everything you ever wanted to know about

everything you ever wanted to know about missjessicatate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

everything you ever wanted to know about missjessicatate jessicatate What is a jpg? Joint Photographic Experts Group When do you use a jpg? Lossy Compression. What is a png? Portable Network Graphics Two common types of pngs PNG-8

  1. everything you ever wanted to know about missjessicatate jessicatate

  2. What is a jpg?

  3. Joint Photographic Experts Group

  4. When do you use a jpg?

  5. Lossy Compression.

  6. What is a png?

  7. Portable Network Graphics

  8. Two common types of pngs

  9. PNG-8 PNG-24

  10. When do you use a PNG-8?

  11. When do you use a PNG-24?

  12. Lossless Compression.

  13. What is a gif?

  14. Graphic Interchange Format

  15. When do you use a gif?

  16. What is a svg?

  17. Scalable Vector Graphics

  18. supports interactivity and animation developed by W3C

  19. Now what?

  20. There are three golden rules when saving images for web

  21. 1. Save the correct file type

  22. 2. Save at the correct size

  23. 3. Use pixels (not inches)

  24. The great myth about DPI. RESIZING VERSUS RESAMPLING http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2010/02/the-myth-of-dpi/

  25. Retina, Oh my.

  26. Let’s save some images.

  27. missjessicatate jessicatate

  28. Questions?


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