Erasmus+ is the result of integration of the following European Programmes: A: The Lifelong Learning B: The Youth in Action Programme Programme C: The Erasmus Mundus D: All of the above Programme
Erasmus+ is the result of the integration of the following European programmes implemented by the Commission during the period 2007-2013: l - The Lifelong Learning Programme l - The Youth in Action Programme l - The Erasmus Mundus Programme l - Tempus l - Alfa l - Edulink l - Programmes of cooperation with industrialised countries in the field of higher education
One of the Objectives of Erasmus+ is: B: To promote equity and A: To use non-formal inclusion education methods C: To improve key competences D: All of the above and skills of young people
Non-formal education - focus on gaining practical competences, such as: interpersonal, team, organisational and conflict management, intercultural management, intercultural awareness, leadership, planning, organising and co- ordinating, practical problem solving skills, teamwork, self-confidence, discipline and responsibility; - allowing participants to be actively involved in educational and learning process; - providing a shared process of learning, designing and creating environment in which the participant is an architect of the skill development; - flexible form, based on the needs of participants; - development of practical skills but also human capabilities and motivations - participatory and learner-centred approach; - based on experience and action.
In KA 1, Erasmus+ supports the following main Actions: A: Mobility for old people and B: Mobility for young people youth workers and youth workers C: Mobility for old people D: Mobility for rich people and cheap workers and hard workers
What are the activities supported by Key Action 1 under Erasmus+ program: A: Youth Exchanges, EVS and B: Money Exchange and mobility of youth workers Military Service C: Traveling Abroad, Tourism D: Drinking, partying and other “good” actions and sightseeing
Which of the following is considered a Program Country: A: Member States of the B: Macedonia European Union (EU) C: Turkey D: All of the above
PROGRAMME COUNTRIES The following countries can fully take part in all the Actions of the Erasmus+ Programme: Member States of the European Union (EU) Non EU Programme Countries: Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey PARTNER COUNTRIES Western Balkans Eastern Partnership countries South-Mediterranean countries Russian Federation Rest of the world
A mix of workshops, exercises, debates, role-plays, simulations, outdoor activities, which are organized by young people up to 21 days is called : A: Training Course B: European Voluntary Service C: Youth Exchange D: Just a long party festival
Youth Exchanges allow groups of young people from different countries to meet and live together for up to 21 days. In programme: a mix of workshops, exercises, debates, role-plays, simulations, outdoor activities, etc.) designed and prepared by them before the Exchange. Youth Exchanges allow young people to: develop competences; become aware of socially relevant topics/thematic areas; discover new cultures, habits and life-styles, mainly through peer-learning; strengthen values like solidarity, democracy, friendship, etc. The learning process in Youth Exchanges is triggered by methods of non-formal education. Youth Exchanges are based on a transnational cooperation between two or more participating organisations from different countries within and outside the European Union.
I want to participate in a Youth Exchange. What should I do?: A: Find an NGO and participate B: Search Youth Exchanges in their project database D: Organise it myself C: Send my CV and Motivation with support of an NGO Letter to National Agency
Who is a Youth Worker? A: Youth Centre worker B: Only full-time NGO worker C: EVS volunteer D: Nobody knows
Mobility of youth workers: This activity supports the professional development of youth workers, through the implementation of activities such as transnational/international seminars, training courses, contact-making events, study visits, etc. or job shadowing/observation periods abroad in an organisation active in the youth field. All these activities are arranged by the organisations participating in the project.
Where can I do EVS? A: Only Programme Countries B: In my own country D: Programme and C: Only neighbouring Partner Countries countries
European Voluntary Service: This activity allows young people aged 17-30 to express their personal commitment through unpaid and full-time voluntary service for up to 12 months in another country within or outside the European Union. Young volunteers are given the opportunity to contribute to the daily work of organisations dealing with youth information and policies, young people's personal and socio-educational development, civic engagement, social care, inclusion of disadvantaged, environment, non-formal education programmes, ICTs and media literacy, culture and creativity, development cooperation, etc. A project can include between 1 and 30 volunteers who can do their voluntary service either individually or in group.
You are 17 years old. Can you participate in an European Voluntary Service? A: I am afraid to go, so NO B: Are you kidding me? I am too young C: Yes of Course D: I don't care, it is a bad programme
I want to volunteer in South America! Central Asia! Australia! Can I…? A: EU is not funding this B: Yes, it is possible D: Yes, if you pay for C: It is EUROPEAN your ticket Voluntary Service, so no
Capacity Building in the field of youth (KA 2) Youth CapacityBuilding projects aim to: - foster cooperation and exchanges in the field of youth between Programme Countries and Partner Countries from different regions of the world; - improve the quality and recognition of youth work, non-formal learning and volunteering in Partner Countries and enhance their synergies and complementarities with other education systems, the labour market and society; - foster the development, testing and launching of schemes and programmes of non-formal learning mobility at regional level (i.e. within and across regions of the world); - promote transnational non-formal learning mobility between Programme0 and Partner Countries, notably targeting young people with fewer opportunities, with a view to improving participants' level of competences and fostering their active participation in society.
I want to participate in a Youth Exchange in Italy. What should I do? A: Write a project together B: Ask Italians to prepare with Italian partner and apply something for me in Poland or Italy C: Search Internet and wish D: Better buy myself an for good luck all-inclusive trip
I want to organise a training course in Armenia. What now? A: Write a project together B: Write a project together with Armenian partner and and apply in Poland or EC apply in Poland or Armenia D: Why on Earth would C: Let them do the work anyone want to go to Armenia?
I am a citizen of Ukraine. Can I organise an Erasmus+ project in my country? A: Yes B: No D: Yes, but only EVS C: Yes, but only for Ukrainians
I want to make a project between 10 to 17 of November in my Country. When should I apply? A: 4 February B: 30 April C: 1 October D: No, I don't want to make a project in my country
Applicants have to submit their grant application by the following dates: 4 February for projects starting between 1 May and 30 September of the same year; 30 April for projects starting between 1 August and 31 December of the same year; 1 October for projects starting between 1 January and 31 May of the following year..
Will I get any certificate or diploma after my Erasmus+ project? A: If you ask then maybe B: Why would you need it? D: No, it’s too unofficial C: Yes, a special one
WHAT “LEARNING TO LEARN” KC IS ABOUT? A: Learn that learning is good B: Learn what someone else is learning C: Making yourself more aware D: The only way to survive of your own way of learning is learning
LEARNING TO LEARN Everybody learns every moment of the day. One can learn in various ways, like by talking to others, or by listening, by searching for information or by attending a workshop. Sometimes you learn because you are in a situation in which you know you will learn something, for example in school. You know the teacher wants to teach you something and if you pay attention, you will learn. But you can learn quite a lot in other situations too, sometimes without noticing. Afterwards you might think, " Hey, I learned something while talking to this person or because I was responsible for organizing something". You can develop this competence by making yourself more aware of your own way of learning. You then understand better from whom and how you learn most, from yourself, from others or from certain situations. But you know what? You can make learning more fun if you also think about it up front. That means that you think about what you want to learn before the project or whatever you are doing on a certain day, on a certain month or in a certain project.
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