example of community engaged learning report presentation

Example of Community Engaged Learning Report & Presentation - PDF document

Example of Community Engaged Learning Report & Presentation DHYG 410 Description: In this report and presentation you will utilize the concept of situational analysis to draw attention to the social determinants of health and societal

  1. Example of Community Engaged Learning Report & Presentation DHYG 410 Description: In this report and presentation you will utilize the concept of situational analysis to draw attention to the social determinants of health and societal structures that infmuence both the individual and the organization characteristics of a community partner and special care population that you worked with. The report is designed to document your community experience and demonstrate your understanding of a particular community organization and special care population. We will be looking for your ability to collect credible assessment data through scientifjc literature, grey literature and community organization resources, utilize this information to develop a program and how you implemented and evaluated your activities. This will require you to refmect thoughtfully about your community experiences. The presentation of your report will be your opportunity to inform your peers, faculty members and community guests about the program you developed and to lead a thoughtful discussion on lessons learned and future considerations. Competencies: Dental Hygiene Competencies Assessed Include: Knowledge of Discipline X Health Promotion X Professionalism X Disease Prevention X Communication X Oral Health Education X Collaboration X Advocacy X Coordination X Policy Use X Research Use X Clinical Therapy X Leadership X Scientifjc Investigation Directions: The following points provide detailed information about this assignment which is worth 10% of your total grade. To complete the assignment you need to arrange your report to demonstrate the process of care (ADPIE) that you implemented. Students at each community organization will work as a team to complete this assignment. 1/4

  2. Example of Community Engaged Learning Report & Presentation Assessment: 1. Acquire information, both longitudinal and cross-sectional data about the special population and the community organization supporting them through multiple sources such as journals, reports and organizational resources. 2. Develop a profjle of your special care population regarding their physical, economic, social, cultural and political environment. Assess both the internal and external environment. The Precede-proceed model frames assessment in the community context in the following way: • Social assessment • Epidemiological assessment • Behaviour and environmental assessment • Education and ecological assessment • Administrative and policy assessment You may also wish to explore the Oral-Health Related Quality of Life Model. This model draws attention to the following: • Health • General quality of life • Preclinical disease • Environmental infmuences • Biological/ physiological factors • Sciocultural infmuences • Health perceptions • Economic infmuences • Symptom status • Characterists of the individual • Functional staus The wording may be slightly difgerent but each of these models draw attention to the social determinants of health and societal structures that infmuence both the individual and the organization characteristics. 3. Identify policies infmuencing the oral health and quality of life of your special care population. 4. Look for alignment of data and relationships between data. 5. Analyze and refjne the relationships you perceive through the exploration of literature. You may wish to use some mind mapping / decision trees to identify the relationships. If you conduct an internet search of either of these terms you will fjnd lots of guidance in this area. 6. Interpret your fjndings by articulating the relationships you see and the rationale to support their existence. 2/4

  3. Example of Community Engaged Learning Report & Presentation 7. Document your assessment fjndings through the following SWOT headings: • Strength of their situation concerning oral health and quality of life, • Weaknesses of their situation regarding oral health and quality of life, • Opportunities to maintain and improve their oral health and quality of life, and • Threats and challenges to their oral health and quality of life. Diagnosis: 1. Identify gaps in and problems with current oral health services for your special care population and community organization. Plan: 1. Identify practicable/ workable and sustainable activities and programs that are most likely to improve your community organization and your special care population’s oral health and quality of life and how. 2. Prioritize these opportunities and support the prioritization with rationales. Implementation: 1. Describe the activities (clinical, educational, advocacy, volunteer) that you implemented at your community organization. Resources such as pamphlets that you designed need to be added as an Appendix. Evaluation: 1. Describe the impact of your program. This can be based on the types and numbers of services provided, client and/or site satisfaction, cost analysis, etc. 2. Develop a conclusion for your program that includes lessons learned and recommendations for the future. 3. Give appropriate credit to the work of others through quotations and citations. Refer to the following website for guidance in this area. How to avoid plagiarism: http://learningcommons.ubc.ca/resource-guides/avoiding- plagiarism/ It is also essential for you to be aware of the consequences of plagiarism so do also visit the site below to ensure you are familiar with the UBC academic policies in this area. The consequences of plagiarism. UBC’s academic policies: https://academic.ubc.ca/ support-resources/ubc-policies-guidelines 4. Submit your report to your instructor 1 week prior to your presentation date. 5. Develop and deliver a 15-minute professional presentation for your classmates, faculty members and community guests to identify the highlights of your community experience and your special care population. Refer to the rubric at the end of this fjle for more information about how you will be graded. 3/4


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