en enfiel ield d at at war ar

En Enfiel ield d at at War ar Enf nfiel ield d WW WW1 Imag - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

En Enfiel ield d at at War ar Enf nfiel ield d WW WW1 Imag ages es Enfie ield ld had severa ral important tant fact ctor ories es manu nufact ctur uring ng weapo pons ns during ng World d War I. One was the Royal al

  1. En Enfiel ield d at at War ar Enf nfiel ield d WW WW1 Imag ages es

  2. Enfie ield ld had severa ral important tant fact ctor ories es manu nufact ctur uring ng weapo pons ns during ng World d War I. One was the Royal al Small ll Arms ms Factor tory y at Enfie ield d Lock. k.

  3. The he pr produ oduct ction ion of of mu muniti nition ons incr increase eased so so mu much during during the the war that that the the Royal al Sm Small all Ar Arms ms Fac actor tory grew. It It had had al all it’s own wn fac acil iliti ities, es, inc inclu luding ing thi this can canteen een for or the the wor orkers ers. They were also paid far more than an their fellow workers ers in in other fac acto torie ries

  4. An Anoth other er impo importa tant nt mu munitio nitions fac actor tory was as the the Pon onders ders End End Shel Shell Works whic ich recei eived a visit from King George V in in April 1915 1915.

  5. Ponders ders End Shell Works

  6. Artill ller ery y shells s at the Ponde ders rs End Shell Works. s.

  7. Wom omen en wor orking ing at at the the Mor Morson sons Ch Chemical emical Fac actor tory at at Wharf harf Road oad Pon onder ders End, End, whic ich pr produ oduced ced ant ntis iseptic ptic fie ield ld dr dressi ssings ngs for or the the tr troo oops. It It is is rumour moured to to have manu nufact ctur ured poison onou ous mustar tard gas as.

  8. Morson sons Summerf merfiel eld d Works, s, Wharf Road, , Pond nders ers End, , 1916.

  9. Train raining ing for or sold soldier iers was as given en near near to to hom ome at at local local rif ifle le sho hooting oting clubs, bs, the below pictur ture was taken en at at Slades es Hill, Enfie ield ld.

  10. The he first irst bo bomb mbs to to be be dr dropp opped ed in in Enf Enfie ield ld fel ell on on th the night night of of 2/3rd rd Septemb ptember er 19 1916 16. The he airship airship SL SL11 11 dr drop opped ed bo bombs bs on on the the far arm at at Cr Crews ews Hil Hill kil illin ing 3 ho horses rses. Bo Bomb mbs wer ere also also dr dropped opped at at Wor orlds lds End End Lane, ane, Ch Chase ase Road oad and and other other areas eas of of Edmo Edmonton nton and and Enf Enfiel eld. The he airsh airship ip was as sho shot do down by by a pil pilot ot ca call lled ed Li Lieute eutenant nant Will lliam iam Leef Leefe Rob obin inson son and and cr crashed ashed in in Cuf Cuffley ey. The he be belo low pictu icture is is bo bomb mb da damag mage on on the the cor corner er of of Hertf tfor ord Road and Sout uthb hbury Road.

  11. Li Lieutenant eutenant William liam Leef Leefe Rob obinso nson rece eceived ed the the Vict ictor oria ia Cr Cross oss for or shooti oting ng down the SL SL 11 11 airshi ship.

  12. New New doo doors rs wer ere opened opened for or women men regar arding ding wor ork. The hese se Enf Enfiel ield wom omen took took over the the role le of of de deli liveri ering ng the the post post whi hile men men wher here away fighti hting ng. The photo to was taken at at Church Street, et, Enfie ield.

  13. Man Many mo more women men trained trained as as nu nurses rses to to wor ork in in the the man many ho hosp spitals itals at at home home or or on on th the battlef battlefields ields of of France rance and Belgium um.

  14. These women en are making king gun cartri tridg dges s at the Remington ngton Factor tory.

  15. This is pho photo to of of wou ounded ded so sold ldiers iers was as ta taken en at at the the ol old rail railway sta station tion kn known wn as as th the Edmo Edmonton nton Lo Lower er Le Level el Stat Station on bef befor ore Edmo Edmonton nton Green een was bui uilt.

  16. The he wou ound nded ed wer ere br brou ought ght ho home me fr from om the the batt battle fie ields lds and and tr treat eated ed in ho in hosp spita itals ls lik ike the the Edmo Edmonton nton Mi Milita itary Hospita Hospital, l, no now kn known wn as as the North th Middlese esex Hospi spital tal.

  17. Convale alescent scent hospi pitals tals for soldier ers s at Groveland elands, , whic ich h opened ed in 1916. 1916.

  18. Lar Large pr privat ate ho hous uses es wer ere also also used sed as as ho hosp spita itals ls for or wou ound nded ed ser servicemen vicemen. This his one one in in Vica icars rs Moo oor Lane, Lane, Winchmore Hill was called ‘ Roseneath neath ’ .

  19. Elm Elm Hou House, se, whic hich sti still sta stands nds on on Gent Gentlemans lemans Row, was as another ther reco cover ery hospital ital for the wounde unded.

  20. Military Hospital, St. Mark’s Institute, Bush Hill Park rk.

  21. Wounde ded d soldiers rs being enterta taine ined d at the Enfie ield ld Golf Club in 1915. 1915.

  22. Fresh esh air air and and ou outdoor tdoor ac acti tiviti vities es wer ere also also ben enef efic icia ial for or reco ecover ery of of th the wou ound nded ed so sold ldiers iers, as as illu llustrated strated on on this this al allo lotmen tment at at the the Tottenhal ottenhall Roa oad Hospita Hospital whic hich was as tw twinn inned ed with with Gr Grovelan elands Milita tary Hosp spita ital.

  23. Fundrais Fundraising ing events ents wer ere he held ld in in the the for orm of of fete tes and and whist hist dr drives es to to send send par parcels cels to to the the se servin ving so sold ldiers iers and and sai sailor lors abr abroad oad. Thi his one one was as held eld at at Br Broo oomf mfie ield ld Hou House, e, Palmers almers Gr Green een whic ich also also beca ecame me a ho hospita spital during during the the war.

  24. This is a typical ical parcel cel sent to a service icema man n in World d War r I. I.

  25. Tho housands usands of of Belg elgian ian refu efugees ees di displac splaced ed fr from their their ho home mes fled led to to Br Brita itain in. The he Bor orou oughs ghs fou ound nd sh shelt elter er for or man many of of them them. This is pho photo was as ta taken en ou outs tsid ide the the Strand Strand Union Workho house use, Edmon onton ton near North th Middle lese sex Hospi pital tal.

  26. Belgian ian refug ugee ees s were also o kept in style e at a privat ate e house se in Winchm hmor ore e Hill named med ‘Beaulieu’.

  27. Rol oll of of Hon onou our of of those those who ho ser erved ed and and die ied fr from om Southb thbur ury Scho hool.

  28. Fam amil ilies ies of of tho those ser servin ving or or ki kill lled ed did did not not al always ys wait ait for or for ormal mal Memo Memorials rials to to be be built uilt. They hey con constr structed ucted thei their own wn in in the their ir str street eets. This is one one is is fr from om Gor Gordon don Road, oad, Edmon onton ton.

  29. This is was as a te tempo mporar rary cenota cenotaph ph in in Enf Enfie ield ld Town, wn, it it was as er erect ected ed so so crowds of of the bereaved ed could ld pay their respect pects when peace ce was declar lared.

  30. Edmo Edmonton nton Gr Gree een War ar Memo Memorial ial built uilt in in 19 1923 23, wher ere Rememb embrance rance Day services ices are held to to this day.

  31. The Enfie ield ld War r Memor orial ial at Church h Gree een, n, Enfie ield ld Town. n.

  32. Peac ace e Tea in Nag ags s Head ad Road, d, 1919.

  33. Peac ace e Tea Stanley nley Road d 1919. .

  34. Peac ace e tea in Alma a Road.

  35. This is pho photog togra raph ph sho shows one one of of the the for ormal mal peac peace cele ce lebr brat ation ions in in 1919 919. Childr Children en walk alked ed fr from om their eir sc scho hools ols al all over er Enf Enfie ield ld to to a cele celebr brat ation ion in in Enf Enfield eld Town wn Park, ark, led ed by by float ats including uding this one one conveyi eying ng the Peac ace Angels ls.

  36. The Peac ace e Angel els s and d the progra ramme mme of events nts for r Enfie ield ld Town. n.

  37. The he pub public ic highw highways ys wer ere also also decorated decorated with with pat patrio riotic tic bun unting ting as as shown wn here in in Church Street, et, Enfiel eld.


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