energy summit 2018

Energy Summit 2018 Strategic Energy Management ISO 50001 GAP Kevin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Energy Summit 2018 Strategic Energy Management ISO 50001 GAP Kevin Wallace, P. Eng., CEM Senior Program Manager May 30 th 2018 2 1. How big is the GAP? 2. Where is the GAP? 3 4 5 SEM Minimum Elements Customer Commitment Monitoring,

  1. Energy Summit 2018 Strategic Energy Management – ISO 50001 GAP Kevin Wallace, P. Eng., CEM Senior Program Manager May 30 th 2018

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  3. 1. How big is the GAP? 2. Where is the GAP? 3

  4. 4

  5. 5

  6. SEM Minimum Elements Customer Commitment Monitoring, Planning & Tracking and Implementation Reporting 7

  7. Canfor Pulp – Northwood Mill Hours required to attain ISO conformance: 155 8

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  9. Biggest Gaps – Areas of Focus 4.4.6 Energy Objectives, Targets & Action Plans 4.5.2 Competence, Training & Awareness 4.5.7 Procurement of Energy Services, Products, Equipment and Energy 4.6.3 Internal Audit of the EnMS 10

  10. Biggest Gaps – Areas of Focus 4.4.6 Energy Objectives, Targets & Action Plans 40 4.5.2 Competence, Training & Awareness 20 4.5.7 Procurement of Energy Services, Products, Equipment and Energy 10 4.6.3 Internal Audit of the EnMS 8 11

  11. Biggest Gaps – Areas of Focus 4.4.6 Energy Objectives, Targets & Action Plans 40 4.5.2 Competence, Training & Awareness 20 4.5.7 Procurement of Energy Services, Products, Equipment and Energy 10 4.6.3 Internal Audit of the EnMS 8 4.6.1 Monitoring, Measurement & Analysis 15 12

  12. Canfor Pulp – Prince George Pulp and Intercontinental Mill Hours required to attain ISO conformance: 192 13

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  14. Biggest Gaps – Areas of Focus 4.4.6 Energy Objectives, Targets, & Action Plans 4.5.2 Competence, Training, & Awareness 4.5.5 Operational Control 4.6.1 Monitoring, Measurement, & Analysis 15

  15. Biggest Gaps – Areas of Focus 4.4.6 Energy Objectives, Targets, & Action Plans 30 4.5.2 Competence, Training, & Awareness 30 4.5.5 Operational Control 20 4.6.1 Monitoring, Measurement, & Analysis 20 16

  16. Biggest Gaps – Areas of Focus 4.4.6 Energy Objectives, Targets, & Action Plans 30 4.5.2 Competence, Training, & Awareness 30 4.5.5 Operational Control 20 4.6.1 Monitoring, Measurement, & Analysis 20 4.5.7 Procurement of Energy Services, Products, Equipment, and Energy 10 17

  17. Focus on Energy SEM Le Leaders Program- EPS Scope • 14 largest energy using companies in the state • Food processing, steel, plastic injection molding, printing, pulp and paper, corrugated box, pharma • Cohort events and 1 on 1 coaching and direct support • Individual ISO 50001/EMIS Audit at each site early in process (energy management system business case)

  18. Company Process Foremost Farms Dairy processing Quad Graphics Printing GKN Sinter Metals Metals Aptar Injection molding Menasha Printing Georgia Pacific Pulp & paper Charter Steel Steel (mini-mill) Phillips Medsize Injection molding ST Paper Paper JBS Packaging Food processing Flambeau River Paper Pulp & paper Green Bay Packaging Paper Kohler Power Systems Engine mfg Saputo Food processing

  19. • Overall starting scores for 14 plants range from 21% to 49% of ISO 50001 but most plants around 20% • Low level of Operational Control of SEUs, Training, Measurement and correction of significant deviations in energy performance

  20. Focu cus on Energy SEM Le Leaders Program-EPS Scope- Results (1 (14 companies total) • 7 companies implemented ISO 50001 • 4 to full certification • 3 to 50001 Ready (under US DOE) • 10 companies implemented full EMIS systems as per the EMIS Audits (business cases) and are using them to control significant energy uses • 2 drop-outs • Average 12-month operational electricity savings = 2.2%

  21. Other GAPs 22

  22. Closing the GAP 23

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  25. Acknowledgements Peter Basset, EPS Teddy Townsley, Canfor Pulp Nick Finch, Canfor Pulp Chad Gilles, Stillwater Jess Burgess, CEE Greg Lehoux, BC Hydro 26

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