experimental upper limits on ultra high frequency



  1. EXPERIMENTAL UPPER LIMITS ON (ULTRA) HIGH-FREQUENCY GRAVITATIONAL WAVES AND PROSPECTS FOR MORE: MAGNETIC CONVERSION DETECTORS AND CORRELATED INTERFEROMETRY Hartmut Grote, Cardiff University ICTP workshop, Trieste 14/10/2019 Work in collaboration with: Aldo Ejlli, Mike Cruise, Damian Ejlli, and Giampaolo Pisano

  2. Joseph Weber: Pioneer of GW detection 1969: Sensitivity ~10 million times less that IFO’s today.

  3. John A. Wheeler He [Weber] threw himself with religious fervor at the gravitational waves and pursued them for the rest of his career. Sometimes I wonder if I didn’t fill him with too much enthusiasm for this monumental task.

  4. Michelson Interferometer

  5. Michelson, with additions... 4 optical resonators arranged around Michelson IFO Michelson-Morley experiment: Accuracy: 10^-8 m (10^-9 relative) Advanced Interferometer: 3-4 km arm-length 10m arm-length Accuracy: 10^-19 m (3 x 10^-23 relative), 100Hz BW

  6. Michelson, with additions... Measurement limited by Heisenberg uncertainty h ~ dx * dp (40kg masses) Michelson-Morley experiment: Accuracy: 10^-8 m (10^-9 relative) Advanced Interferometer: 3-4 km arm-length 10m arm-length Accuracy: 10^-19 m (3 x 10^-23 relative), 100Hz BW

  7. Other Interferometers Illustration: Josh Field

  8. Other Interferometers Illustration: Josh Field

  9. Japanese synchronous recycling interferometer (100 MHz)

  10. Fermilab ‘holometer’ interferometer (1-13 MHz) 2 x PRMI IFO

  11. Interferometry gets harder at high frequencies ■ h = dL / L → loss of strain (h) due to smaller L ■ Small L → small beam sizes → harder to operate high power to reduce shot noise

  12. The (inverse) Gertsenshtein effect ■ Gravitational-waves propagating in magnetic fjelds convert into photons. (G. A. Lupanov JETP 25, 76 (1967), Gertsenshtein, Sov. Phys., JETP 14, 84 (1962))

  13. Similarity: Axion search using laboratory static magnetic fjelds ■ Axions are generated in the magnetic fjeld coupled to two photons. ■ Axions, in the second region of the magnetic fjeld, decay into photons.

  14. ALPS ( A ny- L ike P article S earch) DESY Germany Gravitational wave B Magnet Magnet EM generation Light Detector Source Optical ■ barrier

  15. OSQAR ( O ptical S earch of Q ED, A xion and photon R egeneration) CERN Switzerland Gravitational wave B Magnet Magnet EM generation Light Detector Source Magnets provided from spare LHC particle  Optical accelerator working @ superfluid helium (2 barrier K). Magnetic fjeld Field: = 9 T.  𝐶 Magnet length: = 14.3 m.  𝑀 Photodetector @ 532 nm.  Data acquisition 2014-2015.  Excluded detection of physical signal @  95% confjdence interval.

  16. CAST ( C ERN A xion S olar T elescope) CERN Switzerland Magnet provided from spare LHC particle  accelerator working @ superfluid helium (2 K). Magnetic fjeld: 9 Tesla.  Length: 9 m.  X-Ray detector @ 3 nm.  Data acquisition 2013-2015.  Excluded detection of physical signal @ 95%  confjdence interval.

  17. GWs upper limits: ALPS, OSQAR, CAST Detectors ■ Cannot be pointed deliberately to the emitting sources, except CAST ■ GWs upper limits at Ultra-High-Frequencies (UHF): optical 5x10 14 Hz and X-ray 10 18 Hz Suited sources ■ Cosmological sources: stochastic, isotropic, stationary, and Gaussian gravitational-waves. ■ UHF GWs candidates: Primordial black holes (PHB), thermal GWs from the Sun.

  18. Parameters necessary to compute the characteristic amplitude ■ detected number of photons per second, ■ cross-section of the detector, ■ magnetic fjeld amplitude, ■ distance extension of the magnetic fjeld, ■ frequency of the detector ■ quantum effjciency of the detector

  19. UHF GW characteristic amplitude upper limits ArXiv 1908:00232

  20. STRAIN UPPER LIMITS -10 10 waveguide -13 10 CQG 23 , 22 (2006) -16 10 0.75m PRL 101 , 101101 (2008) -19 10 Strain [1/√Hz] -22 10 graviton-magnon Fermilab LIGO resonance -25 10 Holometer (arXiv:1903.04843v2) PRD 95 , 063002 (2017) -28 10 -31 10 -34 10 our work -37 10 (arXiv:1908.00232) -40 10 0 10 2 10 4 10 6 10 8 10 10 10 12 10 14 10 16 10 18 10 20 10 Frequency [Hz]

  21. STRAIN UPPER LIMITS -10 10 waveguide -13 10 CQG 23 , 22 (2006) -16 10 0.75m PRL 101 , 101101 (2008) -19 10 Strain [1/√Hz] -22 10 graviton-magnon Fermilab LIGO resonance -25 10 Holometer (arXiv:1903.04843v2) PRD 95 , 063002 (2017) -28 10 -31 10 -34 10 our work -37 10 (arXiv:1908.00232) -40 10 0 10 2 10 4 10 6 10 8 10 10 10 12 10 14 10 16 10 18 10 20 10 Frequency [Hz] “Large signal” is here...

  22. Primordial black hole evaporation and upper limits ■ PBH evaporation: predicted stochastic isotropic UHF GWs background ■ Sun: thermal activity in core generates UHF GWs. - 20 - 25 Amplitude h c - 30 g - 35 - 40 g sun - 45 10 12 14 16 18 20 Frequency f [Hz]

  23. Graviton to photon mixing and future laboratory axion experiments ALPS II, JURA, IAXO ALPS II

  24. Graviton to photon conversion in resonant Fabry-Perot cavity, ALPS II and JURA

  25. Graviton to photon mixing and future laboratory axion experiments ALPS II, JURA, IAXO ALPS II JURA 960 960 new

  26. Graviton to photon mixing and future laboratory axion experiments ALPS II, JURA, IAXO IAXO

  27. Graviton to photon mixing and future laboratory axion experiments ALPS II, JURA, IAXO ALPS II (successor JURA ) IAXO A (m 2 ) N dark (Hz) B (T) L (m) F ✏ γ ⇡ 10 − 6 ⇡ 2 ⇥ 10 − 3 ALPS IIc 0.75 5.3 120 40000 ⇡ 10 − 6 ⇡ 8 ⇥ 10 − 3 JURA 1 13 960 100000 ⇡ 10 − 4 IAXO 1 ⇡ 21 2.5 25 -

  28. Prospects - 20 - 25 OSQAR CAST IAXO ALPS IIc Amplitude h c N u - 30 c l e o s y n t h e s JURA i s l i m i t - 35 g g g - 40 s u n - 45 10 12 14 16 18 20 Frequency f [Hz]

  29. A Hertz experiment? Weber’s / Sinsky’s idea: GW generator and matched detector Maybe possible for EM-GW / GW-EM conversion experiments?

  30. A Hertz experiment? Weber’s / Sinsky’s idea Maybe possible for conversion experiments?

  31. JURA could get close to detecting its generated gravitational waves JURA 960 960 new

  32. Interferometry up to ~100MHz A case for co-located interferometry for cross-correlation studies

  33. Cardiff co-located interferometers CAD Layout: A. Ejlli

  34. Cardiff co-located interferometers Multi-purpose facility for correlated interferometry: ● Technology development (squeezing and entangled squeezing for correlated interferometry) ● Quantization of space-time ● Dark matter searches ● High-frequency gravitational waves (1 - 100 MHz)

  35. Conclusions ■ We set upper limits on stochastic UHF GWs using data of laboratory axion search experiments. ■ The upgraded ALPS II, JURA, and IAXO are potential infrastructure for the stochastic UHF GWs detection. ■ UHF GWs of PBH evaporation are an investigation at the very early universe and observation at the Planck Scale.

  36. Questions ■ Should we be discouredged by being many orders of magnitude away from meaningful sensitivities? ■ What do you think about the value of a Hertz experiment? ■ Could funding be motivated for magnetic conversion detectors (as dedicated facilities or at least modifjcations of existing facilities)?


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