epa reference method updates affecting mercury and air

EPA Reference Method Updates Affecting Mercury and Air Toxic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EPA Reference Method Updates Affecting Mercury and Air Toxic Standard (MATS) Compliance Test Programs February 8 10, 2017 T RC has pr oudly suppor te d E UE C for mor e than 15 ye ar s EPA Revisions to Test Methods &

  1. EPA Reference Method Updates Affecting Mercury and Air Toxic Standard (MATS) Compliance Test Programs February 8 – 10, 2017 T RC has pr oudly suppor te d E UE C for mor e than 15 ye ar s

  2. EPA Revisions to Test Methods & Performance Specifications 2

  3. EPA Revisions to Test Methods & Performance Specifications 3

  4. EGU MACT (40 CFR 63 Subpart UUUUU) or “Mercury and Air Toxics Standard” (MATS) This regulations requires the owner of a EGUs that fire coal or oil demonstrate compliance with MATS limits of three classes of Air Toxics.  Mercury  Non Mercury Metals  Acid Gasses For each of these classes of Air Toxics, the EGU owner develops a MATS compliance strategy based on the options allowed by the regulation. 4

  5. EGU MACT (40 CFR 63 Subpart UUUUU) or “Mercury and Air Toxics Standard” (MATS) Mercury (Hg)  Must use a Hg CEMS • Hg monitor (annual certification by PS-12A) • Hg sorbent trap system (annual certification by PS-12B) 5

  6. EGU MACT (40 CFR 63 Subpart UUUUU) or “Mercury and Air Toxics Standard” (MATS) Non-Mercury Metals  Particulate Matter (PM) as a surrogate • Quarterly stack test (EPA M-5 modified for MATS) • PM CEMS  PM monitor certified by PS-11  PM monitor certified as a CPMS (Continuous Parameter Monitoring System)  Total Metals • Quarterly stack test (EPA M-29 reporting the total of all metals)  Individual Metals • Quarterly stack test (EPA M-29 reporting 10 individual metals) 6

  7. EGU MACT (40 CFR 63 Subpart UUUUU) or “Mercury and Air Toxics Standard” (MATS) Acid Gasses  If EGU has FGD system, can use SO2 as a surrogate and use an SO2 CEMS (certified annually by PS-2).  If no FGD, HCl monitoring must be conducted • HCl CEMS (certified annually by PS-15) • Quarterly HCl stack test (EPA M-26A) 7

  8. Summary of Revisions to Test Methods & Performance Specifications Effects Revised Methods Nature of Revisions Clarical Other Reg. MATS & Pt. 75 M-1 : Traverse Points Correct misspelling, re-insert sentence, delete duplicate figure x x QA/QC enhancements of the pitot calibration, reduced allowable M-2 : Velocity: S-type Pitot x blockage to improve calibration accuracy. Same as M-2 revisions, plus language regarding recording rotational M-2G : Flow Rate (2-D Pitot) x speed has been added. M-3C : CO2, CH4, N2, O2 by Requirements for analyzer linearity (land fill gas) x TCD Daily calibration of balance with Class 6 or better weight (>500g). Alternate method for calculating approximate moisture content M-4 : Moisture Content x (Stoichiometric calculation) allowed. Must collect and analyze fuel sample to develop moisture F factor. Language removal regarding greased glass joints, addition of language M-5 : Particulate Matter - similar to M-4 balance calibration, addition of a daily audit of the x Stationary Sources gravimetric balance used for PM weightings (Class 2 or better, 50%- 150% of filter weight or 1-5 gm.) M-5H : Particulate Matter - Same a M-5 revisions. x Wood Heaters M-5I : Low Level Particulate Same a M-5 revisions. x Matter 8

  9. Summary of Revisions to Test Methods & Performance Specifications Effects Revised Methods Nature of Revisions Clarical Other Reg. MATS & Pt. 75 M-6C : Sulfur Dioxide - Language detailing the performance of interference checks has been x Instrumental Analyzer revised and the discussion of CO2 quenching removed. Specifications for 3-point sampling line revised to be consistent with M-7E : Nitrogen Dioxide - PS-2, language regarding quenching removed, revision to language x x Instrumental Analyzer regarding interference tests, correction of mispellings. M-10, 10A & 10B : Carbon Revised to allow the use of sample tanks as an alternative to flexible x Monoxide bags. M-15 : H2S, COS, CS2 Clarify partial calibration. x M-16C : Total Reduced Equation 16-1 revised, nomenclature revisions. x Sulfur - Real Time Data M-18 : Volatile Organic Redundant language removed (analysis of 2 field audit samples) x Compounds - GC M-25C : Nonmethane Revise references, language revisions and correction of an equation to Organic Compounds in x correct for ambient air dilution. Landfill Gas M-26 : Hydrogen Halide and Revise language regarding method detection limit x Halogen M-26A : Hydrogen Halide Language regarding minimizing chloride interferences is added, and Halogen - Isokinetic x corrections to probe and filter temperatures were made. Method Language requiring the rinsing (with HCl) of impingers containing M-29 : Metals Emissions permanganate is added and language regarding balance calibration x from Stationary Sources added. 9

  10. Summary of Revisions to Test Methods & Performance Specifications Effects Revised Performance Nature of Revisions Specifications Clarical Other Reg. MATS & Pt. 75 M-30A : Mercury Section title revision x x Instrumental Procedure M-30B : Mercury Sorbent Section title revision, ASTM method number corrected, and x x Trap Procedure previously omitted sentences about sample handling were re-inserted. Revise limits on location of COMS PS-1 : COMS x Revise definition of "Span". PS-2 : NOx/SO2 x Revision to RA calculation PS-3 : O2/CO2 x Revised response time procedure and limit. PS 4A : Low Level CO x Equations 11-1 and 11-2 revised. PS-11 : Particulate Matter x Statement regarding audit sample removed. PS-15 : FTIR x Table 16-1 revised to coorelate to conventional statistical applications PS-16 : PEMS x (standard t-tables) 10

  11. Revised Methods Affecting MATS Testing Mercury (Hg) Acid Gasses Non Hg HAPS Metals Total Individual Hg CEMS SO2 HCl PM as surrogate Metals Metals EPA M-29 - EPA M-29 - Hg Sorbent Quarterly HCl CEMS Quarterly Hg Monitor SO2 CEMS if PM report all report 10 Trap System stack test certified Stack test by PS-12A FGD Monitor metals individual PS-12B by M-26A by PS-15 M-5 together metals PM PM CEMS monitor via PS-11 as CPMS M-26, M-1, M-2 M-1, M-2 M-1, M-2 M-1, M-2 & M-26, M-1, M-2 & M-30B M-30B M-6C M-26A, & 2G, M-4, & 2G, M- & 2G, M-4, 2G, M-4, M-26A 2G, M-4, M-5, PS-15 M-5, PS-11 4, M-5, M-29, M-29, 11

  12. Questions? Rick Krenzke P: 512.201.1213 | E: rkrenzke@trcsolutions.com www.trcsolutions.com


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