Depart ment of Toxic S ubst ances Cont rol Administ rat ive S ervices, Financial Planning Enacted Budget Fiscal Y ear 2017-18 1
Overview DTS C Funding by S ource and Program S ummary of Adj ustments High-level Fund Condition S tatements 2
DTS C Budget Overview 2016-17 2017-18 Fund Source Difference Enacted Budget Enacted Budget General Fund $44,103,000 $34,087,000 -$10,016,000 S pecial Funds $171,520,000 $212,412,000 $40,892,000 Federal Funds $33,442,000 $33,150,000 -$292,000 Reimbursements $13,548,000 $13,539,000 -$9,000 Total: All Funds $262,613,000 $293,188,000 $30,575,000 Total Authorized 1,047.6 1,048.1 +0.5 Positions: 3
DTS C Budget by Program 2016-17 2017-18 Program Difference Enacted Budget Enacted Budget S ite Mitigation & Brownfields Reuse $135,501,000 $129,574,000 -$5,927,000 Hazardous Waste Management $84,224,000 $78,792,000 -$5,432,000 S afer Consumer Products $15,692,000 $13,447,000 -$2,245,000 S tate Certified Unified Program $2,798,000 $2,784,000 -$14,000 Agency Exide Technologies $24,398,000 $68,591,000 $44,193,000 Total: All Programs $262,613,000 $293,188,000 $30,575,000 4
S ummary of Maj or Adj ustments National Priorities List/ S uperfund S ite BCP (One-Time) - $3,700,000 S upport direct site remediation at federal National Priorities List sites. Fund Source: 2017-18 Department of Pesticide Regulation Fund $500,000 Air Pollution Control Fund $2,700,000 Waste Discharge Permit Fund $500,000 5
S ummary of Maj or Adj ustments S tringfellow S uperfund S ite Characterization BCP - $2,460,000 Removal and remedial action to complete characterization of the S tringfellow hazardous waste site for three years. Failure to perform this work could subj ect the S tate to regulatory enforcement action by the U.S . EP A. Fund Source: 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 General Fund $2,460,000 $2,990,000 $2,600,000 6
S ummary of Maj or Adj ustments Exide Closure Implementation Limited Term BCP - $4,200,000 To hire a third-party quality assurance contractor to oversee the Exide Closure Plan implementation, as required by the final closure plan agreement. Fund Source: 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 HWCA $1,400,000 $1,400,000 $1,400,000 7
S ummary of Maj or Adj ustments Lead-Acid Battery Act of 2016 (AB 2153) Limited-Term BCP - $1,220,000 Two year funding to begin the initial implementation of the Lead-Acid Battery Recycling Act of 2016. The Act requires DTS C to identify, investigate, and cleanup areas reasonably suspected to have been contaminated by the operation of lead- acid battery recycling facilities. Fund Source: 2017-18 2018-19 Lead Acid Battery $610,000 $610,000 Cleanup Fund 8
S ummary of Maj or Adj ustments Laguna Nueva S chool S ite Park – Legislative Appropriation (One –Time) - $2,000,000 To provide the County of Los Angeles and Montebello Unified S chool District funding to purchase property to build a new county park on the S chool District’s property. Fund Source: 2017-18 General Fund $2,000,000 9
Exide Technologies Facility Contamination Cleanup 2016-17 2017-18 Difference Enacted Budget Enacted Budget FY 2015-16 $4,790,000 $4,790,000 $0 FY 2016-17 $42,080,000 $24,398,000 -$17,682,000 FY 2017-18 $129,730,000 $68,591,000 -$61,139,000 FY 2018-19 $0 $63,850,000 -$63,850,000 FY 2019-20 $0 $14,971,000 -$14,971,000 10
Fund Condition S tatement Hazardous Waste Control Account FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 Beginning Balance $25,815 $28,070 $14,362 Revenues $53,215 $55,845 $55,179 Transfers from other funds $13,010 $2 $1,400 Expenditures $63,970 $69,555 $67,902 Ending Balance $28,070 $14,362 $3,039 Dollars are in thousands 11
Fund Condition S tatement Toxic S ubstances Control Account (excluding Exide) FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 Beginning Balance $42,818 $20,859 $22,029 Revenues $60,002 $72,643 $60,402 Transfers from other funds $1,190 $990 $980 Transfers to other funds -$11,282 -$10,754 -$9,613 Expenditures $71,869 $61,709 $62,753 Ending Balance $20,859 $22,029 $11,045 Dollars are in thousands 12
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