experiences of modelling of intermittent renewable energy

Experiences of Modelling of Intermittent Renewable Energy Tom Kober - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Experiences of Modelling of Intermittent Renewable Energy Tom Kober (ECN) JRC workshop on Addressing Flexibility in Energy System Models Petten, 4 Dec 2014 www.ecn.nl www.camecon.com Rationale Energy system models - strong tools for

  1. Experiences of Modelling of Intermittent Renewable Energy Tom Kober (ECN) JRC workshop on Addressing Flexibility in Energy System Models Petten, 4 Dec 2014 www.ecn.nl www.camecon.com

  2. Rationale • Energy system models - strong tools for long-term energy analysis • Renewable energy (RE) assessment requires modelling innovation • No single model covers all facets of the integration of RE o How can energy system models be improved to better represent intermittent RE?  Linkage with power models  Adopt model structure & data  Sensitivity analysis

  3. Wind production Germany: hourly profile vs. 12 time slices 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% Autumn Winter Spring Winter 60.0% Summer 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 -10.0% DE onshore DE offshore times_de onshore times_de offshore

  4. Power systems models  Detailed representation of the electricity system • What can energy system models learn? • How can they be linked? Two examples: – COMPETES (ECN) – E2M2s (IER)

  5. COMPETES electricity market model (ECN) • Optimization-based model (e.g. LP/MIP) • Formulations for different goals: 1. OPF Static Economic dispatch model with perfect competition (LP) 2. OPF Static Unit Commitment model with perfect competition (MIP) 3. Dynamic model (LP): • Two-period under perfect competition • Investments in the first period (generation + transmission) • Dispatch in the second period

  6. Modelling intermittent RE in COMPETES • Deterministic approach using hourly power factors or capacity factors per country or node • Capacity factors based on historic data: SODA Database, TradeWind Database, Websites European TSO’s • Future wind and solar profiles are similar to historic data • Future availability factors are scaled-up to reflect technological advancements (EWEA Pure Power report) • Curtailment allowed

  7. COMPETES Unit Commitment Model Objective: Minimize Total variable generation cost+ Min-Load costs+ Startup costs + load-shedding costs Integer decisions subject to − Power balance constraints: These constraints ensure demand and supply is balanced at each node at any time. − Generation capacity constraints: These constraints limit the maximum available capacity of a generating unit. − Cross-border transmission constraints: These limit the power flows between the countries for given NTC values. − Ramping up and Down constraints : These limit the maximum increase/decrease in generation of a unit between two consecutive hours − Minimum Load Constraints: These set the min generation level of a unit when it is committed (Relaxed for neighboring countries with aggregated capacities) − Minimum up and down times (Only for NL)

  8. Minimum load and corresponding costs for each unit in COMPETES Part-load LHV efficiency curves 100% 95% % of max efficiency 90% LHV efficiency as 85% Nuclear 80% PC 75% PC-CCS 70% IGCC 65% NGCC 60% NGCC-CCS 55% OCGT - Min Load Costs are incurred at Qmin 50% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% - Relaxation on minimum load for neighboring Production as % of max production countries

  9. COMPETES’ flexibility assumptions Start-up cost a Minimum load Ramp rate Decade of Technology (% of max (% of max ( € /MWinstalled Min up time Min down time commissioning capacity) capacity/hour) per start) Nuclear <2010 50 20 46 ±14 8 4 2010 50 20 46 ±14 8 4 >2010 50 20 46 ±14 8 4 Lignite and PC <2010 40 40 46 ±14 8 4 2010 35 50 46 ±14 8 4 >2010 30 50 46 ±14 8 4 IGCC <2010 45 30 46 ±14 8 4 2010 40 40 46 ±14 8 4 >2010 35 40 46 ±14 8 4 NGCC <2010 40 50 39 ±20 1 3 2010 30 60 39 ±20 1 3 >2010 30 80 39 ±20 1 3 OCGT <2010 10 100 16 ±8 1 1 2010 10 100 16 ±8 1 1 >2010 10 100 16 ±8 1 1 CHP <2010 10 90 16 ±8 1 1 2010 10 90 16 ±8 1 1 >2010 10 90 16 ±8 1 1 Sources [1-9] [1-8, 10] [11] [11] [11] Sources: [1] (Jeschke et al., 2012); [2] (Dijkema et al., 2009); [3] (OECD/IEA, 2012b); [4] (IEAGHG, 2012a); [5] (Klobasa et al., 2009); [6] (Balling, 2010); [7] (Hundt et al., 2010); [8] (Isles, 2012); [9] (Stevens et al., 2011); [10] (NETL, 2012b); [11] (Lew et al., 2012). a) Warm start-up costs are assumed for all technologies but OCGT. For OCGT, a cold start is assumed.

  10. Example: generation flexibility in the Netherlands 3000,0 Supply of domestic flexibility per technology (GWh) Demand to ramp up(GWh) 2000,0 1000,0 Decentralized CHP Res-e Nuclear Gas Other 0,0 Gas GT Gas CHP Gas CCGT -1000,0 Demand to ramp down Coal -2000,0 (GWh) -3000,0 2012 2017 2023 2012 2017 2023 Source: ECN-E--14-039 (2014)

  11. E2M2s (IER, Uni Stuttgart) • Electricity market model for Germany • All generation units • Inter-temporal optimisation • 144 time slices per year • Stochastic electricity production for wind and solar technology • Flexibility parameters for power plants – Ramp-up/down time & costs – Minimum load – Minimum down time

  12. Link energy system model and power market model Electricity consumption CHP electricity generation Fuel prices European TIMES Power market model (PanEU) model (E2M2s) Power plant costs RE-generation (policy) Long-term Long-term 12 timeslices 144 timeslices LP Stochastics Capacity credit for wind and solar System reserve capacity Generation from flexible units

  13. Example: wind capacity credit Germany (power market model) Capacity credit [%] ~150 TWh & ~60 GW in 2030 Source: IER Energieprognose 2009

  14. Adopting the energy system structure in TIMES • Energy system and technology parameters of intermittent RE depend on the technology’s market diffusion • Unless RE deployment is exogenous to the model, introduce different model processes to control parameters Parameter set z Parameter set y Parameter set x

  15. Improved data for TIMES energy system model • Capacity credit  NCAP_PKCNT • System reserve capacity  COM_PKRSV • Generation from flexible units  User constraints helps to model system flexibility that cannot be captured with low time resolution Negative balancing energy into 100% storages or flexible demand Positive reserve energy from 90% storages and flexible power plants 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700

  16. User constraints for flexible generation • Determine energy production from flexible units as share ( p,n ) of production from intermittent RE (e.g. based on power model) • per time slice • per level of RE deployment (different technology processes) • User constraint for positive energy: ElcGen (storages, GT, IC) ≥ p % ElcGen(wind, pv) • User constraint for negative energy: ElcCons(storages, flex demand) ≥ n % ElcGen(wind, pv)

  17. Storages in TIMES ● Pump storage ● Compressed air – Natural gas-CAES – Adiabate CAES ● Stationary battery systems – Natrium-Sulfid – Redox Flow ● Elektro mobility – E-vehicles loading from the grid only – E-vehicles to grid (V2G) ● Hydrogen storage ● Power-to-gas + storage

  18. CAES storages • Base: natural gas caverns • Existing storages: 36 • Cavern storage projects: 38 • Major storage regions: Germany, UK, Poland, France, Portugal, Spain • Max CAES capacity estimated: 19 GW (of which 6 GW in Germany) source: Gillhaus 2007

  19. Electricity infrastructure investments • Implemented via grid processes and Cost for transmission system extension 450 400 user constraints [Euro/kWnew capacity] 350 300 • Grid processes = solar and wind sector 250 Wind fuel processes (TIMES) 200 Solar PV 150 • 6 stages with costs up to 400 Euro/kW 100 50 refer to new installed capacity 0 0 100 200 300 400 Installed capacity [GW]  Good proxy but no trade-off between infrastructure investments and flexible generation / demand

  20. The ‘extreme’ timeslice • Problem: hours of negative residual load level out when annual wind/solar power generation profiles are reduced to 12 time slices (no negative electricity prices in the model)  Introduce daynite timeslice per season that characterizes this condition (equivalent to peak time slice) and/or change distribution of annual profile to timeslices • Analysis of wind/solar peaks and the load during these hours .300 Annual availability .250 .200 .150 .100 .050 .000 RD RN RP SD SN SP FD FN FP WD WN WP

  21. Conclusion • Model coupling is valuable • TIMES offers model framework to introduce flexibility mechanisms • Model link enables improved parameters for the energy system model (data and model structure to be adopted) • Challenge: incorporate trade-off between infrastructure investments and system flexibility

  22. Thank you! Tom Kober Policy Studies | Global Sustainability T: +31 88 515 4105 | F: +31 224 56 83 38 Radarweg 60, 1043 NT Amsterdam, The Netherlands kober@ecn.nl

  23. • Supplementary material


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