every single day as we use our beautiful shul building we

Every single day as we use our beautiful shul building, we are - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Every single day as we use our beautiful shul building, we are grateful to our honorees. Without their talent, creativity, artistry and dedication, Adas Torah, as we know it, would not have been possible. We would also like to thank Rabbi and

  1. Every single day as we use our beautiful shul building, we are grateful to our honorees. Without their talent, creativity, artistry and dedication, Adas Torah, as we know it, would not have been possible. We would also like to thank Rabbi and Mrs. Revah for filling our shul with words of Torah and for the daily guidance that they provide to all of us. Finally, thank you to all the members of our shul for their support and for making our makom Torah into the center of our lives. Marilyn & Alan Rich

  2. Dear Joel, Congratulations. Your hard work and dedication has helped create a beautiful new shul building. Mazal Tov ! David and Julie

  3. בוט לזמ to all the incredible dinner honorees. Without your incalculable sacrifices and endless commitment we would not have the beautiful shul we enjoy today. Shana and Donny Feldman

  4. Mazal Tov to Daniel, Joel and Alyssa, Your tireless efforts have produced something beautiful – a wonderful home for a wonderful Kehilla. Isser and Yona Elishis

  5. In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Revah and to all the honorees for their outstanding dedication for the new and beautiful building. Congratulations and best wishes, David & Beth Leventhal

  6. Dear Joel, Using your skill set (and everything I taught you!) for such goodness on behalf of the community is truly incredible. I know Grandma is sharing this nachas with me as we see what a fine man you have become. It's wonderful to know that our family and the community can always depend on you and the future of our trade is safe with you at the helm. I love you. Tibor Neumann (Grandpa)

  7. Mazel Tov Joel on your well-deserved honor! We are all so proud of all of your accomplishments. Your willingness to put forth so much time and effort on behalf of Adas Torah really shines through in this magnificent building. You are a tremendous support to our family, an incredible role model to your children, and a shining light to your community. We love you so much!! With much appreciation and respect, Mom and Dad

  8. Your hard work is now a source of pride in our community and you've proven that passion and perseverance can move mountains - and even build a brand new shul building! You should go from strength to strength and continue to inspire us. Yossi and Bella Essas

  9. To Alyssa, Joel, Daniel, Mike, and the Rov: It is impossible for us to even begin to appreciate the incredible amount of effort and time you put into our shul to make our dream a reality - Yesh Me'ayin. The extraordinarily impressive building shall forever serve as a monument to your extraordinary devotion to the growth of Torah and Mitzvos in our community. With profound gratitude, Yaakov and Bruria Siegel

  10. םהידי ישעמ לכב החלצהו הכרב חלשי ה״בקה הנומאב רוביצ יכרצב םיקסועש ימ לכו Alyssa and Joel Your commitment and dedication to the Shul are inspiring. Working with you has been an honor. Joel - let the record stand that you built this Shul in less than 15 months. A record that I challenge any other institution to beat. Alyssa - thank you for the beautifully designed and inspiring םוקמ to daven and celebrate simchas together. Mike and Alona - thank you for believing when no one else would believe. Our community is indebted to you and your vision. Rabbi and Rebbetzin - Your selflessness, sensitivity, and kindness inspire all of us and bind us as a community. You are the heart of our community and we are so fortunate and blessed to have you as our Rov and Rebbetzin. Annie and Daniel Nagel

  11. MAZEL TOV TO OUR GRANDSON DANIEL NATHAN NAGEL On this most deserving honor and for all the years of giving of your time and leadership in helping to create and build this magnificent edifice, THE ADAS TORAH SYNAGOGUE. Your daily involvement and commitment to true Torah education both at Yavneh, as well as your loyalty and dedication to your Rabbi, your family and your friends is unparalleled. We wish you and ANNIE an abundance of nachas from our super fantastic great grandchildren, AKIVA, EMMA AND MOSHE, GOOD HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND CONTINUED SUCCESS IN ALL OF YOUR ENDEAVORS. Congratulations on the Chanukas Habayis of your new Shul building. We are so happy to celebrate with you and your fellow honorees, JOEL SHUCHATOWITZ AND ALYSSA WIESEL. WITH MUCH LOVE FROM YOUR ZEIDE AND OMA, JACK AND GITTA NAGEL

  12. Mazal Tov Rabbi & Mrs Revah. Your dedication and service to our shul is the reason for our celebration tonight. We in stand gratitude to you both. Your example of leadership through kindness and understanding is the model for ourselves and our children to follow. Thank you for building this great community, The Mendelsohn Family

  13. Many thanks to Daniel Nagel, Joel Shuchatowitz, Alyssa Wiesel, Brian Kleinman, Michael Horowitz and Rabbi Revah. We could not have done it without you! -Gluck Building Company Proud Builder of Adas Torah Shul

  14. First event in new Shul - Shabbas Project Challah Bake

  15. Congratulations to the Rav, the board members and the entire Adas Torah Kehilla for helping to make our new building a successful cornerstone of Torah and prayer for the community. Zev and Shoshana Weinstein

  16. B”H Mazal Tov Alyssa! Thank you for all that you have done for our family, for our shul, and for our community. The Martons – Aliza, Eric, Rivka Emunah, Tehila Rachelle, Ezra Yehoshua, & Aharon Raziel David

  17. We'd like to express our tremendous Hakaras Hatov to Daniel Nagel, Joel Shuchatowitz, and Alyssa Wiesel for their vision, perseverance, and dedication to our shul. We look forward to many years of heartfelt tefilla and Harbotzas Torah in our new building and are sure that your efforts will be a gevaldik zchus for you and your families. Thank you to Rabbi and Mrs. Revah for the innumerable things you both do for our kehilla and us personally. We could never properly express our appreciation to you. Michael and Tally Kleinman

  18. Congratulations Alyssa Your dedication to Adas Torah is truly a sight to behold. From your in-person attendance at the initial building committee meeting just 5 days after Ava was born, to the weekly Friday morning meetings and Wednesday night conference calls, you have been totally invested in this project for more than 5 years. I am so proud of what you’ve accomplished with the new building, especially considering that it comes on top of the million other things you do as a mother, daughter, granddaughter, sister, aunt, therapist, case manager and, last but not least, spouse. (Did I leave something out? I can’t keep track of all the hats you wear!) Thank you for everything you’ve done for me, our family, Adas Torah and the entire Jewish community. May Hashem continue to give you the fortitude to multi-task like no one else I know. Love, Donny

  19. Congratulations and thank you to Daniel Nagel and Joel Shuchatowitz Adas Torah and the greater Los Angeles community will forever be indebted to you for all the blood, sweat and tears you poured into the shul’s building project. We would not be celebrating the dedication of our beautiful new building without the tremendous efforts you both put into planning and executing an “impossible” task. Thank you Rabbi and Mrs. Revah for everything you do for our community. You are the tie that binds our shul together, the reason so many of us joined the shul, and a constant source of inspiration. We have grown from a small minyan occupying a small portion of the old Beverly Drive building to a vibrant םוקמ הליפת הרותו that we can all be proud of, all under your leadership. We are grateful that you continue to choose us as your הליהק Mike and Alona Horowitz , you may not want it, but recognition of your efforts is well deserved. Thank you for your steadfast dedication to the growth and development of Adas Torah. Donny and Alyssa Wiesel and family

  20. Mazal tov to Joel Shuchatowitz, Daniel Nagel and Alyssa Wiesel for their contribution to the creation of our new, beautiful shul. Evan and Dalia Silver Eli and Alison Snyder


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