
ERS Engineering firm with 20-year history in clean energy, energy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

P ROACTIVE E FFICIENCY Engaging Large Customers for Untapped Energy Savings Max Twogood, ERS Gita Subramony, ERS AESP Online Conference | July 19, 2016 Headquarters: 120 Water Street, Suite 350, North Andover, MA 01845 With offices in: CA,

  1. P ROACTIVE E FFICIENCY Engaging Large Customers for Untapped Energy Savings Max Twogood, ERS Gita Subramony, ERS AESP Online Conference | July 19, 2016 Headquarters: 120 Water Street, Suite 350, North Andover, MA 01845 With offices in: CA, CT, ME, NY, OR, TX, VT

  2. I NTRODUCTIONS Max Twogood Project Engineer II ERS Outreach Contractor for NYSERDA Industrial Process Efficiency (IPE) Program 7/19/2016 2

  3. ERS  Engineering firm with 20-year history in clean energy, energy efficiency, and sustainability  Utility efficiency program design and implementation  Efficiency program evaluation, measurement and verification  Energy engineering, sustainable design, and clean energy services  90+ Engineers, Analysts, and Support Staff  Offices: MA, NY, CT, ME, VT, CA, OR, TX 7/19/2016 3

  4. A GENDA  What is outreach?  How outreach helps engage customers  Strategies and hurdles customer engagement  Overcoming barriers to energy efficiency  CHP outreach strategies and hurdles  New programs targeting market transformation 7/19/2016 4

  5. W HAT IS O UTREACH  Outreach = learning / teaching / sales  It goes beyond cold calls: • Relationships • Needs assessment • Technical assistance • Administrative assistance  We are selling efficiency • Understand the unique needs of each customer • Educate how those needs can be optimized 7/19/2016 5 Image credit: DOE

  6. E NGAGING T HROUGH O UTREACH  Industrial energy efficiency is a deep well of opportunity  Energy implications of the process lines are overshadowed by production.  Energy use is embedded in every part.  Every piece of scrap has an energy component.  Lean/6 Sigma/Productivity Projects all have an energy component.  Industrial companies rarely have dedicated personnel to investigate energy efficiency.  Outreach keeps end users engaged in the efficiency conversation. 7/19/2016 6

  7. H URDLES Upper management doesn’t care • Understand and educate the audience. Keeping up with • ROI, NPV, payback the floods • Maintenance, O&M (of paperwork, • Productivity emails, meetings) Fires to fight • Persistence (sometimes literally…) • Be a timesaver 7/19/2016 7

  8. IPE O UTREACH S TRATEGY  Goal: 1,000,000 MWh, 36 million therms  Engage: monthly or bi-monthly  Take notes: Salesforce Cold Calls  Plan: capital cycles Market Partners  Consider: capital constraints/requirements  Relate: technology/industry updates Industry  Goal met as of 2012 Events Implement Project Identify Analyze Warm Assess Project Impact Market Needs 7/19/2016 8
