even darker art

Even-Darker Art of Rails Engines @lazyatom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Even-Darker Art of Rails Engines @lazyatom github.com/lazyatom/engines Rails 2.3 history November 2005 its distracting! reuse is overrated! Evil! Evil! Evil! Evil! Evil! Evil! Evil! Evil! Shit! eek! appable_plugins desert

  1. The Even-Darker Art of Rails Engines

  2. @lazyatom

  3. github.com/lazyatom/engines

  4. Rails 2.3

  5. history

  6. November 2005

  7. it’s distracting!

  8. reuse is overrated!

  9. Evil! Evil! Evil! Evil! Evil! Evil! Evil! Evil! Shit!

  10. eek!

  11. appable_plugins

  12. desert

  13. merb slices?

  14. engines

  15. !"#$%&!"#$'#(%&$#)&!"#$%&*$+,#-.!) !"#$%&'() $$*%&'()$++,$-'%!.%&'()./0#'12%)/'0 "0! 3$405/0"6$%1"$7-(5/06$8/)9$%0$%77:$!/1";)'1<= !"#$"05/0"> $$9%6.%77.!/1";)'1<> "0! 3$?")(106$)1("$/#$)9"$"05/0"$69/76$8/)9$%$1'()/05$#/-" !"#$1'()"!> $$@/-"="A/6)>B1'()/05.#/-"C "0! !"#$D/"8.7%)9 $$@/-"=E'/0B!/1";)'1<F$G%77GF$GD/"86GC "0!

  16. app/controllers/ models/ helpers/ views/ metal/

  17. *$+,#-&"**&23-'!3$$(!&*$+,#-523-'!3$$(!.!) ;-%66$H-(5/0I'0)1'--"1 /0/1**$#2"'#3-43-'!3$$(! $$!"#$/0!"A $$$$1"0!"1$J)"A)$,K$LM"--'F$H-(5/0NL $$"0! "0!

  18. 9"-7"1$J%-- won’t load from your plugin

  19. Ticket #1905

  20. config/routes.rb

  21. *$+,#-&23-6#,&!3+'(%.!) O;)/'0I'0)1'--"1JJ?'()/05JJ?'()"6=!1%8$!'$+2%7+ $$2%7=;'00";)$G:7%)9GF$J;'0)1'--"1$,K$L7-(5/0LF$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$J%;)/'0$,K$L/0!"AL "0!

  22. top precedence

  23. in your plugin: O;)/'0I'0)1'--"1JJ?'()/05JJ?'()"6=!1%8$!'$+2%7+ $$2%7=;'00";)$G:7%)9GF$J;'0)1'--"1$,K$L7-(5/0LF$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$J%;)/'0$,K$L/0!"AL "0! in your app: O;)/'0I'0)1'--"1JJ?'()/05JJ?'()"6=!1%8$!'$+2%7+ $$3$===$')9"1$1'()"6$=== $$2%7=;'00";)$G:7%)9GF$J;'0)1'--"1$,K$L%77LF$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$J%;)/'0$,K$L/0!"AL $$3$===$')9"1$1'()"6$=== "0!

  24. in your plugin: O;)/'0I'0)1'--"1JJ?'()/05JJ?'()"6=!1%8$!'$+2%7+ $$2%7=;'00";)$G:7%)9GF$J;'0)1'--"1$,K$L7-(5/0LF$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$J%;)/'0$,K$L/0!"AL "0! in your app: O;)/'0I'0)1'--"1JJ?'()/05JJ?'()"6=!1%8$!'$+2%7+ $$3$===$')9"1$1'()"6$=== $$2%7=;'00";)$G:7%)9GF$J;'0)1'--"1$,K$L%77LF$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$J%;)/'0$,K$L/0!"AL $$3$===$')9"1$1'()"6$=== "0!

  25. Ticket #2592 (also Ticket #329)

  26. 785*$+,#-&$#)&785*$+,#-.!) 2'!(-"$P<H-(5/0 $$!"#$6"-#=%!!.1'()"6B 7"* C $$$$2%7=;'00";)$L:6)(##LF$J;'0)1'--"1$,K$L)9/056L $$"0! "0! O;)/'0I'0)1'--"1JJ?'()/05JJ?'()"6=!1%8$!'$+2%7+ $$3$<'(1$%77$1'()"6=== $$P<H-(5/0=%!!.1'()"6B2%7C $$3$");=== "0!

  27. what’s missing?

  28. public assets

  29. copy

  30. file clash

  31. 83+!5*$+,#-&#-%'"$$.!) 2<./2%5"6$,$H%)90%2"=0"8B@/-"=!/10%2"B..@QR4..CC$S$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$L%66")6:/2%5"6L )%15")$,$?%/-6=1'')$S$L7(&-/;:/2%5"6:2<.7-(5/0L @/-"T)/-6=2U!/1.7B)%15")C 2<./2%5"6=;9/-!1"0="%;9$!'$+"+$ $$$$@/-"T)/-6=;7.1B"F$)%15")$S$"=&%6"0%2"C$ "0!

  32. 83+!5*$+,#-&#-%'"$$.!) 2<./2%5"6$,$H%)90%2"=0"8B@/-"=!/10%2"B..@QR4..CC$S$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$L%66")6:/2%5"6L )%15")$,$?%/-6=1'')$S$L7(&-/;:/2%5"6:2<.7-(5/0L )%15")=2%U".6<2-/0UB2<./2%5"6C$(0-"66$)%15")="A/6)>

  33. migrations

  34. simple DSL

  35. rollback

  36. !&:2/51%)": version $$VWWXWYWYYVYVZ[.%-79%=1& VWWXWYWVY[VZ[\.&")%=1& 20090101121234 20090102142345 7-(5/0:!&:2/51%)": 2008123123456 $$VWW]YVZYZ[\^.5%22%=1&

  37. 1%U"$!&J1'--&%;U version P/51%)'1=1'--&%;U 20090101121234 P/51%)'13;(11"0).D"16/'0 20090102142345 P/51%)'132/51%)"!=-%6) 2008123123456 P/51%)'1=5").%--.D"16/'06 BL_4R4I`$D"16/'0$@?aP$ $ $ $$6;9"2%.2/51%)/'06LC =2%7BbJ)'./C=6'1)

  38. it gets worse

  39. !&:2/51%)": version $$WWY.%-79%=1& WWV.&")%=1& 001 002 7-(5/0:!&:2/51%)": $$WWY.5%22%=1&

  40. http://www.flickr.com/photos/bk2204/475332962/

  41. single timeline

  42. You app migration 1 plugin migration 1 app migration 2 app migration 3 Me plugin migration 2 install upgrade

  43. app migration 1 plugin migration 1 You app migration 2 app migration 3 plugin migration 2

  44. !&:2/51%)": $$WWY.%-79%=1& WWV.&")%=1& WWZ.7-(5/0.)'.WWY=1& WW[.!"-)%=1& 7-(5/0:!&:2/51%)": $$WWY.5%22%=1&

  45. Symlink? !&:2/51%)": $$WWY.%-79%=1& WWV.&")%=1& Reference? WWZ.7-(5/0.)'.WWY=1& WW[.!"-)%=1& Copy & 7-(5/0:!&:2/51%)": Retimestamp? $$WWY.5%22%=1&

  46. Ticket #2058 interblah.net/plugin-migrations

  47. my recommendation? (for the moment, at least)

  48. write a generator (within your plugin) c$6;1/7):5"0"1%)"$%;)6.%6.#(.2/51%)/'06 $$$$ $$$"A/6)6$$!&:2/51%)" $$$;1"%)"$$!&:2/51%)":VWWXW\W\YYYZZd.&-%9=1& c$===

  49. techniques

  50. overriding functionality

  51. views just work

  52. controllers

  53. straight override

  54. module

  55. namespaced

  56. playing nice with the class cache

  57. 1/23*8/36/1**$#2"'#3-43-'!3$$(!/ < < ! 9"%/)((-/!(73:(;/6!37/'9(/73;+$(/ < < < < '!((/)+'/#%/%'#$$/"2'#:(< <

  58. O;)/D"_(77'1)JJe"7"0!"0;/"6=-'%!.'0;".7%)96

  59. ApplicationController AppController PluginController

  60. ApplicationController PluginController

  61. 23-6#,&(-:#!3-7(-'.!) ?%/-6JJQ0/)/%-/f"1=1(0$!'$+;'0#/5+ $$3$");=== $$;'0#/5=1"-'%!.7-(5/06$,$)1(" $$ "0!

  62. 83+!5*$+,#-&"**&23-'!3$$(!%&,33;523-'!3$$(!.!) ;-%66$g''!I'0)1'--"1$h$=== $$(0-'%!%&-" $$ $$3$");$=== "0!

  63. init.rb woes

  64. 785*$+,#-&#-#'.!) ;'0#/5=)'.71"7%1"$!' $$_'2"O77I-%66="A)"0!BP<i"9%D/'(1C $$ "0!

  65. testing

  66. ApplicationController AppController PluginController

  67. ApplicationController Their Code Your Code PluginController

  68. � � � �

  69. unit test?

  70. test in your own rails environment?

  71. plugin_test_helper

  72. I care about testing my chunk

  73. You care about testing your whole app

  74. empower the developer

  75. avoiding fail

  76. ;%6"$;'!"=;'06(2"1 $$89"0$;'!"=%()9'1 $$$$1"(6"=2'6)-<$,j$:"##";)/D": $$89"0$1%0!B!"D"-'7"1C $$$$1"(6"=)1/;U/"1.&().7'66/&-"B)1("C $$"-6" $$$$1"(6"='D"11%)"!N "0!

  77. consume wisely

  78. Nutrition Facts Serving Size 14 kloc Amount Per Serving 1 bad engine Calories 10,666 % Daily Value* Total Fat 2674g 98 % 34 % Long Methods 1578g 7 % God Objects 326g Stress 320mg 119 % Hairloss 45g 45.8 % Technical Debt 13g 87 % 34 % Untested Code 1578mg 7 % Hidden Bugs 326mg Benefit 1mg 0.1 %

  79. you will not be able to write some engines.

  80. you will not be able to use some engines.

  81. extract specific functionality

  82. establish some clear integration points

  83. you are customer #1

  84. READ the CODE

  85. james@lazyatom.com FIN lets@gofreerange.com


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