evaluation of the abbott alinity s and the roche cobas

Evaluation of the Abbott Alinity S and the Roche Cobas e801 for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Evaluation of the Abbott Alinity S and the Roche Cobas e801 for Virology screening at the South African National Blood Service Charl Coleman, Jabu Jaza, Solly Machaba, Marion Vermeulen South African National Blood Service Introduction SANBS

  1. Evaluation of the Abbott Alinity S and the Roche Cobas e801 for Virology screening at the South African National Blood Service Charl Coleman, Jabu Jaza, Solly Machaba, Marion Vermeulen South African National Blood Service

  2. Introduction • SANBS test all donations for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis C (HCV) and Hepatitis B (HBV) • Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) and Viral Serology Testing (anti-HIV, anti-HCV and HBV Surface Antigen (HBsAg) are performed • Viral Serology was performed on the Abbott Prism for the past 15 years at SANBS

  3. Introduction • Aim to evaluate two new viral serology systems Abbott Alinity S (Alinity) Roche Cobas e801 (Cobas) • A third system namely the Siemens Atellica was also part of the original evaluation plan, but the system installation was not successful and in time for evaluation

  4. Background • Cobas assays HIV Duo (5 th gen), HBsAg and anti-HCV • Alinity assays Alinity HIV Ag/Ab (4 th gen), HBsAg and anti-HCV • The HIV assays for Cobas and Alinity are both able to detect HIV antigen and antibody compared to the previous Abbott Prism assay used that were antibody only detection • The detection of antigen is not an added benefit for SANBS, because of NAT testing • SANBS do perform the p24 antigen test though on all NAT reactive, anti-HIV negative donors in order to provide detail regarding the window period stage and also to compare data to pre- NAT screening data when p24 antigen testing was performed on all donors

  5. Methods • Specificity was determined by testing approximately 200-300 first time donor specimens from Johannesburg and Durban Donation Testing laboratories (December 2017 and May 2018) • All discordant reactive samples were confirmed using the NAT result (Procleix ULTRIO Elite) or confirmatory testing for anti-HIV (Biorad Geenius), HBsAg (Roche e411 neutralization) or anti-HCV (Roche e411 HCV and Innogenetics HCV INNO LIA Score) • Specificity was determined (HIV N=3953, HCV N=3899 and HBsAg N=3953) as per calculation True Negatives (TN) / (False Positives + TN) x 100 • Sensitivity was evaluated by comparing confirmed positive plasma (NAT Reactive, anti-HIV reactive) and a panel of HIV NAT yields (p24 positive and p24 negative) • The Chi-squared test was used to test for statistical significance • The coefficient of variation (%CV) was calculated from inter (x30) - and intra-run repeats (10x across 3 runs) of custom quality controls. Instrument failures were recorded • The total uptime of each instrument was recorded as well time spend on maintenance. The analyzer maintenance uptime ratio was calculated as the % Total maintenance time/Total uptime

  6. Methods Specificity Sensitivity Variability Plasma Donor samples Plasma Inter-run comparison Intra-run comparison 20x HIV NAT Yield, p24 (HIV N=3953, HCV N=3899 and 20x HIV NAT Yield, p24 3 x runs of 10 per 30x HIV, HBsAg and antigen negative HBsAg N=3953) antigen positive marker HCV (VL>1000 cp/ML) Plasma Plasma 15X HIV Confirmed 15X HIV Confirmed positives (NAT Reactive, positives (NAT Reactive, anti-HIV reactive) Prism anti-HIV reactive) Prism Instrument reliability S/CO <20 S/CO >20 (MTBF) Plasma Plasma 15X HBsAg Confirmed 15X HBsAg Confirmed positive S/CO ratio >20 positive S/CO ratio <20 Plasma 13X Anti-HCV Confirmed positive • The intra assay variation - variation of results within a data set obtained from one run • The inter assay - variation of results obtained from repeated runs (x3) • Coefficient of variation (%CV) = Standard deviation of observation/Mean

  7. Results Specificity of the assays on the Cobas e801 vs the Abbott Alinity S 99.97% 99.95% 99.95% 99.90% 99.90% 99.77% HIV HBsAg HCV Cobas Alinity • Although there were differences in specificities, it was found to be statistically insignificant (HIV p=0.57, HBsAg p=0.49 and HCV p=0.17) • The biggest difference in specificity on HCV • The overall difference in specificity between the systems were 0.15% in favor of Alinity

  8. Results • Sensitivity on donors samples (HIV N=3953, HCV N=3899 and HBsAg N=3953) were 100% for both Cobas and Alinity • Sensitivity determined by p24 antigen positive confirmed NAT yield samples was 95% (19/20) on both Cobas and Alinity • The sample not detected by both had a viral load of 37,537 copies per mL with a p24 antigen positive result S/Co ratio of 1.56 • Sensitivity determined by p24 antigen negative HIV confirmed NAT yields was 4/19 (21%) on Cobas and 5/19 (26%) on Alinity (4/5 positive by both systems and one detected by Alinity only)

  9. Results • Total uptime on Cobas during evaluation was 432 hours compared to 310 hours for Alinity • No failures occurred on Cobas whereas one failure (not leading to downtime) occurred on Alinity therefore MTBF could not be calculated • Analyser maintenance time ratio was calculated as 8.9% for Cobas compared to 10.4% for Alinity • The Alinity took approximately 30 – 40 min per day (preparation and instrument maintenance running time) whereas the Cobas required 23 minutes daily (no preparation, only instrument maintenance running time)

  10. Results Coefficient of Variation (%CV) achieved in inter- and intra-run comparisons for Cobas and Alinity 6.71% Alinity 3.10% Cobas • A %CV of less than 10% is desirable • Cobas S/CO ratios obtained through repeat sampling are narrower than that obtained from Alinity

  11. Discussion • The Abbott Alinity S was selected by SANBS mainly due to specificity criteria, which was the most important aspect of the evaluation • Specificity has a direct impact on the number of available units for transfusion and the amount of confirmatory work required • The largest specificity difference was on anti-HCV. The total difference in specificity across all markers of 0.15% in favor of Alinity was considered • With a collection target of 900,000 units per annum, 1350 less donors would be deferred and the loss of units valued at R2, 521,800 per annum would be avoided • The sensitivity and reproducibility criteria was met by both Cobas and Alinity. Both system showed robustness with little downtime occurring

  12. Thank you…


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