european ombudsman

European Ombudsman Bridge between citizens and the EU - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

European Ombudsman Bridge between citizens and the EU administration European Ombudsman Complaints from citizens, companies, NGOs, business associations. European Ombudsman 2 Most cases: About alleged lack of transparency in the EU

  1. European Ombudsman Bridge between citizens and the EU administration European Ombudsman

  2. Complaints from citizens, companies, NGOs, business associations…. European Ombudsman 2

  3. Most cases: About alleged lack of transparency in the EU administration European Ombudsman 3

  4. Alleged lack of transparency  20-30% of all cases  Refusal to give access to EU documents  EU decision-making  Lobbying transparency  “Revolving doors” European Ombudsman 4

  5. Other examples of individual complaints  Problems with EU funded projects and programmes  Language policy for EU websites or public consultations  How is EU money spent (e.g. Cohesion Fund)? European Ombudsman 5

  6. Inquiries conducted by EU institution European Ombudsman 6

  7. …and strategic inquiries European Ombudsman 7

  8. Strategic inquiries  In the public interest  Systemic problems in the EU administration  Own-initiative inquiries  Achieve “gold standards”  Public consultations  Cooperation with the European Network of Ombudsmen  Use limited resources in the best way European Ombudsman 8

  9. Transparency of TTIP negotiations European Ombudsman 9

  10. TTIP transparency  TTIP will affect lives of  EO: No US veto against disclosure of consolidated 500 million in EU TTIP chapters  EU Commission now  Extend transparency publishes more position obligations for meetings papers, fact sheets, legal texts with lobbyists (down to negotiator level) European Ombudsman 10

  11. Transparency in the ECB European Ombudsman 11

  12. ECB transparency  May 2015: ECB governing board member released information at private dinner in London  EO asked for clarifications  ECB reviewed its transparency policy  New rules for speaking engagements  Publication of calendars of governing board members  Extension of “quiet period” in week running up to monetary policy meetings European Ombudsman 12

  13. Complaint about EU Commission not complying with UN tobacco lobbying rules European Ombudsman 13

  14. EO recommendations in tobacco lobbying case Policy-making in public health has to be as transparent as  possible, especially when it comes to tobacco control Obligations under WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco  Control (FCTC) Tobacco lobbyists – very sophisticated “under the radar”  methods Commission should pro-actively publish ALL meetings with  tobacco lobbyists and minutes of meetings Lawyers representing the tobacco industry are also lobbyists  Commission did not follow the recommendations - missed  opportunity to show global leadership in the vital area of tobacco lobbying European Ombudsman 14

  15. Parallel investigations – Frontex/forced returns Joint Return Operations  19 Ombudsman offices  conducted inquiries How are human rights  obligations upheld? Call for Frontex ’  complaints mechanism Commission proposed  European Border and Coastguard (including complaints mechanism) European Ombudsman

  16. Inquiry into trilogue transparency How the deals are done European Ombudsman 16

  17. Inquiry against Council, Commission, EP  Around 80% of EU laws are now agreed at first reading  Mapping exercise about trilogue transparency  EO asked for information about disclosure policy (minutes, list of meetings, documents)  Opinions received  Closed files inspected: Clinical Trials Regulation & Mortgage Credit Directive  Public consultation open until 31 March ‘16 European Ombudsman 17

  18. Eurogroup transparency June 2015: Complaint about lack  of transparency of Eurogroup meetings February 2016: Eurogroup President  Dijsselbloem tabled proactive transparency measures, including publishing: • Detailed meeting agendas • Eurogroup summing-up letter • Programme-country related documents (ahead of decisions) and notes presented to Eurogroup (after meetings) European Ombudsman 18

  19. Ombudsman follow-up letter EO welcomes proactive transparency measures  How will Eurogroup deal with requests for documents not  published proactively? What about proactive transparency measures for  preparatory bodies e.g. Eurogroup Working Group? How to get an overview of Eurogroup documentation?  Reply expected by 30 June  European Ombudsman 19

  20. @EUOmbudsman European Ombudsman


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