evidence for success combined disability conference 2018

Evidence for Success Combined Disability Conference 2018 ~ AZ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Evidence for Success Combined Disability Conference 2018 ~ AZ EMPLOYMENT FIRST CORE STIICEHOLDERS 20 ..-.-h YEARS A SARRC Innovative WorKforce Solu t iom REHABILITATION SERVICES ADMINISTRATION YA TCH . iu. .l .. j . NORTHERN 1 ,m flllf

  1. Evidence for Success Combined Disability Conference 2018

  2. ~ AZ EMPLOYMENT FIRST CORE STIICEHOLDERS 20 ..-.-h YEARS A SARRC Innovative WorKforce Solu t iom REHABILITATION SERVICES ADMINISTRATION YA TCH . iu. .l .. j . NORTHERN 1 ,m flllf ARIZONA I AZSILC Co ll ege o f Socia l and The Centers D ES Arizona Statewide UNIVERSITY~~ . Behav i oral Sc ience s Indepe nd ent Living Counc il for Habilitation I nstit ut e for H um a n Deve l opme nt .A,uo11,1 0.(',ll'U!Wll o( C-l>llll< St.ounry- .Di"' ., l.UD-Ao0Ji'D1•1. ,~}opat11ta'.I Dl.1a.bt!ibf.1 Beacon Grou~ • •• ... u~tapped G'ompers f soNORAN r ¥ ,,;d, ~ ... anzona UCEDD eac..., ~ VALLEY LI FE E du cat ion I R esearch I Se rvi ce Your Resource for an Inclusive Workforce Expand i ng Pos.sibilit ies Empowering People with Di sabi lit ies Enhancing I ndependence Changing Lives. Creating Community. = HCCCS )I .. ABlllTY ~60 - , ;Rc qi.s_ in , g :. 5, pecic;:i\ - ~fds ' •• ·• ,x ARIZO A • DEVELOPMENTAL .·:::• ':Ea1;.THes Aetpl~~ f E;1~ffies -- DI : SABI llTI ES • • P LAN NJ G COUNCIL,. • Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

  3. -

  4. SYSTEM TRANSFORMATION: EFSLMP* 10 CRI'fICAL AREAS TO INCREASE COMPETITIVE INTEGRATED EMPLOYMENT E. tst Policy Provider Employer Transformation Engagement 14(c) Phase Out - *Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program: US DOL Transformation Guide 2017

  5. One of 10 critical areas to address increasing competitive integrated employment outcomes

  6. THE WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHY W HAT C HANGES ARE EXPECTED ? Who is impacted? N O LONGER ASKING : • Providers with a 14(c) Certificate (41) • Do you want to work? • People who have disabilities: N OW ASKING : • Where do you want to work? • Currently in a Center Based • How much income do you need? Employment (CBE) setting (2,100) • How many hours would you like to work? • What work schedule would be best for you? • Those seeking CBE setting • What supports & services can we provide for you to be successful in employment? GSE (3,000), ISE, WAT, DTA, CI, Pre-ETS W HEN ? WHY? EMPLOYMENT FIRST : PRIMARY • • START TRANSFORMATION NOW SERVICE & OUTCOME • COMPLIANCE WITH HCBS RULES BY MARCH 2022 WIOA SECTION 511 • PROVIDER TRANSFORMATION STORIES • • FEDERAL CONTRACTS AT RISK Where are we now • PHILOSOPHICAL DECISIONS What have we done • CURRENT OH CASES Measurable outcomes • DOL AUDITS -

  7. What is our plan to come into compliance by 2022?

  8. HCBS Rules: Center-Based Employment Proposed Process to CMS NOT FINAL YET…As of 5/1/2018 (March, 2022) Are You Currently in Center-Based Employment (CBE)? YES NO I can stay long-term, I can enter CBE, but but the setting must only as a time-limited, meet the requirements pre-vocational service of an integratedsetting in an integratedsetting Staff must continually Staff must PROVIDE OFFER services services geared geared toward ……. toward ……. EMPLOYMENT that is ……. COMPETITIVE INTEGRATED IN THE COMMUNITY -

  9. WHAT ARE AZ PROVIDERS DOING TO PREPARE FOR THIS TRANSITION? ~ Q & A from a local panel of AZ providers

  10. ~ TCH The Centers for Habilitation Crompers Empowering People with Di sabi lit ies -

  11. QUESTIONS/ COMMENTS? uwe know that e 1 q 1 u, ality 1 of i ndivi 1 dua I , abi l'ity h, as never ' 1 existed and never will, but 1 quality , of we , do insist that 1 e 1 opportunity still must be sought.u 1 sevelt -Frank l li 1 n1 D. Roo -


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