enr nrichment ichment for

Enr nrichment ichment for Net etworking working, , Training - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mathema themati tics cs , Enr nrichment ichment for Net etworking working, , Training aining, an and Oppo pportunit rtunities ies in in Res esear earch ch Daniel Onofrei, e-mail - onofrei@math.uh.edu William Ott,

  1. Mathema themati tics cs , Enr nrichment ichment for Net etworking working, , Training aining, an and Oppo pportunit rtunities ies in in Res esear earch ch Daniel Onofrei, e-mail - onofrei@math.uh.edu William Ott, e-mail - ott@math.uh.edu Andrew Torok, e-mail - torok@math.uh.edu

  2. General description: https: ps://www //www.ma .math.u th.uh.edu/mentor/ h.edu/mentor/  When: 2016-2017 academic year (Fall and Spring semester + Summer REU)  Activities and Opportunities: 1. Weekly 2 hours group meetings (Research methods Class) discussing non-standard problem solving techniques, working on interesting science problems as well as learning about particular research tools and strategies. 2. Opportunity to participate in the annual Putnam undergraduate mathematics competition and the possibility to participate in the Annual Garden State Mathematics Conference, April, NJ (undergraduate talks and competition). 3. Eight Undergraduate Colloquium lectures where general science subjects are presented by local or visiting faculty in a stimulating atmosphere. These lectures are followed by interactive Q&A sessions. 4. Opportunity to pursue a 10 week long summer REU and deliver a talk in front of your UH peers as well as participate in a national undergraduate conference, Young Mathematicians Conference, August, Ohio. 5. Obtain MENTOR certificates of achievement granted by the mathematics department and recommendation for possible mid-career admissions into the Honors College.

  3. Research Methods Class › Weekly 2-hours meetings in an informal and friendly atmosphere. › Practice outside the box thinking and learn non-standard problem solving strategies through problems proposed in undergraduate journals, American Mathematical Monthly or Mathematics Magazine. › Explore and work on interesting applied science problems by learning how to mathematically formalize a given question and then how to approach a solution. › Learn about basic research strategies and tools, how to read or write a research paper, how to prepare and deliver a technical presentation, how to review the relevant literature or use computation tools to help your intuition about a particular problem. › Get an excellent brain workout for free › Learn the power of focused brainstorming + the importance of asking questions + the value of making mistakes

  4. Putnam competition http://www.math.uh.edu/~torok/Putnam › First Saturday of December › Two 3 hours sessions of 6 problems › Interesting non-standard problems › Suitable for all undergraduates › Over 550 participating teams › UH scored top 150 in 2014 and top 90 in 2012. › Math department offers cash prize of $20 per point. › Top scorers in the competition have an edge in future graduate school applications.

  5. Garden state Undergraduate conference › http://sections.maa.org/newjersey/GSUMC/ › In 2016 - April 16 - Breakfast - 9:30am – 12:00pm New Jersey Undergraduate Mathematical competition - Lunch - 1pm – 2pm - Student poster presentation - 2:15 – 3:15 - Student talks - 3:30 – 4:25 Plenary talk: Eugene Fiorini (Muhlenberg College) “Criminal Investigation through Mathematical Examination” - Awards and recognition › In 2017, April

  6. Undergraduate colloquium series  Presenters: Local faculty and visiting scholars  Presentations (8 per year): - Interesting science ideas - No background assumed - Open to questions and interactions with the speaker  Discussions: Post-presentation group meeting to have an informal debate and discussion about the subject presented in the lecture.  Atmosphere: - Relaxed and enriching among like-minded peers - Pizza and soft drinks on the house!

  7. Undergraduate colloquium – Selected talks  Selected 2015 - 2016 talks:  Mar ark Tomf mfor orde- UH The Linear Algebra Behind Google's PageRank: Finding a Needle in a World-Wide Haystack  Andrew ew Thal aler- Mathworks Why Math is cool  Matt tthe hew Bennett ett- Rice University The mathematics of synthetic biology: A quantitative perspective on engineering biological complexity  Upcoming talk, September 15, 4 pm, PGH646  Lior Fishm hman an- University of North Texas Mathematical games: the Banach – Mazur game and Schmidt's game

  8. Summer REU Possible projects:  Modeling the sound field: Discrete mass-springs networks  Traffic flow problems  Stochastic modeling of genetic regulatory circuits  Applied algebraic topology (includes problems in sensor networks and pursuit/evasion problems)  Questions in probability  Questions in dynamical systems

  9. Rewards › Learn the researcher attitude in front of non-standard questions among like minded peers in a friendly atmosphere. › Learn about and work on developing necessary research skills. › Receive an official recognition from the mathematics department for participating in the program. › Obtain letters of recommendation from the supervisors when needed for graduate applications or for other opportunities. › Opportunity to participate in the PUTNAM competition where a good score can help your future career steps (we also award cash prizes for points scored). › Possibility to actively practice your research abilities in a summer REU (between 3 and 5, summer fellowships will be available). › Possibility to travel to undergraduate conferences where you can attend talks or posters presented by other undergraduates as well as present your own research.

  10. Responsibilities:  Fall-Spring semester program › Attend a majority of Undergraduate Colloquium lectures each semester as well as their respective post-meeting discussions. › Attend a majority of the weekly research methods group meetings. › Try to identify a subject/problem which could possibly be considered for a summer research experience.  Summer semester program › 10 weeks, fellowships ($3,500) › Work on a research subject under the supervision of a faculty and prepare a written and oral presentation of your research. › Deliver a talk about your summer research in the UH SURF conference and at the Young Mathematical Conference in Ohio.

  11. How to apply https://www.math.uh.edu/mentor/ E-mail: uh.mentor.program@gmail.com Include: 1. Interest in the program 2. Expectation from the program 3. Major or area of interest and GPA 4. Standing (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) Deadline: August 29, 2016

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