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www.evalu-ate.org www.evalu-ate.org 1 Strategies for Effective - PDF document

Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 Lori Wingate Lyssa W. Becho ATE PI Conference | October 2017 Webinars | Ne Webinars | Newsle wsletter | Blog | R r | Blog | Resour source Libr Librar ary

  1. Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 Lori Wingate Lyssa W. Becho ATE PI Conference | October 2017 Webinars | Ne Webinars | Newsle wsletter | Blog | R r | Blog | Resour source Libr Librar ary www.evalu-ate.org www.evalu-ate.org 1

  2. Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1600992. The content reflects the views of the authors and not necessarily those of NSF. 2 3 1 Mak Make it it Ge Get the right t the right Ge Get the t the inviting and inviting and informa inf rmation ion wor word out out easy to ea to use into the int the report port Reporting Design & Beyond Basics Formatting Reporting www.evalu-ate.org 2

  3. Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 Reporting BASICS VS evaluation report annual report www.evalu-ate.org 3

  4. Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 Eval Annual Report Report EVALUATOR pi + Eval Report NsfAnnu nnual R Report Changes/ Special Cover Accomplishments Products Participants Impact Problems Req’s Research .GOV www.evalu-ate.org 4

  5. Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 NsfAnnu nnual R Report Changes/ Special Cover Accomplishments Products Participants Impact Problems Req’s Report on results and outcomes Upload evaluation report Research .GOV EV EVALUA UATION Repo port Explanation of what was evaluated Data Conclusions www.evalu-ate.org 5

  6. Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 ANATOMY OF AN EVALUATION REPORT Front matter www.evalu-ate.org 6

  7. Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 TITLE PAGE ba basic inf informa rmation tion about the about the report re TITLE PAGE ba basic inf informa rmation tion about the about the re report www.evalu-ate.org 7

  8. Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 Table of contents so r so readers aders can n find wha find what the they need t need to know know List of tables and figures helpful if helpful if you you have se have sever veral www.evalu-ate.org 8

  9. Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 Executive summary may be the may be the EXECUTIVE only p only part rt SUMMARY some some sta stakeholders rea read ACKNOWLEDG- MENTS thank those thank those involved involved www.evalu-ate.org 9

  10. Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 List of acronyms The PI and co-PI met with the project’s ATE NSF PO to discuss (if needed) (if needed) their NVC’s feedback on their DACUM process. The evaluation included both RCT and QED methods and was informed by UFE, CIPP, as well as the PES and AEA Guiding Principles. Core matter www.evalu-ate.org 10

  11. Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 introduction orient orients r s reader ader to wha what is in is in the r the report and port and how the how the informa inf rmation is ion is or organiz nized Project description so the r so the reader ader knows wha knows what was e wa evaluate ted www.evalu-ate.org 11

  12. Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 Evaluation background so the r so the reader ader unders understands nds fa factors t that influenc influenced the ed the planning and planning and conduc nduct of the t of the evaluation ev Evaluation design describes how describes how the e the evalua aluation tion was imple s imple- mented ment ed and and how r how result sults s were ob wer obtained ined www.evalu-ate.org 12

  13. Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 - E - Evaluation Ques Questions tions - I - Indicators - S - Sources/ Me Methods thods Evaluation results wha what w was s le learned fr arned from om the e the evalua aluation tion www.evalu-ate.org 13

  14. Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 REACH LEARN- REACTION Findings Findings ING or organiz nized by d by ev evaluation behavior ques questions tions impact evidence- ev ba based sugg sugges estions tions fo for f future re ac actions tions RECOMMEND- ATIONS www.evalu-ate.org 14

  15. Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 END MATTER references www.evalu-ate.org 15

  16. Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 appendices Use appendic Use appendices t es to enhanc enhance the e the report’ port’s cr credibility edibility and tr and transp ansparency ncy www.evalu-ate.org 16

  17. Strategies for Effective Evaluation Reporting ATE PI CONFERENCE | October 2017 Progr ogram am e eval aluati tion on s stand andards rds Utility The util The utility ity standards andards are int are intend nded ed to incre increase se the ex the extent nt to which program which progr m stak akeholders eholders fi find nd evalua aluation pr tion proc ocesses and esses and produc products ts valuabl able in in mee meeting their ing their needs eeds Feasibility The f The feasibil asibility ity standards andards are int are intended t nded to incre increase se eval alua uation tion effec eff ectiveness and tiveness and efficienc efficiency. Propriety The The pr proprie opriety s standar andards s support support wha what is pr is prope oper, , fair ir, , le legal, l, right and ght and jus just in t in eval alua uations. tions. Accuracy The ac The accur curac acy y standards andards are are int intended nded to incre increase the se the dependability and and truthfulness truthfulness of of evalua aluation tion represent representations, tions, propositions, and findings, propositions, and findings, especial especially those those tha that suppor support int interpre retations and tions and judgments about judgments about qual quality ity. Evaluation The e The evalua aluation tion ac account untability bility standar andards s encour urag age ade adequa uate Accountability docume documentation of tion of evalua aluations tions and and a me a metaevalua aluative tive per perspec pective f ive focused cused on improvement and on improvement and ac account untabil bility ty for evalua aluation pr tion proc ocesse sses s and and pr produc oducts. Accountability Utility Accuracy Feasibility www.evalu-ate.org 17


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