F UL L E R MI DDL E SCHOOL F E ASI BI L I T Y ST UDY Sc ho o l Building Co mmitte e Me e ting No . 7 No ve mb e r 6, 2017 1. E duc a tio na l Pro g ra m Upda te 2. Pre limina ry Site Pla nning a nd Swing Spa c e Optio ns Re vie w
Fuller Middle School Feasibility Study School Building Committee Meeting No. 7 November 6, 2017
Fuller Middle School Feasibility Study School Building Committee Meeting No. 7 November 6, 2017
Fuller Middle School Feasibility Study School Building Committee Meeting No. 7 November 6, 2017
Fuller Middle School Feasibility Study School Building Committee Meeting No. 7 November 6, 2017
Fuller Middle School Feasibility Study School Building Committee Meeting No. 7 November 6, 2017
Fuller Middle School Feasibility Study School Building Committee Meeting No. 7 November 6, 2017
Co nstruc tio n Pha se Swing Spa c e Optio ns Assumptio n: 530 stude nts T e mpo ra ry Pro g ra m Va ria tio ns: 1-a ppro x. 94,000sf with c a fe to rium, no kitc he n 2-a ppro x. 85,000sf a b o ve , no g ym 3-a ppro x. 79,000sf a b o ve , no g ym, no c a fe to rium 4-a ppro x. 75,000sf a b o ve , no g ym, no c a fe to rium, no me dia c e nte r A - Mo ve stude nts to T BD Sc ho o l o r T o wn Pro pe rty B - Mo ve stude nts to e ithe r a ll o r po rtio n o f F a rle y C - Mo ve stude nts to te mpo ra ry mo dula r fa c ility o n site D - Re ta in stude nts in re duc e d fo o tprint po rtio n o f F ulle r with te mpo ra ry re no . E - Re ta in stude nts in re duc e d fo o tprint F ulle r with mo dula r a dditio n(s) Fuller Middle School Feasibility Study School Building Committee Meeting No. 7 November 6, 2017
BUS AND BUS DRIVERS’ PARKING Fuller Middle School Feasibility Study School Building Committee Meeting No. 7 November 6, 2017
SWING SPACE OPTION B Fuller Middle School Feasibility Study School Building Committee Meeting No. 7 November 6, 2017
SWING SPACE OPTION C Fuller Middle School Feasibility Study School Building Committee Meeting No. 7 November 6, 2017
SWING SPACE OPTION D Fuller Middle School Feasibility Study School Building Committee Meeting No. 7 November 6, 2017
Ne w F ulle r Middle Sc ho o l Optio ns: A - Re no va te E xisting F ulle r (swing spa c e A-C) B - Re no va tio n/ Additio n/ Pa rtia l De mo litio n We st F ulle r (swing spa c e o pt's A-C, E ) (No t Dra wn) C - Re no va tio n/ Additio n/ Pa rtia l De mo litio n E a st F ulle r (swing spa c e o ptio ns A-E ) D - Ne w Co nstruc tio n E a st (swing spa c e o ptio ns A-E ) E - Ne w Co nstruc tio n We st (swing spa c e o ptio ns A-C, E ) (No t Dra wn) Fuller Middle School Feasibility Study School Building Committee Meeting No. 7 November 6, 2017
ADD RENO OPTION C.1 Fuller Middle School Feasibility Study School Building Committee Meeting No. 7 November 6, 2017
ADD RENO OPTION C.2 Fuller Middle School Feasibility Study School Building Committee Meeting No. 7 November 6, 2017
NEW CONSTRUCTION OPTION D Fuller Middle School Feasibility Study School Building Committee Meeting No. 7 November 6, 2017
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