fair secure computation or how can i gain strategic

Fair Secure Computation (or how can I gain strategic advantage by - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Rump Session 2016 Fair Secure Computation (or how can I gain strategic advantage by breaking fairness) Alptekin Kp Ko University Fair Secure Computation ALPTEKN KP Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

  1. Rump Session 2016 Fair Secure Computation (or how can I gain strategic advantage by breaking fairness) Alptekin Küpçü Koç University

  2. Fair Secure Computation ALPTEKİN KÜPÇÜ Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

  3. Secure Multi-Party Computation X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 2

  4. Secure Multi-Party Computation X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 3

  5. Secure Multi-Party Computation Y 1 Y 2 Y 3 Y 4 Y 5 Y 6 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 4

  6. Secure Multi-Party Computation Y 3 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 5

  7. SMPC in a Corporate Setting I OWN Y 3 YOU 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 6

  8. Ideal World X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 7

  9. Ideal World Y 1 Y 2 Y 3 Y 4 Y 5 Y 6 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 8

  10. Real World X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 9

  11. Simulator X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 10

  12. Fairness Impossible in General  Assume a trusted Arbiter is available  Only trusted for fairness, not security  May collude with players  Should not learn input/output  Optimistically employed  Must be efficient (otherwise bottleneck) 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 11

  13. Fairness Impossible in General  Assume a trusted Arbiter is available  Only trusted for fairness, not security  May collude with players  Should not learn input/output  Optimistically employed  Must be efficient (otherwise bottleneck)  Ideal TTP Real Arbiter 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 12

  14. Fair and Secure Computation  Fairness extentions and Arbiter resolutions must be simulated 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 13

  15. Simulating Fairness X 1 X 2 SECURE 2PC SIMULATION FAIRNESS ARGUMENT 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 14

  16. Simulating Fairness X 1 X 2 SECURE and FAIR 2PC SIMULATION 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 15

  17. Fair and Secure Computation  Fairness extentions and Arbiter resolutions must be simulated  Otherwise the protocol may be insecure! 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 16

  18. Fair and Secure Computation  Fairness extentions and Arbiter resolutions must be simulated  Otherwise the protocol may be insecure!  Simulator may contact only when fairness is guaranteed 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 17

  19. Simulator X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 18

  20. Ideal World Y 1 Y 2 Y 3 Y 4 Y 5 Y 6 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 19

  21. Real World 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 20

  22. Fair and Secure Computation  Fairness extentions and Arbiter resolutions must be simulated  Otherwise the protocol may be insecure!  Simulator may contact only when fairness is guaranteed  Otherwise real and ideal world outputs are distinguishable 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 21

  23. Fair and Secure Computation  Fairness extentions and Arbiter resolutions must be simulated  Otherwise the protocol may be insecure!  Simulator may contact only when fairness is guaranteed  Otherwise real and ideal world outputs are distinguishable  Arbiter cannot harm security 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 22

  24. Our Solutions # Participants # Rounds # Messages 2 O(1) O(1) n O(1) O(n^2)  OPTIMAL asymptotic performance  Cut-and-choose or zero-knowledge  Malicious or covert  2PC or MPC 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 23

  25. Comparison  Compared to related works, we provide  Optimal asymptotic performance  Constant round (not gradual release)  No broadcast  Arbiter load independent of the circuit size  Do not require an external payment mechanism  In a competitive corporate setting, how can one value some output that is unknown beforehand?  Full simulation proofs  Arbiter cannot harm security  Also proven via simulation  Only fairness is lost if Arbiter colludes with malicious parties 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 24

  26. Our Papers  Reading  Kılınç and Küpçü, CT -RSA 2015, Optimally Efficient Multi-Party Fair Exchange and Fair Secure Multi-Party Computation  Kılınç and Küpçü, FC 2016, Efficiently Making Secure Two-Party Computation Fair  Küpçü and Mohassel, FC 2016, Fast Optimistically Fair Cut-and-Choose 2PC  Funding Acknowlegements  TÜBİTAK, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of TURKEY  COST Action IC1306 Cryptoaction 12 May 2016 Alptekin Küpçü - Koç University 25

  27. ALPTEKİN KÜPÇÜ Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering http://crypto.ku.edu.tr


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