EPA Reference Method Updates Affecting Mercury and Air Toxic Standard (MATS) Compliance Test Programs February 8 – 10, 2017 T RC has pr oudly suppor te d E UE C for mor e than 15 ye ar s
EPA Revisions to Test Methods & Performance Specifications 2
EPA Revisions to Test Methods & Performance Specifications 3
EGU MACT (40 CFR 63 Subpart UUUUU) or “Mercury and Air Toxics Standard” (MATS) This regulations requires the owner of a EGUs that fire coal or oil demonstrate compliance with MATS limits of three classes of Air Toxics. Mercury Non Mercury Metals Acid Gasses For each of these classes of Air Toxics, the EGU owner develops a MATS compliance strategy based on the options allowed by the regulation. 4
EGU MACT (40 CFR 63 Subpart UUUUU) or “Mercury and Air Toxics Standard” (MATS) Mercury (Hg) Must use a Hg CEMS • Hg monitor (annual certification by PS-12A) • Hg sorbent trap system (annual certification by PS-12B) 5
EGU MACT (40 CFR 63 Subpart UUUUU) or “Mercury and Air Toxics Standard” (MATS) Non-Mercury Metals Particulate Matter (PM) as a surrogate • Quarterly stack test (EPA M-5 modified for MATS) • PM CEMS PM monitor certified by PS-11 PM monitor certified as a CPMS (Continuous Parameter Monitoring System) Total Metals • Quarterly stack test (EPA M-29 reporting the total of all metals) Individual Metals • Quarterly stack test (EPA M-29 reporting 10 individual metals) 6
EGU MACT (40 CFR 63 Subpart UUUUU) or “Mercury and Air Toxics Standard” (MATS) Acid Gasses If EGU has FGD system, can use SO2 as a surrogate and use an SO2 CEMS (certified annually by PS-2). If no FGD, HCl monitoring must be conducted • HCl CEMS (certified annually by PS-15) • Quarterly HCl stack test (EPA M-26A) 7
Summary of Revisions to Test Methods & Performance Specifications Effects Revised Methods Nature of Revisions Clarical Other Reg. MATS & Pt. 75 M-1 : Traverse Points Correct misspelling, re-insert sentence, delete duplicate figure x x QA/QC enhancements of the pitot calibration, reduced allowable M-2 : Velocity: S-type Pitot x blockage to improve calibration accuracy. Same as M-2 revisions, plus language regarding recording rotational M-2G : Flow Rate (2-D Pitot) x speed has been added. M-3C : CO2, CH4, N2, O2 by Requirements for analyzer linearity (land fill gas) x TCD Daily calibration of balance with Class 6 or better weight (>500g). Alternate method for calculating approximate moisture content M-4 : Moisture Content x (Stoichiometric calculation) allowed. Must collect and analyze fuel sample to develop moisture F factor. Language removal regarding greased glass joints, addition of language M-5 : Particulate Matter - similar to M-4 balance calibration, addition of a daily audit of the x Stationary Sources gravimetric balance used for PM weightings (Class 2 or better, 50%- 150% of filter weight or 1-5 gm.) M-5H : Particulate Matter - Same a M-5 revisions. x Wood Heaters M-5I : Low Level Particulate Same a M-5 revisions. x Matter 8
Summary of Revisions to Test Methods & Performance Specifications Effects Revised Methods Nature of Revisions Clarical Other Reg. MATS & Pt. 75 M-6C : Sulfur Dioxide - Language detailing the performance of interference checks has been x Instrumental Analyzer revised and the discussion of CO2 quenching removed. Specifications for 3-point sampling line revised to be consistent with M-7E : Nitrogen Dioxide - PS-2, language regarding quenching removed, revision to language x x Instrumental Analyzer regarding interference tests, correction of mispellings. M-10, 10A & 10B : Carbon Revised to allow the use of sample tanks as an alternative to flexible x Monoxide bags. M-15 : H2S, COS, CS2 Clarify partial calibration. x M-16C : Total Reduced Equation 16-1 revised, nomenclature revisions. x Sulfur - Real Time Data M-18 : Volatile Organic Redundant language removed (analysis of 2 field audit samples) x Compounds - GC M-25C : Nonmethane Revise references, language revisions and correction of an equation to Organic Compounds in x correct for ambient air dilution. Landfill Gas M-26 : Hydrogen Halide and Revise language regarding method detection limit x Halogen M-26A : Hydrogen Halide Language regarding minimizing chloride interferences is added, and Halogen - Isokinetic x corrections to probe and filter temperatures were made. Method Language requiring the rinsing (with HCl) of impingers containing M-29 : Metals Emissions permanganate is added and language regarding balance calibration x from Stationary Sources added. 9
Summary of Revisions to Test Methods & Performance Specifications Effects Revised Performance Nature of Revisions Specifications Clarical Other Reg. MATS & Pt. 75 M-30A : Mercury Section title revision x x Instrumental Procedure M-30B : Mercury Sorbent Section title revision, ASTM method number corrected, and x x Trap Procedure previously omitted sentences about sample handling were re-inserted. Revise limits on location of COMS PS-1 : COMS x Revise definition of "Span". PS-2 : NOx/SO2 x Revision to RA calculation PS-3 : O2/CO2 x Revised response time procedure and limit. PS 4A : Low Level CO x Equations 11-1 and 11-2 revised. PS-11 : Particulate Matter x Statement regarding audit sample removed. PS-15 : FTIR x Table 16-1 revised to coorelate to conventional statistical applications PS-16 : PEMS x (standard t-tables) 10
Revised Methods Affecting MATS Testing Mercury (Hg) Acid Gasses Non Hg HAPS Metals Total Individual Hg CEMS SO2 HCl PM as surrogate Metals Metals EPA M-29 - EPA M-29 - Hg Sorbent Quarterly HCl CEMS Quarterly Hg Monitor SO2 CEMS if PM report all report 10 Trap System stack test certified Stack test by PS-12A FGD Monitor metals individual PS-12B by M-26A by PS-15 M-5 together metals PM PM CEMS monitor via PS-11 as CPMS M-26, M-1, M-2 M-1, M-2 M-1, M-2 M-1, M-2 & M-26, M-1, M-2 & M-30B M-30B M-6C M-26A, & 2G, M-4, & 2G, M- & 2G, M-4, 2G, M-4, M-26A 2G, M-4, M-5, PS-15 M-5, PS-11 4, M-5, M-29, M-29, 11
Questions? Rick Krenzke P: 512.201.1213 | E: rkrenzke@trcsolutions.com www.trcsolutions.com
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