evidence informed policy making seminar

EVIDENCE INFORMED POLICY MAKING SEMINAR The European Commissions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EVIDENCE INFORMED POLICY MAKING SEMINAR The European Commissions science and knowledge service Joint Research Centre Integrated Food Insecurity Phase Classification (IPC) in Africa Joysee Rodrguez Baide, Duaa Sayed, Feroz Ahmed and Brian

  1. EVIDENCE INFORMED POLICY MAKING SEMINAR The European Commission’s science and knowledge service Joint Research Centre

  2. Integrated Food Insecurity Phase Classification (IPC) in Africa Joysee Rodríguez Baide, Duaa Sayed, Feroz Ahmed and Brian Musaga. 2

  3. Integrated Food Security Phase Classification The European Commission’s science and knowledge service Joint Research Centre Integrated Food Insecurity Phase Classification (IPC) in Africa Part 1: Overview of IPC Joysee Rodríguez Baide, Duaa Sayed, Feroz Ahmed and Brian Musaga. 3

  4. Objectives 1. Explain what is Food Security and what IPC is 2. Explain and describe the IPC approach and value for decision support 3. Explain the purpose and importance of building technical consensus 4. Describe the value added of IPC 5. Describe the IPC Functions, Tools and Procedures 4

  5. Course Techniques Explanations Discussions Practical exercises 5

  6. What is your understanding of Food Security? 6

  7. What is the Food Security? Widely accepted definition: “Food Security Exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life” (World Food Summit 1996)… 1. A comprehensive concept, hence a complex subject 7

  8. FSN- Multiple measures and assessment approaches Often leading to lack of consistency, standard understanding of concepts, and transparency 8

  9. Why IPC? To solve inconsistencies in Food Insecurity and Malnutrition assessments, such as lack of: -Common language for food insecurity and nutrition classifications -Consistency, standards and transparency -Clarity and consensus over results 9

  10. What is the IPC? A set of protocols to classify the severity and causes of food insecurity and provide actionable knowledge by consolidating wide-ranging evidence A process for building technical consensus among key stakeholders 10

  11. Comparability over space IPC Phase 3 in one area of the country represents the same severity as Phase 3 in other areas IPC Phase 3 represents the same severity across countries, continents etc. 11

  12. Comparability over time Changes in the situation over time can be assessed for the same area for • Current period • Projected period • Previous season • Last year 12

  13. Convergence of evidence approach • Necessary due to: – Inherent complexity of food security analysis – Data limitations – The need to contextualize indicators – Use of various indicators for the same element, direct and indirect evidence, convergence across all elements needed to arrive to final classification 13

  14. Convergence of evidence • Classification done based on convergence of all available evidence, including contributing factors and outcomes. Open to any reliable evidence. • Wide ranging evidence referenced against common standards. Reference Table does not a priori weigh evidence, however for each analysis, different importance may be given depending on context and reliability of evidence • Classification can be done with minimal evidence, and through convergence make the best use of available information; however, a minimum “evidence level” should be reached • Using Critical & Logical Analysis following protocols Aiming for ‘best fit’ of evidence, however, some evidence may not point to the • same phase  Need to consider issues of reliability (timing, representativeness) and other factors 14

  15. Integrated Analysis Bringing together information from various sectors : Market Data – Economic Data – Climatic Data – Agricultural Data (calendars, seasonality, – production, yields, etc.) Socio-economics (livelihood sources, – food sources, income levels), etc. ETC.. And from various sources National Governments – NGOs – UN Agencies – Technical Agencies – 15

  16. Simplifying Complexity Various scattered evidence Transformed into concise and meaningful information 16

  17. Key feature of IPC: Technical Consensus Food security and malnutrition analysis requires expertise from a wide range of disciplines as well as in-depth knowledge of the local context. Brings together experts from different disciplines and perspectives to evaluate and debate the evidence culminating in the final classification. 17

  18. Why is it Important to have Purpose evidence Technical Consensus? 18

  19. Importance of Technical Consensus based on standards, transparency and evidence Purpose evidence Unified Conclusions – It ensures that the results will be more widely accepted, and acted upon in a coordinated manner. Multi-Stakeholder Ownership – Accountability – Increased rigor – – Consensus building is key to promotion of rigorous and unbiased food security and nutrition classifications. 19

  20. The main goal of IPC To contribute to end all forms of hunger and malnutrition via generation of evidence based information for decision making. What decisions it informs: Humanitarian and development interventions planning Development policy and program design in FSN 20

  21. Relevance for decision making • What are the key questions that decision makers • would have to get answerers about for taking action • In food security ? • • What would they need to know about • The food insecurity situation? 21

  22. Relevance for decision making • Provides core answers to six key questions: 1. How severe is the situation? 2. Where are the food insecure? 3. How many people are food insecure? 4. Who are the food insecure? 5. When will people be food insecure? 6. Why are people food insecure? 22

  23. How does the IPC Work? Functions Communicating Building Classifying Severity & Quality for Action Consensus Identifying Causes Assurance SELF ASS. TOOL COMMUNI- ANALYTICAL REFERENCE ANALYSIS CATION EXT. QUALITY TWG MATRIX FRAMEWORK TABLES WORKSHEETS TEMPLATE REVIEW Tools Procedures Multi-agency Understanding Transparently, Transforming Assuring Referencing stakeholders evidence with methodically & analyses into for quality evidence to do an integrated consensually concise against collaborative Analytical analyzing information for internationa analysis Framework evidence for action l standards 23 23

  24. Main Tools and Procedures for Classifying Severity and Identifying Causes 24

  25. FS Analytical Framework Shows the relationships between FS elements Highlights elements that often are also link to non-FS factors Makes a distinction between primary and secondary outcomes Outlines the links between FS contributing factors as well as feedbacks between these and FS outcomes. 25

  26. Reference table Describes the meaning of each • phase/level Provides broad/indicative priority • response objectives per phase/level Specify provides thresholds for each • indicator under each element Outcomes Contributing factors Includes all the direct evidence that • can be included in IPC analysis 26

  27. Analysis worksheets Allows analysts to organize, document and understand/analyze the evidence available Leads analysts to advance in a step by step manner with the analysis. 27

  28. Links between analysis tools What is the IPC? Food Consumption is an Outcome element in the Analytic Framework. Various indicators can inform this element A set of protocols to classify the The Reference Table gives overall description and severity and causes of food insecurity indicative thresholds to classify key global indicators and provide actionable knowledge by of Food Consumption consolidating wide-ranging evidence Statements analyzing and concluding on available indicators will A process for building technical be included in the Food Consumption Outcome consensus among key stakeholders Box 28 28

  29. Worksheets in two formats Paper based (AMN, AFI,CFI) Electronic (AFI,CFI): organized in the IPC Information Support System (ISS). Compiles all worksheets, each as a separate tab 29

  30. The value-added of IPC Global standard as it provides a common language for FSI assessments • Integrated FSN analysis that incorporates a wide range of evidence • thereby simplifying complexity in FNS Applicable at any scale • Convergence of evidence approach following specific protocols • Based on technical consensus • Comparability over space and time • Early warning for FI and AMN situations with use of projections • Transparence through evidence based analysis • Accountability • 30 Contributes to the identification of data gaps in FSN monitoring systems •

  31. Integrated Food Security Phase Classification The European Commission’s science and knowledge service Joint Research Centre Integrated Food Insecurity Phase Classification (IPC) in Africa Part 2: IPC Scales – theory and practice Joysee Rodríguez Baide, Duaa Sayed, Feroz Ahmed and Brian Musaga. 31

  32. Three Integrated Scales for Classifying Food Insecurity or Acute Malnutrition 32


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