extra curricular athletic fees

EXTRA-CURRICULAR & ATHLETIC FEES Present & Future May 11, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sharon Public Schools EXTRA-CURRICULAR & ATHLETIC FEES Present & Future May 11, 2010 Based on FY10 Numbers FEE BASED SERVICES & PROGRAMS Revolving Accounts Busing Kindergarten (not part of this report at this time)

  1. Sharon Public Schools EXTRA-CURRICULAR & ATHLETIC FEES Present & Future May 11, 2010 Based on FY’10 Numbers

  2. FEE BASED SERVICES & PROGRAMS  Revolving Accounts  Busing  Kindergarten (not part of this report at this time)  Sports (athletics)  Activity Funds:  Elementary Schools Extra-Curriculars  Middle School Extra-Curriculars  Field Trips  Middle School – Intramurals  High School – Extra-Curriculars, Athletics, & Student Class Dues

  3. Why Examine? • Transparency True Costs Parent Fees School Budget Costs • Consistency What gets funded • Equity Staff Pay Fees • SPS Goals Document • NEASC Requirement [New England Association of Schools & Colleges]

  4. ISSUES  New Clubs - how established & funded  Existing Clubs - how reviewed  Staffing - how hired & funded, job descriptions  Fees - how determined, who pays?

  5. New Extra-Curriculars & Clubs Recommendations  Process:  Administration is working to streamline process for establishing new clubs.  Requires STA negotiations  Funding:  What is supported by the budget?  What is supported by fees?  What is supported in other ways?

  6. Existing Extra-Curriculars & Clubs Recommendations  Prioritize Needs: Establish review process to determine when clubs are not meeting student needs or are too expensive compared to student enrollment.  Timeline: Recommendations for Final FY11 budget prior to start of 2010-11 school year.

  7. Staffing Recommendations  Establish Quantifiable/Accurate Pay Formula for Staff  Establish Advisor Job Descriptions  Establish Improved Evaluation Tool  These items will be negotiated with Sharon Teachers Association per new 2010-2013 contract.

  8. BUSING • Those in grades K-6 who live more than 2 miles from their school receive busing at no cost per state law. • Children with special requirements in their IEP (Individual Education Plan) receive free transportation via school vans. • Those on free/reduced lunch receive transportation at no cost or at a reduced cost. • All others who ride bus pay $500/student. (Fee is determined by the actual cost of the service.)

  9. KINDERGARTEN • Half day Kindergarten is free. • Children with special requirements for full day services in their IEP (Individual Education Plan) may receive free full day Kindergarten. • Those on free/reduced lunch receive full day Kindergarten at no cost or at a reduced cost. • All others pay $3,885/student for full day K (2010-2011 rate). (Fees are reviewed annually to ensure that they are adequate to cover costs, and not excessive.)

  10. ESTABLISHED FEES Field Trips, Extra-Curriculars, Sports • Field Trip: Depends on trip. • Elementary Schools: No established fees. • Middle School – Intramurals: $50 – Track: $85 – Musical: $20 – Drama: $10 • High School – Extra-Curriculars/Clubs – Frisbee: $75 • High School - Sports – $275/$200/$75

  11. ESTABLISHED FEES Class Dues • Determined and collected by students, not School Committee or SHS. • Helps pay for class events, fundraisers, gifts, & reunions. – Freshmen $ 10 – Sophomores $ 20 – Juniors $ 30 – Seniors $ 40 • If there are other fees, please contact Superintendent’s Office.

  12. INSIDE VS. OUTSIDE STUDENT SCHOOL DAY • Elementary Schools Outside: East-newspaper, Cottage-chorus, Heights-Marimba Inside: DUO, CSL • Middle School Outside: Musical, Drama, Intramurals, Track, MathCounts, Math League, Marimba, Yearbook, SEMSBA Inside: ADL/CHILL, Student Council Both: Chorus, Band, CSL • High School Both: Class Advisors, Chorus, Band, Student Council, ADL, CSL, Morning Announcements Outside: Everything else

  13. How are After School Activities Funded? for activities that occur exclusively outside student school day at the Elementary and Middle Schools? Fees Ticket FAME School Total Sales Budget Elementary $0 $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 100% Middle $21,700 $16,754 $1,100 $19,882 $59,436 37% 28% 2% 33%

  14. How are Activities Funded? for activities that occur exclusively outside SHS student school day? Fees Ticket FAME School Total Sales Budget SHS – $2,700 $22,113 $3,156* $71,449 $99,418 3% Clubs 22% 3% 72% (Frisbee) & Theater • *Please note that FAME also contributes on average approximately $5,700 to the SPS in-school arts, music, and drama programs across the district. The contribution to outside school activities is an average FAME contribution based on 2 years of data.

  15. How are Sports Funded? for activities that occur exclusively outside SHS student school day? Fees Ticket Boosters School Total Sales Budget Ath Dept. Student SHS- $154,040 $28,877 $19,000* $346,000*** $572,789 Sports 27% 5% + 60% $24,671** = $43,671 8% *This figure includes the Boosters contribution for this fiscal year, as well as the amount raised by Athletic Dept. fundraisers. Annual contributions vary. **This figure includes what student sports clubs raised and contributed for FY’09. This number varies greatly from year to year. ***Includes $11,000 which represents the approximate annual athletic revolving budget deficit. It also includes an estimate of other costs for spring sports that are covered by the school budget.

  16. How are Activities Funded? for activities that occur exclusively outside student school day? Fees Ticket Private School Total Sales Fundraisers Budget Elementary $0 $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 100% Middle $21,700 $16,754 $1,100 $19,882 $59,436 37% 28% 2% 33% SHS – $2,700 $22,113 $3,156 $71,449 $99,418 3% Clubs & 22% 3% 72% (Frisbee) Theater SHS- $154,04 $28,877 $43,671 $346,000 $572,789 0 Sports 5% 8% 60% 27%

  17. Funding Questions to Consider  How do we create equity?  How can we fund all needed items?  Should we create extra-curricular activities fee?  Can we/should we move any costs into the school budget?  Athletic Fees?  Bus Fees?  Kindergarten Fees?  Should we establish other gate fees?


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