Feature, Events and Processes (FEPs) FEPs are terms used to define the relevant scenarios through the interaction matrix (IM), whereby: Features include the components of the site, such as soil and water bodies (diagonal- elements of the IM) Events include those incidents that may occur on the system on a short-term run, such as agricultural practices (ploughing, harvesting), earth quakes … (off-diagonal elements of the IM) Processes include those things that are ongoing, for example irrigation of agricultural land, percolation, etc. (off-diagonal elements of the IM)
Conceptual model obj ects
Gas and water source interaction matrix
S oil layer interaction matrix (gas or water source) The yellow boxes indicate the lower soil layer (LL) and the grey bowes indicate the upper soil layer (UL) S OURCE (gaz) 1) Wet deposition Advection/ diffusion 2) S prinkler irrigation 3) Interception by soil S OURCE (Water) Infiltration (Irrigation) Diffusive exchange S OIL WATER Capillary rise (HTO) Percolation (LL) Gaz sorption S OIL ATMOS PHERE Diffusion/ advection (LL) Percolation S OIL WATER (UL) Diffusive exchange Evaporation Gaz sorption Diffusion S OIL ATMOS PHERE (UL) Gaz sorption Upwelling Diffusion WATER TABLE
Tritium interaction matrix for animals ATMOS PHERE Inhalation Inhalation S kin absorption S kin absorption S OIL Ingestion Ingestion PLANT Ingestion Ingestion MATERIAL 1)Excretion Excretion ANIMAL 1) Translocation 2) Death and 2) Hmetabolism? decomposition Exhalation Inhalation HT OBT formation Excretion (burrowing animals) Exhalation Inhalation HTO OBT formation Excretion (burrowing animals) OBT 1)Excretion 2) Death and decomposition (both at outcrop) S INK
General interaction matrix for the terrestrial environment Processes of potential importance for H3 are highlighted in bold. ATMOS PHERE Deposition 1) Deposition Gross Inhalation 1) Dry deposition and photosynthesi 2)Precipitation interception s 3) Interception 2) GrossPhotosynt hesis 1)Evaporation 1) Root uptake Ingestion 1)Irrigation Release from Recharge by WATER solution surface waters 2)Droplet BODIES 2) Irrigation 2)Recharge by production surface waters VEGETATIO Ingestion Ingestion N (ABOVE – BELOWGRO UND) 1)Respiration S enescence WATER Root Biological and death weathering 2) Transpiration respiration 1)Respiration DRY MATTER Root 1) Litter fall (at outcrop) respiration 2) Leaf fall 2) S enescence and 3) Release of death other organic compounds 3) Biological weathering 1)Excretion Excretion ANIMALS 1) Translocation Translocation 2) Death 2) Hmetabolism? Exhalation WATER OBT formation Excretion Inhalation Excreion (burrowing animals) DRY MATTER 1)Excreation 2) Death and decomposition (both at outcrop) Evaporation Groundwat Root uptake Ingestion S OIL WATER Diffusive S urface run-off er recharge exchange Root uptake Diffusive Diffusive exchange Diffusion S OIL and transport in exchange ATMOS PHE aerenchyma RE Resuspension (at Desorption 1)External 1)Ingestion 1) Diffusion Diffusive Interface with exchange outcrop) contaminatio 2)Bioturbat 2)Advection geosphere n Diffusion ion 3)Colloid transport 2) Irrigation
Comparison between models “ EXP” = explicit inclusion as a dynamically treated or constant FEP in the model “ imp ” = Included, but subsumed within a broader FEP Models Feature TOCATTA EESAD (IRSN) (NIRS) S ource - EXP S oil water EXP EXP S oil gas imp - Plant canopy EXP EXP atmosphere Below ground plant imp - material Above ground plant EXP imp material Animal water EXP EXP Animal dry matter EXP EXP S ink EXP EXP
Diffusion EXP - Discharge from below - (upwelling) Environmental change - Erosion - Evaporation imp EXP Excretion - Exhalation - Foliar uptake EXP - Gas sorption - H metabolisation EXP imp Infiltration EXP EXP Ingestion EXP EXP Inhalation EXP EXP Interception EXP - Irrigation EXP - Microorganism metabolism & assimilation Gross photosynthesis and EXP imp growth OBT formation imp EXP Oxidation HT to HTO EXP Percolation EXP EXP Ploughing - Precipitation EXP EXP Respiration
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