erm seminar madrid 24jan15

ERM Seminar, Madrid 24Jan15 POR NSO Anbal Marianito Madrid - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Eventing in Portugal 2014 ERM Seminar, Madrid 24Jan15 POR NSO Anbal Marianito Madrid 24-01-2015 Eventing in Portugal 2014 9 Events Riders Fall 13 7 1,00m 27 Competitions 4 1,10m 369 Starters 2 0,90m

  1. Eventing in Portugal 2014 ERM Seminar, Madrid 24Jan15 POR NSO Aníbal Marianito Madrid 24-01-2015

  2. Eventing in Portugal 2014 • 9 Events • Riders Fall – 13 – 7 – 1,00m • 27 Competitions – 4 – 1,10m • 369 Starters – 2 – 0,90m – 124 riders • Horse fall – none – 163 horses (1,00m level with more starters) • No injuries POR NSO Aníbal Marianito Madrid 24-01-2015

  3. Eventing in Portugal 2014 • Same Rules as FEI (Good effect of the Warnigs and Yellow Cards) • Few judges – Easy to inform and to train – Good rapport with all the officials • Small country – easy to attend all the events POR NSO Aníbal Marianito Madrid 24-01-2015

  4. Eventing in Portugal 2014 The “ risk ” of the competitions was on an acceptable level. Riders, officials and stweards had a good performance. POR NSO Aníbal Marianito Madrid 24-01-2015

  5. PORTUGAL Nice wheather, Nice people … Nice country! POR NSO Aníbal Marianito Madrid 24-01-2015


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