excellent optics designed for personal visual needs

Excellent Optics designed for personal visual needs Nova 3di i - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The next t developm lopmen ent t step ep in Progres ressiv ive e lens nses es F ree-form technology is a logical extension of Design by Prescription. Nova 3di uses high-tech computer-aided ray tracing technology to deliver the

  1. The next t developm lopmen ent t step ep in Progres ressiv ive e lens nses es F ree-form technology is a logical extension of Design by Prescription. Nova 3di uses high-tech computer-aided ray tracing technology to deliver the most advanced progressive-lens technology in the market. It allows to incorporate specific design onto a lens blank without having to compromise visual acuity, as seen with traditional progressive lens designs. Nova 3di eliminates unwanted radial astigmatic error, the most common cause of non-adaptation in patients with presbyopia. Fabul ulous us! Experi erienc ence e a three ee dimensio nsional nal vision.

  2. Freeform eform T echn hnolo ology gy with h Nova 3di I nstead of producing progressive lenses with external progression and grinding the spherical and cylindrical powers onto the back of the lens-as was done in the past – the whole prescription of the patient can be applied on the lens back surface and individually calculated – thanks to freeform technology. A nalogical to the technology used with multi-aspherical single vision lenses, Nova 3di eliminates emerging distortions in the far vision zone and in the periphery of the progressive zone almost entirely out of the wearer’s viewing field due to the calculation of a multitude of single dots on the surface.

  3. Every y indi divid vidual al is uniqu ique E veryone’s face is unique and so along with the standard prescription values for your lenses, individual values are also determined, which can be obtained by only one person- you!

  4. Maximum Optics Active Design Result Excellent Optics designed for personal visual needs

  5. Nova 3di i – Retina ina Forwa ward rd Design ign Y ou will notice a slight divergence between measured and ordered values with Nova 3di, due to the fact that we automatically adapt the lens power based on the angle of inclination, BVD and the object distances relevant for different viewing fields. Conventional Lens-results in RFD-lead to clear vision in every over/under correction. lens zone.

  6. Far vision preference T hree different designs for varying requirements Based on power details we automatically select the Balanced design one design out of three design which is best for your customer. Near vision preference

  7. Autom tomatic atic Inset set W hereas conventional progressive lenses do not differentiate between a customer with a large P .D and high power plus lenses and a customer with a small PD and high power minus lenses, Nova 3di offers your customers an individualized inset. Inset automatically calculated based on: - Addition power, PD, Prism, Fitting height - Natural working distance - Age

  8. Opti timum support pport of eye movem ements ents T he selection of the ideal progressive corridor length and the optimum inset enable a perfect co-ordination of the progressive corridor lengths of both progressive lenses. This results in perfect binocular vision and an outstanding 3D perception. Nova 3di Progressive Conventional Progressive

  9. Cont ntrast rast-rich rich vision ion with h Nova 3di Conventional Progressive Nova 3di Progressive

  10. Always ways the right ht progres ressiv ive e corrid idor or length th ! Nova 3di- we adapt the progressive corridor length precisely to the desired fitting height between 14mm to 22mm

  11. Frame ame Paramet ameters ers: 1. Frame type. 2. Lens height (B height) 3. Lens width (A height) 4. Bridge width ( DBL )

  12. Measu asuremen ement t of Pup upillar illary Dist stanc ance 1 Pupillary Distance is the first & most important factor for a natural vision by the progressive wearer.

  13. Determ erminin ining g Pup upil il Height ght 2 Pupil Height: is required to determine the comfortable fitting height as per the frame height.

  14. Measu asuremen ement t of Back Verte tex x Distan tance. ce. 3 Back vertex distance is essential for the quality of the vision, measuring the distance ensures that the lens is tailored for the best level of vision.

  15. gle ( ( FFA ) Measu asuremen ement t of Face e Form m Angle 4 Each frame has different curvature and Hence fits differently on the face, hence facial wrap is very critical for individual lenses to minimize distortions.

  16. Measu asuremen ement t of Pant ntas ascopi copic Angle le 5 Pantascopic Tilt ensures that the eyes are looking at the correct part of lenses for most comfortable vision. Ideally pantascopic tilt should be between 8 degree to 12 degree.

  17. Opti timum set of coating ings Y ou get the benefit of our latest set of coatings:  Hard coat  Multi super anti-reflective coating.  Super hydrophobic coating.  Scratch resistance

  18. Avail ilabi abilit lity 1.50 1.60 1.67 1.74 Poly Trivex -8.10 -10 to -11 to -12 to -10 to -9 to Range to +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 Transitions Polarised Diameter < 70 mm Addition 0.75 to 3.5 D

  19. Nova 3di i – Featu tures res at a Glanc nce Freeform T echnology with 100% back-  surface design. The frame dimensions/individual  parameters. Visual behavior and lifestyle of the  patient. Inset automatically chosen.  Retina forward design.  Advanced technology for thin lenses  especially at near. Individual progression length.  Perfect support of eye movement. 

  20. Conc nclu lusion ion Exact specifications provided. More precise the lenses. Usable range of vision Increase wearer’s tolerance ECP & Patient’s Complete Nova 3di Satisfaction T hanks to pioneering, innovative production technology, what was considered impossible in the past has now become reality. The result is astounding!!!

  21. Digital gital Galaxy xy – At a Glanc nce

  22. WLC Ltd 73-77 Gloucester Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 2DL Tel: 020 8683 2902 Email: orders@wlclens.co.uk Fax: 020 8684 8826 Web: www.wlclens.co.uk SURFACED LENS ORDER FORM Ordered By: Account No: Date: Patient Ref: Sph Axis Prism Base Addition Cyl R L COATINGS SURFACED SINGLE VISION Tick Tick Tick Hardcoat Standard 19mm PLASTIC Individual HMC Short Cor. 17mm GLASS No fitting height is required as Nova 3Di are tailor made to the exact frame FREE FORM & facial measurements provided in the Pristine USH + Xtra Short Cor. 15mm SINGLE VISION boxs below. Fitting heights of between Tick 14 & 23mm are determined by the lab. Tiny 13mm Glass MAR STANDARD SV TINT COLOUR SPORT Tick Nova Vista Base Curve Standard 19mm PLASTIC Base BIFOCALS Tick Short Cor. 17mm POLYCARBONATE Mono D28 Bifocal Xtra Short Cor. 15mm GLASS Grad. % ABS D35 Bifocal All Free Form Lenses must be ordered Short with a tint as they cannot be tinted after C28 Bifocal Cor. Tick Std PROGRESSIVES LENSES manufacture. FREE FORM PROGRESSIVE LENSES Standard 19mm SHAPE NUMBER PLASTIC Round 28 Bifocal Executive Bifocal GLASS Short Cor. 17mm LENS INDEX DIAMETER LENS MATERIAL Please specify Type of Material / Transitions etc. WLC-1 WLC-2 WLC-3 WLC-4 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS WLC-5 WLC-6 WLC-7 WLC-8 FRAME SHAPE Right Eye FRAME MEASUREMENTS R. HT Please indicate Location Holes for Rimless R L Right PD Left PD Nazal R. PD DBL . . B L. HT Right Left E.D H.T H.T L. PD A 3Di digit al Lenses Full Rim A B ED DBL ar e a t ailor m ade I ndiv idual design w hich incor por at e Rimless addit ional f acial Back Face Panto m easur em ent s t o Vertex Form Supra Tilt pr oduce a t ot ally Dist. Angle Measurements bespok e pr oduct . To Provide the best Possible Lens Form either draw the frame shape in the box above or choose from one of the 8 shapes provided. EDGE THICKNESS Minimum Edge Rimless Edge Thickness Supra Edge Thickness PLEASE SPECIFY EDGE ORDER No: 123456 Thickness 0.5mm THICKNESS IN BOX ABOVE PLUS POWERS 1.5mm if not Stated 1.8mm if not Stated


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