eu research and innovation

EU research and innovation I CT for people w ith disabilities - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EU research and innovation I CT for people w ith disabilities Ongoing actions and future opportunities 1 0 th European e-Accessibility Forum Marco Marsella - Unit G.4 I nclusion, Skills and Youth Areas of of wor ork Education and Learning

  1. EU research and innovation I CT for people w ith disabilities Ongoing actions and future opportunities 1 0 th European e-Accessibility Forum Marco Marsella - Unit G.4 I nclusion, Skills and Youth

  2. Areas of of wor ork Education and Learning - To promote inclusive 24/ 7 digital learning for all - Europe's youth, workers and citizens - to get the knowledge and skills to work and live in the 21st century. Better I nternet for Kids - To give children access to positive experiences and content online, in a trusted environment and to reduce the risks encountered online by children and vulnerable groups. I nclusion - To provide all citizens, particularly those with disabilities or at risk of exclusion, with the digital skills and tools needed to access the internet as part of daily life .

  3. Impr mprov ove di digi gital al ac access fo ss for peopl ple wi with th di disab sabili lities

  4. Financial support Legislation Social I nclusion Accessible I CT Skills Assistive Technologies

  5. W eb Accessibility Directive • first EU-w ide rules to m ake w ebsites and m obile apps of public sector bodies m ore accessible • along w ith European Accessibility Act ( Decem ber 2 0 1 5 ) , part of the efforts of the Com m ission to help people w ith disabilities to participate fully in society • better access especially for disabled people ( the blind, the deaf and the hard of hearing) and for everybody • refer to a European Standard, through w hich it w ould im plem ent the W CAG 2 .0 guidelines • regular m onitoring and reporting by Mem ber States

  6. BCI: CI: B Brai rain Com n Computer r Int Interfaces http: / / demos

  7. ABLE TO I NCLUDE o I ntegration of people w ith intellectual disabilities to digital w orld

  8. "translation"

  9. Back Hom e BNCI for independent hom e use

  10. Cloud4 All auto-personalization of w ide range of I CT Cloud technologies to activate and augment built-in accessibility or installed access features of product or services, based on the user’s needs and preferences

  11. Blindpad Personal Assistive Device for BLI ND and visually I m paired people

  12. COCOHA Cognitive control of a hearing device Use brain signals (EEG) to help steer the acoustic scene analysis hardware, in effect extending the efferent neural pathways that control all stages of processing from cortex down to the cochlea, to govern also the external device

  13. H2 0 2 0 I CT-2 3 -2 0 1 7 I nterfaces for accessibility Planned Opening date: 8 December 2016 Deadline for application: 25 April 2017 http: / / research/ participants/ portal/ desktop/ en/ opportunities/ h2020/ topics/ 5067-ict-23-2017.html

  14. ICT 23- Interfaces for accessibility Challenges • More effective solutions, designed w ith people w ith disabilities and their carers, are needed to m ediate com m unication experiences or for m ore natural interactions, including w ith their environm ent. • Technologies aim ing at enhancing cognitive accessibility • Furtherm ore, im proving the capacity to decode and use brain signals w ill help to accelerate the developm ent of solutions for people w ith com m unication disorders. 15

  15. ICT 23- Interfaces for accessibility R&I ( Budget: 1 0 MEUR) • I ntelligent, affordable and personalised interfaces for people w ith cognitive disabilities - able to detect user's behaviours and recognise patterns, em otions and intentions in real life environm ents. • Develop and test solutions, m odels and algorithm s to im prove ( and act upon) inform ation extraction from brain and neural signals, including through advances on state of the art electrodes and im plantable devices I ndicative budget per proposal: € 2 Million 16

  16. ICT 23- Interfaces for accessibility I nnovation Action ( Budget: 2 MEUR) Develop and dem onstrate decision support tools for the assessm ent of com pliance to w eb sites accessibility standards and guidelines. Research should focus prim arily on quality and accuracy of autom atic support to assessm ents, detecting accessibility hurdles and assisting developers in repairing accessibility barriers. Solutions shall enable fast processing of dynam ic content and large volum es of w eb pages/ content and data, and m ore effective hybrid com bination of autom atic / expert review s € 2 Million 17

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