Lesson 1: We Need Engineers, Engineers Need Us Discovering Design
Modern products have evolved through innovation and iteration . Engineers make this happen. Thunderbird personal luxury vehicle Model T Evos Plug-In Hybrid first affordable vehicle concept car What other products have evolved? Record thoughts and observations in your engineering notebook.
Modern products evolved through innovation and iteration. How have cameras evolved? Give three ways. What kinds of cameras do you have? Name five different uses of cameras besides taking selfies.
Imaging began with the camera obscura. Camera = “chamber” Obscura = “dark” Record thoughts and observations in your engineering notebook.
Imaging began with the camera obscura. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvzpu0Q9RTU&disable_polymer=true Record thoughts and observations in your engineering notebook.
How does it work? Add to the notes you’ve already made in your engineering notebook.
How do you use this technology practically every second you are awake? Record thoughts and observations in your engineering notebook.
Artists still use the camera obscura today. Modern artist Abelardo Morell uses this setup.
Artists still use the camera obscura today.
Artists still use the camera obscura today.
Artists still use the camera obscura today. Artist: Abelardo Morell
Why did this technology lead to the invention of the camera? People had a Camera obscura want or need to… technology existed what? Science/Technology + Societal Need Product Design Record thoughts and observations in your engineering notebook.
Engineering happens when technology meets societal needs. Society has needs that can be A body of scientific knowledge addressed by science and technology. and technology exists. Scientific Knowledge Societal Needs and Technology The application of scientific knowledge and technology for the benefit of humankind is the domain of engineering .
Unit Project Assignment: The Evolution of Imaging For your assigned time period (between the late 1800s and today) create a timeline with important dates and events in society and imaging technology. At the end of the unit, each team will present its time period and the class will discuss the overall evolution of imagery. Record thoughts and observations in your engineering notebook.
Innovation and iteration are improvements in technology. Innovation – creates something new that meets the needs of the market in new and much better way Iteration – makes a gradual improvement to something that exists ( e.g. , makes it stronger, faster, less expensive) Innovation – Rapid technical Advances improvements Iteration – Slower improvements Time Give two examples of product innovations and two examples of iterations.
Innovation tends to improve performance rapidly. Innovation or “Leap” Advances Innovation Time
Notebook Check I will review your engineering notebooks periodically. Make it easy to find your work so that you can get full credit. Place a post-it note on the appropriate page in your notebook to denote the following item: Camera Obscura Phenomenon notes Place a post-it in your notebook for anything else you are particularly proud of or would like me to see.
What’s Next? Next time we’ll get our design challenge.
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