne M lb • Vero Beach • Fort Pierce • S tuart EXISTING STATIONS (East Coast) Jacksonville … . West Palm Beach, Delray Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Miami Ot her Exist ing S t at ions include Orlando, Tampa, Wint er Park, S anford, Lakeland, and more. LEGEND Exist ing Amt rak S ervice (on CS X) New Amt rak S ervice on FEC Recent “Inspection Train” (May 1, 2010) • In coordination with FEC, Amtrak ran an “inspection t a train” on May 1, 2010 o ay , 0 0 • Train departed Miami, stopped in West Palm Beach and each of the 8 cities on the corridor, ending in Jacksonville DRAFT - Amtrak/FEC Corridor Project - Cocoa Station Site Evaluation - "Work-in-Progress" Presentation - 6/23/2010 v1 2

  3. Cocoa Station Location Alternatives DRAFT - Amtrak/FEC Corridor Project - Cocoa Station Site Evaluation - "Work-in-Progress" Presentation - 6/23/2010 v1 3

  4. DRAFT - Amtrak/FEC Corridor Project - Cocoa Station Site Evaluation - "Work-in-Progress" Presentation - 6/23/2010 v1 4

  5. Some of What We Heard … • Station should reinforce downtown redevelopment & CRA • Location should allow riders to walk to some destinations • Cocoa is closest location for connections to Port Canaveral • Station must accommodate multi-modal access, esp. buses S i d l i d l b • US1 reconstruction includes medians that limit thru traffic • Grade crossing at Stone Street was closed several years ago • Both locations are within & border Cocoa CRA districts • Southern portion of Rosa L Jones site is within Rockledge/CRA • Both locations offer ancillary economic development benefits • Need to improve appearance along Railroad Ave W • City should consider additional uses at station (e.g., concessions, tourism) • Station should be as “green” as possible DRAFT - Amtrak/FEC Corridor Project - Cocoa Station Site Evaluation - "Work-in-Progress" Presentation - 6/23/2010 v1 5

  6. Cocoa Station Stone Street Concept DRAFT - Amtrak/FEC Corridor Project - Cocoa Station Site Evaluation - "Work-in-Progress" Presentation - 6/23/2010 v1 6

  7. Cocoa Station Stone Street Concept Station parking (25+ spaces) New Station Building (“medium size” or 2,500 SF) 1000’ platform with canopy Cocoa Station Stone Street Concept DRAFT - Amtrak/FEC Corridor Project - Cocoa Station Site Evaluation - "Work-in-Progress" Presentation - 6/23/2010 v1 7

  8. Cocoa Station Stone Street Concept Cocoa Station Stone Street Concept DRAFT - Amtrak/FEC Corridor Project - Cocoa Station Site Evaluation - "Work-in-Progress" Presentation - 6/23/2010 v1 8

  9. Cocoa Station Stone Street Concept Cocoa Station Stone Street Concept DRAFT - Amtrak/FEC Corridor Project - Cocoa Station Site Evaluation - "Work-in-Progress" Presentation - 6/23/2010 v1 9

  10. Cocoa Station Rosa L Jones Blvd Concept Cocoa Station Rosa L Jones Blvd Concept Station parking (25+ spaces) Renovated Station Building (2,500 SF for station plus 1,500 SF for other uses) 1000’ platform with canopy DRAFT - Amtrak/FEC Corridor Project - Cocoa Station Site Evaluation - "Work-in-Progress" Presentation - 6/23/2010 v1 10

  11. Cocoa Station Rosa L Jones Blvd Concept Cocoa Station Rosa L Jones Blvd Concept DRAFT - Amtrak/FEC Corridor Project - Cocoa Station Site Evaluation - "Work-in-Progress" Presentation - 6/23/2010 v1 11

  12. Cocoa Station Rosa L Jones Blvd Concept Cocoa Station Rosa L Jones Blvd Concept DRAFT - Amtrak/FEC Corridor Project - Cocoa Station Site Evaluation - "Work-in-Progress" Presentation - 6/23/2010 v1 12

  13. Cocoa Station Rosa L Jones Blvd Concept Cocoa Station Rosa L Jones Blvd Concept DRAFT - Amtrak/FEC Corridor Project - Cocoa Station Site Evaluation - "Work-in-Progress" Presentation - 6/23/2010 v1 13

  14. SUMMARY FINDINGS: STONE STREET ALTERNATIVE STRENGTHS Location within Cocoa Downtown CRA and adjacent to Diamond Square CRA Can utilize Stone Street right-of-way for parking & access Provides ancillary economic development in TOD district (quarter- to half-mile) Can accommodate minimum station infrastructure CHALLENGES Site requires construction of new station building & improvements Location will cause delays on SR 520 for northbound trains Limited ingress/egress for vehicles, particularly buses Median closure at US1 presents conflict for pedestrian access across US1, directing pedestrians to SR 520 (higher speed, limited pedestrian features) Limited on-site ancillary commercial opportunities (without additional land acquisition) Site will require siding to be extended through SR 520, adding cost & road closures during construction SUMMARY FINDINGS: ROSA L JONES BLVD ALTERNATIVE STRENGTHS Location within Cocoa Downtown CRA and adjacent to Diamond Square CRA Size of site & building (4000 SF) allows potential for on-site ancillary commercial opportunities opportunities Intersection with US1 includes four-way lighted signal, with good access for all vehicles, including particularly bus access to the Port Site location offers financial participation by City of Rockledge/CRA Good pedestrian access across US1 along RLJ Blvd. into Cocoa Village along pedestrian-friendly 2-lane roadway Provides ancillary economic development in TOD district (quarter- to half-mile) CHALLENGES CHALLENGES Grade of site is below US1, requiring retaining walls with stairs and/or other treatment TOD potential is limited in immediate proximity to station to west by environmental preserve and public housing) FEC may require lease of site (not sale), reducing capital costs but increasing annual operating/maintenance costs DRAFT - Amtrak/FEC Corridor Project - Cocoa Station Site Evaluation - "Work-in-Progress" Presentation - 6/23/2010 v1 14

  15. “You Pick the Station – My Train is 42 Years Overdue!” www.tcrpc.org DRAFT - Amtrak/FEC Corridor Project - Cocoa Station Site Evaluation - "Work-in-Progress" Presentation - 6/23/2010 v1 15

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