“Every Student, Every Day” District Professional Development Committee Drew Crismon 2016-2017 Board Report June 26, 2017
Framework ● Where we’ve been 2016-2017 ○ Full-district professional development ○ Other professional development provided ○ Improvements implemented ● Where We’re Going 2017-2018 ○ Overview of future PD days ○ Future improvements
DPDC Members 2016-2017 Drew Crismon - Chairman Dr. Jennifer Allen - District Administration Molly Beck & Maria Durham - LHWHS Amy Baniak & Jennifer Osbourne - LMS Kathryn Ward - Conway Stephanie Towe - Old Bonhomme Sarah Vogt - Reed Jennifer Johnson - Spoede Anne Penrose and Michelle Wiedl - Fifth Grade Center Carol Kliesen - Technology Department Dr. Chris Schreiner - Administrative Liaison
Where We’ve Been ● 2015-2016 ○ 3 Full Day PD Days ■ District organized, planned, and executed ○ 4 Early Release Day PD Days ■ Building organized, planned, and executed ● 2016-2017 ○ 4 Full Day PD Days ■ Mornings: District organized, planned, and executed ■ Afternoons: Building organized, planned, and executed ○ 3 Early Release Day PD Days ■ Building organized, planned, and executed
August 12th - Vertical Teaming Goal: Allow groups of individuals time to collaborate, conversate, and align to provide more consistency and improved quality for our students Relied on leadership within departments (lead teachers, department chairs) to submit agendas and move it forward. *Agendas approved by Dr. Jennifer Allen
August 12th - Vertical Teaming ○ K-3 : Math in Focus Collaboration ○ K-12 Vertical: Science, SS, Technology Specialists, Librarians, Gifted, ELL, Art, Music, World Language, Special Education ○ 6-12 Vertical: FACS, Industrial Technology ○ ELA and Math: 5-6, 7-9, 10-12 ○ ELA and Math: 5, 6-8, 9-12 *Afternoon of April 4th devoted to vertical teamings for Special Areas
November 8th Trauma-Informed Classroom Location: Clayton Plaza Hotel, Crystal Ballroom Goal : Provide a common experience for district staff around how we support students in the classroom, and develop an understanding of the situations and support needed.
February 17th Originally Planned: Providing Social-Emotional Support for Students Change of Plans: *District-planned full day by permission from DPDC Collaborative planning by, but not limited to: ○ District Diversity Committee ○ District PDC ○ Executive Leadership Team ○ Direction provided by Educational Equity Consultants
February 17th - AM Diversity/Equity/Inclusion Location: High School Performing Arts Theater Components: ● Dr. Jahnke Addressed the District ● History of St. Louis ● Implicit Bias
February 17th - AM Diversity/Equity/Inclusion St. Louis and Race: The Weight of History Dr. E. Terrence (Terry) Jones University of Missouri St. Louis
February 17th - AM Diversity/Equity/Inclusion Implicit Bias Tony Neal and Sarah Riss Educational Equity Consultants Tony Neal Sarah Riss
February 17th - AM Diversity/Equity/Inclusion EyeSeeMe Bookstore
February 17th - PM Diversity/Equity/Inclusion Brought the District Diversity Committee and District PDC together to plan this portion A. Set questions for Debriefing the Morning (approximately an hour) Small group debriefing the questions from the morning, and then come together for full group sharing aloud. 1. Aha moments-What new learning did you get out of the implicit bias session? 2. How does this relate to your role as a staff member? Now that we know this information, what do our students and families see, feel, hear in our building? 3. What are areas to celebrate that you want to continue? 4. What are next steps that your building can take to improve? B. Options for Remaining Time - This is building decision and should be coordinated with building principal(s), diversity committee member, and PD chair. ● Diversity Checklist ● Analyzing curriculum unit or topic - culturally responsive curriculum ● Harvard Implicit bias test https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html
April 4th AM - Ladue EdCamp “Ladue EdCamp” - 2nd Year Thanks to our DPDC Subcommittee: Carol Kliesen, Jennifer Allen, Jennifer Johnson, Maria Durham, Michelle Wiedl, Sarah Adams Schwartz, Sarah Vogt Led by Drew Crismon February 9th April 4th ------>
April 4th - Ladue EdCamp #EdcampLadue #LadueSchoolsLearn
April 4th - Ladue EdCamp Topics Included: ● Mission/Vision of District ● Underrepresentation of Students of Color in Advanced Classes ● Using Video to Enhance your Classroom ● Overcoming Barriers in the Math Classroom ● Twitter as Professional Learning ● Culturally Responsive Classroom ● STEM/STEAM in your classroom ● Math in Focus Collaboration ● "Takes a Village" - gaining parent trust and community involvement to help all students be successful
Where We’ve Been: 2016-2017 ● Followed vision for professional development in the district based on strategic plan. ● Created and distributed KickUp Needs Assessment to drive planning ● Examined and created processes: feedback and information gathering. ● Looked critically at current practices and collaboratively made improvements for next year. ● Continued to focus on teacher needs ● 2nd Ladue EdCamp (K-12) ● 2nd Year: Dr. Allen and Drew Crismon
The Data and Information We Received ● Collected Formally ○ Committee padlets after each district time ○ Kickup Needs Assessment ● Collected Informally ○ Committee feedback discussions based on padlets ○ Principal Feedback ○ Observations and comments
Kickup Carol Kliesen, Drew Crismon, Dr. Jennifer Allen ● February 24th - First Meeting with Kickup Representatives ● March 2nd - First Draft of Needs Assessment Created ● March 29th - Finalized Needs Assessment ● April 4th PD Day- Distributed Needs Assessment to District ● May 4th - Collected and analyzed the results
Committee Meeting Improvements - Share-outs about PD across buildings - Planning Subcommittees (diversity and social-emotional) - Intentionality of small group conversations - Intentionally providing time and space for conversations that improve the quality of our learning experiences
Social Studies /Science Curriculum Writing Met Mornings of PD days (4) ● Goals: assess the district's current program, discuss the vision for the future of the social studies program in Ladue and look at the various national standards that will guide the social studies program ● Decision to use National Standards was made ● Goals for 207-2018: create a scope and sequence of skills and curriculum for K-12, recommend any possible content changes and look for consistent materials.
Math in Focus ● 3.5 days during the year ● Focused on instructional strategies and coaching cycles ● Coaching Cycle ( 2 times) : ○ Watch lesson taught by Math in Focus Trainer in a classroom live. ○ Focused on questioning ○ Debrief time
STEM Leadership 5 Meetings - 4 Full-Day Professional Development Days and one pull out Coordinated by: Dr. Kevin McColgan with Discovery Education Focus : Engagement, Student-Centered, Measuring Student Progress. *5 meetings are scheduled in 2017-2018
Where We Are Going 2017-2018
Key Items of Feedback ● Buildings need more time to work toward goals ● Teachers need time to process the learning that occurs during PD time. ● Teachers need more collaborative time to put learning from PD days into practice
2017-2018 Professional Development Calendar Overview Four full day professional development days (August, November, February, and April) ○ August 11th - Olweus Training - Full Day ○ November 7th - Social-Emotional Support - AM ○ January 5th - Diversity - AM ○ April 3rd - Best Practices Institute (formerly EdCamp) - AM ○ PM times are planned and executed by building.
Committee Changes ● DPDC and District Diversity Committee Partnership (January 5th) ● DPDC and District Social-Emotional Committee Partnership (November 7th) ● Using Kickup for feedback after PD times (building and district) ● Best Practices Institute - 3rd year of teacher-led learning ● Meetings ○ Increase Engagement ○ Intentionality of structured conversations
District Professional Development Areas of Focus for 2017-2018 All professional development will tie directly to the district Strategic Plan and support district initiatives. ○ High Quality Teaching and Learning ○ Educating the Whole Child ○ Optimal Learning Environment
A special thank you to the Ladue Board of Education for their continuous support of high quality professional development and dedication to maintaining the highest quality staff. District Professional Development Committee 2016-2017
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