farm sea to campus forum

FARM & SEA TO CAMPUS FORUM Project Waste Not: A Tool for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

October 29, 2019 FARM & SEA TO CAMPUS FORUM Project Waste Not: A Tool for Improving Traceability and Transparency SPEAKERS Tania Taranovski Andy Cox Neal Bram Director of Programs Director of Dining Services CEO & Founder Farm to

  1. October 29, 2019 FARM & SEA TO CAMPUS FORUM Project Waste Not: A Tool for Improving Traceability and Transparency

  2. SPEAKERS Tania Taranovski Andy Cox Neal Bram Director of Programs Director of Dining Services CEO & Founder Farm to Institution New England Smith College Project Waste Not Moderator

  3. OUTLINE I. INTRODUCTION II. SPEAKER #1 - Tania Taranovski, FINE III. SPEAKER #2 - Andy Cox, Smith College IV. SPEAKER #3 - Neal Bram, Project Waste Not V. Q&A VI. CONCLUSION Photo courtesy of Intervale Food Hub


  5. ABOUT FINE Our mission is to mobilize the power of regional institutions to transform our food system

  6. ABOUT THE CAMPUS NETWORK The New England Farm & Sea to Campus Network is a community of higher education and food systems stakeholders who connect, share, and collaborate to develop transparent regional supply chains and educate campus communities about regional food systems.

  7. SPEAKER #1: Tania Taranovski

  8. TRACEABILITY: An Overview Traceability The ability to track the forward movement of a product through specified stages of the extended supply chain and trace backward the history, application, or location of that product. Global Food Traceability Center Transparency Sharing information about product attributes including where and how it was grown/produced.

  9. FARM TO INSTITUTION Transportation Storage

  10. FINE’S ROLE 2019-2020: SCOPING Assess existing resources and their applicability to local food procurement efforts and needs. 2020+: SHARE BEST PRACTICES Develop best practices, resources, and other information across our network.

  11. TRACKING LOCAL FOOD PURCHASES: Colleges Real Food Challenge Calculator

  12. FINE RESOURCES Reports 1. Campus Dining Reports 101 and 201 2. Keep On Tracking 3. Tracking Local Food: A Guidebook for Campus Dining

  13. FINE RESOURCES Webinars 1. How to Optimize Local Food Tracking Systems 2. Velocity Reports 3. Local Food for Campus Dining: Stats and Stories 4. National Metrics Collaborative Webinar Series “Farm to Institution New England”

  14. WHAT NEXT? Outputs Process ● Define “local/regional” ● Engage stakeholders ● Develop Key Data Elements ● Share info (KDEs) & Critical Tracking Events Collaborate ● (CTEs) ● Highlight tracking tools

  15. SPEAKER #2: Andy Cox

  16. COLLEGE REPORTING Tracking Reports In 2018, the NE Farm and Sea to [Use pictures to tell your story!] Campus Network studied tracking methods across 10 different College and Universities.

  17. CAMPUS DINING 201 Results What we found was that many College and University Dining Directors use multiple methods and definitions to understand their purchases.

  18. VENDOR DATA Velocity Reports Getting compatible data across all [Use pictures to tell your story!] suppliers can be challenging with pack sizes, file formats, sortable data, multiple business units. Requires online portal access or email requests.

  19. DRIVING IMPACT Formatting and Analyzing Directors and Chefs need clean, accurate, and timely data to make [Use pictures to tell your story!] informed purchasing decisions. Access to data can make purchasing in season and increasing local purchases year over year possible.

  20. FUTURE REPORTING Higher Ed and Non-profit Landscape The reporting requirements of Higher Ed Institutions, Non-Profit and Grant Funders are changing. Reporting Tools are changing too. ● AASHE - STARS SIMAP - UNH ● ● FSNE

  21. SPEAKER #3: Neal Bram

  22. Problem: The systems used in the food supply chain can’t exchange information resulting in a highly ineffjcient market. Grower/Vendor Distributor System Institution Systems Systems Manual Communication

  23. Societal Impact: Hurts your communities. $40 Billion $5 Billion $30 Billion The amount of food that never A conservative estimate of the HBS estimated cost of “poor makes it off the farm despite all amount of unnecessary labor spent coordination” among trading the energy, water, and pollution that manually entering orders at each partners in the food supply chain. goes into production. step in the food supply chain. The Damage from Poor Information Flows ● Limits opportunity for local suppliers ● Significant environmental impacts ● Reduces food accessibility for those who can least afford it ● All this waste gets increases food costs

  24. The Solution: A Food Data Exchange Open Food & Beverage Commerce Access to data about Network (OFBCN) products, availability, and logistics is necessary to drive the innovations that Custom DATA Solutions will improve our food system. Innovators Grower/Vendor Retailer/Restaurants/ Distributor System Systems Institutions

  25. Automated Sustainability Reports An integrated system can provide the “clean, Distributor Systems Automated Reports accurate, and timely data” need to make informed purchasing decisions. Total & % Local Pick Up Distance PO Details And More ● Always know % Supplier Info sustainable in real-time. ● Customizable Grower/Vendor Systems sustainability metrics. DATA DATA ● Current, historical, and Product & trend reports. Location Details Open Food & Beverage Network

  26. Q&A

  27. SPEAKERS Tania Taranovski Andy Cox Neal Bram Director of Programs Director of Dining Services CEO & Founder Farm to Institution New England Smith College Project Waste Not Moderator

  28. UPCOMING EVENTS Campus Farmer Summit - Feb 22, 2020 Webinars Role of Contracts ( - Oct 30 Product Spotlight: Grains - Nov 19 Product Spotlight: Meat - Dec 5

  29. CONTINUE THE CONVERSATION CONNECT WITH FINE In the working group On the listserv Send us your ideas! Email:

  30. KEEP IN TOUCH CONTACT Tania Taranovski Director of Programs Farm to Institution New England CONNECT WITH FINE Photo courtesy of Intervale Food Hub

  31. THANKS FOR JOINING! Photo: Hampshire College


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