Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System 4th IEEE and Cigré International Workshop "Hydro Scheduling in Competitive Markets", Radisson Blu Royal Hotel in Bergen, Norway, Bergen, June 14th - 15th, 2012 Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland May 30, 2012 Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 1 / 22
Outline 1 Introduction The objectives of the paper Icelandic system overview with generation and resources 2 Generic model formulation 3 Modeling requirements and time frame LTM and STM interaction Zones for different time scales Time scale decomposition STM time scale representation 4 Conclusions Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 2 / 22
Introduction The objectives of the paper The objective of the paper Give an overview of generation, load and resources in the small island system of ICELAND. Discuss new markets and export with wind integration. Present a generic hydro based system operations problem. Discuss model objectives and time frame (scale) requirements for this problem Draw some conclusions regarding modeling approaches to meet future requirements Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 3 / 22
Introduction Icelandic system overview with generation and resources The Iceland Electrical Power System Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 4 / 22 Figure 1: xxx
Introduction Icelandic system overview with generation and resources Review of generation Total installed capacity in Iceland about 2.5 GW. Principal plants: Hydro: Geothermal: Kárahnjúkar (690 MW) Hellisheiði (303 MW) Búrfell (270 MW) Nesjavellir (120 MW) Hrauneyjafoss (210 MW) Reykjanes (100 MW) Blanda (150 MW) Svartsengi (75 MW) Sigalda (150 MW Krafla (60 MW) Sultartangi (120 MW) Bjarnarflag (3 MW) Sog (90 MW in 3 plants) Krafla (60 MW) Vatnsfell (65 MW) Straumsvík (35 MW) (Gas Andakíll (8 MW) turbine) Elliðaár (3 MW) Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 5 / 22
Introduction Icelandic system overview with generation and resources Location of Hydro and Geothermal Projects {Fig:rammi} Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 6 / 22
Introduction Icelandic system overview with generation and resources Geothermal stations Reykjanesvirkjun Svartsengi Kröflustö ð Nesjavallavirkjun {Fig:geo} Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 7 / 22
Introduction Icelandic system overview with generation and resources Hydroelectric stations Vatnsfellsstö ð Fljótsdalsstö ð Lagarfossstö ð Mjólkárvirkjun {Fig:hydro} Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 8 / 22
Introduction Icelandic system overview with generation and resources Dettifoss {Fig:dettifoss} Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 9 / 22
Introduction Icelandic system overview with generation and resources Primary energy use in Iceland from 1940 to 2010 Primary energy utilization (PJ) 250 Fractional breakdown: 100 Coal 200 Oil 80 60 Coal 150 40 Geothermal 20 100 Hydro 0 1950 1970 1990 2010 Oil Peat 50 Geothermal Hydro 0 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Mór Figure 2: Primary energy use in Iceland from 1940 to 2010 in PJ (PetaJoule) {Fig:r1} Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 10 / 22
Introduction Icelandic system overview with generation and resources Electrical energy sales of Landsvirkjun Energy Intensive Industry Landsvirkjun Electricity sales (TWh/year) General Demand Landsnet 14 (2007) Alcoa 12 Aluminium Century (1998) 10 Elkem (1979) 8 Alusuise 6 (1969) 4 2 0 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2011 Figure 3: Electrical energy sales of Landsvirkjun; 1966 - 2011 {Fig:lva} Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 11 / 22
Introduction Icelandic system overview with generation and resources Submarine cable interconnections 1 2 5 0 k m 1170 km k 1 9 0 0 k m 7 LEGEND: 6 0 k m Iceland HVDC Norned, link options 580 km (Under consideration) North Sea Supergrid (Proposed) Existing Figure 4: Iceland HVDC Cable Routes, NORNED and the North Sea Supergrid {Fig:hvdc} Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 12 / 22
Generic model formulation Model formulation p , x , v , s f ( p ) max (1) {eq:A1} f is the objective function representing benefit, such as income minus cost, and p is a vector of generation and load variables. (1) is subject to the following constraints, where (2) are the water balance equations with hydraulic network topology and deterministic inflow series: g w ( v , x , s ) = 0 (2) {eq:A2} v is a vector of reservoir volumes, x is the release and s is spill in all periods in all reservoirs. The vector of Lagrange multipliers, Λ w , with (2) are water values at each instant in each reservoir or (3), � T � Λ w = (3) λ w 1 , λ w 2 , {eq:A2x} · · · · · · Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 13 / 22
Generic model formulation Load, network and market constraints Equation (4) are the load, network and market constraints: (See (8) below) g L ( p ) = 0 (4) {eq:A3} Similarly, the vector of Lagrange multipliers, Λ L , associated with (4) are the shadow power prices at each instant at each node, or (5), � T � Λ L = (5) λ L 1 , λ L 2 , {eq:A3x} · · · · · · Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 14 / 22
Generic model formulation Technical generation constraints The technical generation constraints are in (6), representing, for instance, the nonlinearities and head dependence in hydro stations: g t ( p , x , v ) = 0 (6) {eq:A4} Finally upper and lower bounds on all the variables are defined by (7): p min � p � p max v min � v � v max (7) {eq:A5} x min � x � x max s � 0 Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 15 / 22
Generic model formulation Subvector for generation/power flow This above definition can be represented by sub-vectors: p g p = p s (8) {eq:A6} p m For all periods: p g is vector of generated power in hydro and thermal, (Wind is assumed a deterministic input) p s is a vector of the power flow in the electrical network, for instance using a DC/linear load flow representation (No voltage or phase angle). p m , is a vector of sold energy for instance on the spot market. Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 16 / 22
Modeling requirements and time frame LTM and STM interaction Long and short term models u S Long term Short term model model LTM STM u L Figure 5: LTM with time step of a ”week”and a horizon of years. STM with a time step of 30 minutes and a horzon of weeks. Interacting variables (vectors) are u L and u S {Fig:shortlong} Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 17 / 22
Modeling requirements and time frame Zones for different time scales A generic power system v t, 3 Zone 1 x t, 3 p g,t, 3 Hydro (3) v t, 2 LEGEND: Electrical transmission line Electrical substation/bus Water flow v t, 1 x t, 2 Electrical load/customers/market Reservoir p g,t, 2 Time series inflow with inflow x t, 1 Hydro (2) Electrical generator Zone 1 where short term phenomena such p g,t, 1 Hydro (1) Zone 2 with both as daily reservoir STM and LTM fluctuations may be given the negligible. Therefore presence of short LTM may suffice term phenomena Other (5) p g,t, 5 Wind (4) "loads" Electricity spot market or specific Zone 2 contracts/customers {Fig:sys2} Egill Benedikt Hreinsson University of Iceland () Expansion and Operation Strategies in a Renewable and Hydro-Based Island Power System May 30, 2012 18 / 22
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