Feb. 2, 2020 The church is in Ordinary Time, but extraordinary things are happening in the atrium! Last week the children listened to the scripture of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, the feast day that we celebrated at Mass this Sunday. After hearing the scripture, we talked about what a Temple is, where it is located (in Jerusalem) and far they had to travel from Nazareth to Jerusalem. We thought about who it was that were waiting at the temple for the Savior (Simeon and Anna), what offering Mary and Joseph brought (two turtle doves), and how Simeon and Anna knew that this child was the Savior - he looked like an ordinary baby - the power of the Holy Spirit. The children could work with the materials on their own or while we read the scripture to them. They might also choose to use the tracing packet to think more about the Presentation. Look at our materials: Rosey Lester, Catechist Mary Jane Mrazik, Catechist
Also in the past few weeks we “revisited” the altar area . We remembered the altar table, altar cloth, chalice, paten, crucifix and candles. The children helped set the articles on the small altar table. Then we talked about, saw and put in place: The Roman Missal - The large book on the altar used by the priest which contains the prayers for the celebration of Mass. It is usually placed on a Missal Stand . The Lectionary - The book which contains the readings from the Holy Bible to be proclaimed at Mass. The Lectionary is kept on the stand near the altar called the Lectern/Ambo or Pulpit. The Tabernacle is the “dwelling place” where the Holy Eucharist/Holy Communion is reserved. In the Atrium it is made of wood; a door opens to the inside where the Ciborium is kept. The Ciborium is shaped like a cup or bowl with a lid to hold the reserved Holy Eucharist/Holy Communion in the Tabernacle. The children have seen that in St. Andrew Church the Tabernacle is located in the center behind the altar, gold and ornate. The Holy Eucharist is reserved there for adoration or for the priest to be able to bring Holy Communion to the sick who cannot attend Mass. After seeing and talking about these new articles used at Mass, we lit the atrium Sanctuary Lamp. This special candle,
red in color, stays lit in church near the Altar to indicate that Jesus is present in the Holy Eucharist inside the Tabernacle. The children have so many new words and articles to use setting the altar! They may choose to work with these materials or perhaps make a tracking booklet about Jesus present in Word or present in the Tabernacle . When you take your child to church help them identify all the above mentioned articles and find the Sanctuary Lamp! Sit close to the altar so that they can see and watch - it will help them stay focussed and learn that they are a part of the celebration of the Mass!
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