f inanc ial aid basic s

F inanc ial Aid Basic s Pr e se nte d by the Califor nia Stude - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

F inanc ial Aid Basic s Pr e se nte d by the Califor nia Stude nt Aid Commission Making e duc atio n be yo nd high sc ho o l financ ially ac c e ssible to all Califo r nians Age nda F AF SA vs. CA Dre a m Ac t Applic a tio ns AB

  1. F inanc ial Aid Basic s Pr e se nte d by the Califor nia Stude nt Aid Commission Making e duc atio n be yo nd high sc ho o l financ ially ac c e ssible to all Califo r nians

  2. Age nda • F AF SA vs. CA Dre a m Ac t Applic a tio ns • AB 540 / AB 2000 Re q uire me nts • F ina nc ia l Aid a nd DACA • Pa ying fo r Co lle g e • Ca l Gra nt / Middle Cla ss Sc ho la rship • T hing s to Re me mb e r Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  3. T he Applic ations Stude nts ne e d to c o mple te the F AF SA OR the CADAA Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  4. F AF SA or CADAA? F AF SA • US Citize n o r E lig ib le No n- c itize n CADAA • Undo c ume nte d Stude nts • DACA • No DACA – OK F AF SA • T PS Sta tus • U Visa Ho lde rs • Me e t AB540 re q uire me nts Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  5. AB540 Re quir e me nts Me e t a ll re q uire me nts:  High School 1. T IME AND COURSE WORK  Adult School  Atte nda nc e fo r 3+ ye a rs (o r the  Community College e q uiva le nt) a t a ny o f the  Max. 2 yrs of attendance in fo llo wing sc ho o ls in Ca lifo rnia credit courses can be used OR  3+ ye a rs o f e a rne d Hig h Sc ho o l c re dits with a total o f 3+ ye a rs  Elementary School o f to ta l a tte nda nc e a t a ny o f  Middle School the fo llo wing sc ho o ls in  High School Ca lifo rnia  Min. of 3 years total at any com bination of these schools to qualify Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  6. AB540 Re quir e me nts 2. De gr e e or T r ansfe r Re quir e me nts  Gra dua tio n fro m a CA Hig h Sc ho o l (o r the e q uiva le nt, GE D, HiSE T , T ASC, CHSPE ) or  E a rne d a n a sso c ia te ’ s de g re e fro m a CA Co mmunity Co lle g e or  Me t the minimum re q uire me nts to tra nsfe r to a CSU o r UC 3. Re giste r or e nr oll at an ac c r e dite d institution in CA 4. Non- r e side nt T uition E xe mption F or m  F ile with the c o lle g e o r unive rsity (AB 540 a ffida vit) Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  7. Cal Gr ant Awar ds • Stude nts must fill out a F AF SA or Califor nia 1 st , Dr e am Ac t Applic ation be ginning Oc tobe r c h 2 nd but no late r than Mar Application • Sc hools ne e d to submit stude nts’ GPAs • If all ste ps ar e c omple te d on time , stude nts will MARCH 2 be c onside r e d for a Cal Gr ant Cal Grant Consideration Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  8. Applic ation De adline MARCH Cal Gr ant applic ation de adline is Mar c h 2, 2019 2 for c ur r e nt high sc hool se nior s Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  9. Basic Cal Gr ant Re quir e me nts  U.S. Citize n, E lig ib le No n-Citize n*  So c ia l Se c urity Numb e r*  Ca lifo rnia Re side nt  Hig h Sc ho o l GPA  Atte nd E lig ib le Ca lifo rnia Co lle g e  E nro lle d a t L e a st Ha lf-T ime  Ma inta in Sa tisfa c to ry Ac a de mic Pro g re ss  No Ba c he lo r’ s De g re e E a rne d  No t in De fa ult o n Stude nt L o a n  Re g iste ring fo r Se le c tive Se rvic e  No t I nc a rc e ra te d * Additional Federal Requirem ents Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  10. Cal Gr ant A Cal Grant A GPA Minimum: 3.0 o Degree Requirements: o  Minimum 2 year program  Associate or Baccalaureate Degree Award Coverage: o  4 years of tuition & fees at eligible California schools Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  11. Cal Gr ant A Cal Grant B GPA Minimum: 2.0 o Degree Requirements: o  Minimum 1 year program  Certificate, Associate or Baccalaureate Degree Award Coverage: o  Tuition & fees at eligible California schools for years 2-4  $1,672 Access Award for 4 Years Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  12. Cal Gr ant C Cal Grant C GPA Minimum: None o Degree Requirements: o  At least 4 months in length  Occupational or technical program Award Coverage: o  CCC Up to $1,094 (Books and Supplies)  Eligible private/ vocational schools up to $2,462 in tuition/ fees + $547 for books/ supplies Special consideration for priority occupations Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  13. Cal Gr ant At- A- Glanc e A B C •1 st year: $1672 • Community • CSU - $5,742 College: $1,094 • UC - $12,570 •Each year after: Cal Grant • For-profit (non A + $1,672 WASC): • Non- • $4,000 Community College: • For Profit (WASC): • Up to $2,462 + • $8,056 $547 for books and supplies • Private non-profit: • $9,084 Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  14. Whic h Cal Gr ant is the Be st? All Cal Grants are beneficial! • Completing The FAFSA or the Dream Act Application means the students has applied for Cal Grant A , B and C • Most beneficial award given based on the student’s need • The FAFSA application is one stop shopping for most financial aid, including federal, state, institutional aid, work-study programs and loans. The California Dream Act Application does the same for undocumented students Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  15. 2019- 20 Cal Gr ant Pr ogr am Inc ome Ce ilings Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  16. Middle Class Sc holar ship E nr ollme nt Re quir e me nts • Up to 40% o f ma nda to ry sta te wide tuitio n a nd fe e s • UC Ma ximum a wa rd • Must b e e nro lle d a t a UC o r CSU a mo unt: $5,052 • Must b e e nro lle d a t le a st ½ time • CSU Ma ximum a wa rd 1 st Unde rg ra dua te pro g ra m • a mo unt: $2,298 Income ≤ $171,000 • Assets ≤ $171,000 • A c omple te d F AF SA or CADAA applic ation is all that is ne e de d Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  17. Chafe e Gr ant Assists current and former foster youth that were dependents or wards of the court, living in foster care, for at least 1 day between the ages of 16 and 18. • FAFSA/ California Dream Act Application (every year) • Chafee Grant Application (one-time) • Up to $5,000 per academic year • Beginning in 2018-19, for new applicants, the Chafee Grant can be renewed until the age of 2 6 (previously 23 years of age ) • Can be used at eligible schools outside of California Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  18. Othe r F inanc ial Aid Available • Ca lifo rnia Pro mise Gra nt (fo rme rly BOG F e e Wa ive r) • I nstitutio na l Aid • F e de ra l Pe ll Gra nt* • F e de ra l Wo rk study* • F e de ra l L o a ns* *F AF SA file rs o nly Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  19. Pr ivate Sc holar ships  FREE financial aid!  The majority will require the following:  Application  Letter of Recommendation (teacher, counselor, coach, etc.)  Transcript  Maybe an interview  Some will require a bit of creativity  www.fastweb.com  Google search

  20. FREE financial aid application workshops • Financial aid experts on hand to help complete • the application and answer financial aid questions Open to students and parents • Any school or organization can host • workshops Date Location Address Start End 12/4/2018 Educational Options Center 6401 Lincoln Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 2/27/2019 La SIerra High School 4145 La Sierra Ave, Riverside, CA 92505 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 2/27/2019 John W. North High School 1550 Third Street, Riverside, CA 92507 5:30 PM 7:30 PM 11/8/2018 Rubidoux High School 4250 Opal Street, Riverside, CA 2509 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  21. Afte r You Apply Afte r you apply… • Che c k yo ur e ma il (CSAC, fina nc ia l a id o ffic e , De pt. o f E duc a tio n) • Cre a te a We b Gra nts a c c o unt: www.we bgr ants4stude nts.or g • Co mple te a ny o utsta nding re q uire me nts with yo ur c a mpus fina nc ia l a id o ffic e , suc h a s: • AB 540 a ffida vit • Se le c tive Se rvic e re g istra tio n (ma le s 18 – 25) • Othe rdo c ume nts to c o mple te ve rific a tio n • Re ne w yo ur fina nc ia l a id e ve ry ye a r (F AF SA o r CA Dre a m Ac t) • Se a rc h fo r sc ho la rship re so urc e s Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  22. T hings to Re me mbe r Apply e ar ly • F AF SA o r CA Dre a m Ac t • Be g inning Oc to b e r1 Apply be for e the de adline • Ca l Gra nt & Middle Cla ss Sc ho la rship (Ma rc h 2) • CSAC must re c e ive GPA ve rific a tio n b y Ma rc h 2 • Be a wa re o f fina nc ia l a id de a dline s a t yo ur sc ho o l Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .

  23. F und Your F utur e Magazine http:/ / www.fundyo urfuture .o rg Making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians .


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