envisions math

Envisions Math Presented By: Jill Schwantes, Kim Labbree, and Jamie - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Envisions Math Presented By: Jill Schwantes, Kim Labbree, and Jamie Tenerelli Topic 8: More Addition and Subtraction The Topics Topic 9: Count Numbers to 20 Topic 1: Numbers 0 to 5 Topic 10: Compose and Decompose Numbers 11 to 19 Topic 2:

  1. Envisions Math Presented By: Jill Schwantes, Kim Labbree, and Jamie Tenerelli

  2. Topic 8: More Addition and Subtraction The Topics Topic 9: Count Numbers to 20 Topic 1: Numbers 0 to 5 Topic 10: Compose and Decompose Numbers 11 to 19 Topic 2: Compare Numbers 0 to 5 Topic 11: Count Numbers to 100 Topic 3: Numbers 6-10 Topic 12: Identify and Describe Shapes Topic 4: Compare Numbers 0 to 10 Topic 13: Analyze, Compare, and Create Topic 5: Classify and Count Data Shapes Topic 6: Understand Addition Topic 14: Describe and Compare Topic 7: Understand Subtraction Measurable Attributes

  3. Instructional Philosophy ● Concrete Hands on discovery ○ Students create meaning ○ Learning by doing ○ ● Pictorial Link concrete to visual ○ representation Drawing hands on work ○ ● Abstract Symbols, numbers, equations ○ Understand why the steps ○ work

  4. Counting & Cardinality Count to 100 by ones ● Count to 100 by tens ● Counts forward from any given number other than one ● Writes numbers 0-20 (without reversals) ● Connects counting to cardinality & number/quantity relationships ● Compares groups of objects by matching & counting ● Compares numbers (1-10) ● Which group of pencils is greater?

  5. Jack Hartman Counting Videos

  6. Operations & Algebraic Thinking Uses objects and drawings to solve ● addition & subtraction stories Represents numbers up to 10 in ● more than one way (ten frame, tally marks, dice, cubes, etc). Finds the number that makes ten ● for numbers 1-9 Fluently add and subtract within 5 ● 4 + ___ = 10

  7. Addition Pizza Party

  8. Numbers and Operations Compose and decompose 11-19 in each category ● 10 and some more make teen numbers 10 and 1 is 11 10 and 2 is 12 10 and 3 is 13

  9. Measurement and Data Classifies objects and counts number in each ● category Describes measurable attributes of objects such ● as length and width Directly compare 2 objects with measurable ● attributes in common

  10. Geometry Identify and describe 2D shapes ● Identify and describe 3D shapes ● Compares, creates, and composes shapes ● Describes the relative position of objects ●

  11. How to Support Your Child Now Make your child aware of numbers ● and shapes in the world around them. (Ex: menus, calendars, phones, road signs, etc) Use daily routines as opportunities for ● exposure: driving, dinner table, snacks, cleaning up toys Practice counting out loud ●

  12. Questions?


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