employer strategies to reduce health costs and improve

Employer Strategies to Reduce Health Costs and Improve Quality - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Employer Strategies to Reduce Health Costs and Improve Quality Rabah Kamal Senior Policy Analyst Kaiser Family Foundation Overview 1. Premiums 2. Cost-sharing 3. Eligibility, take-up, & coverage rates 4. Provider networks what did

  1. Employer Strategies to Reduce Health Costs and Improve Quality Rabah Kamal Senior Policy Analyst Kaiser Family Foundation

  2. Overview 1. Premiums 2. Cost-sharing 3. Eligibility, take-up, & coverage rates 4. Provider networks – what did our focus groups tell us they’re doing? 5. Takeaways

  3. Quick Audience Poll Q: What changes have you made to coverage in recent months? A. Added behavioral health coverage B. Added a new contractor or third party vendor C. Expanded telemedicine coverage D. Increased employee outreach E. No change

  4. From the survey: Trends in premiums

  5. Figure 1

  6. Figure 2

  7. Figure 3

  8. Figure 4

  9. Figure 5

  10. From the survey: Cost-sharing trends

  11. Figure 6 Health spending by and on behalf of families with large employer coverage, 2003-2018 Employer premium contribution Family premium contribution Family out-of-pocket spending $25,000 $2,889 $3,020 $20,000 $2,505 $2,618 $2,739 $2,837 $3,545 $3,742 $4,066 $4,310 $4,327 $4,380 $5,076 $4,706 $2,216 $2,370 $15,000 $1,502 $1,665 $1,745 $1,779 $1,936 $2,097 $2,381 $2,559 $2,744 $2,838 $3,060 $3,495 $1,356 $10,000 $1,231 $2,061 $2,238 $12,013 $12,158 $12,697 $12,899 $13,479 $13,722 $14,113 $15,159 $7,067 $7,838 $8,658 $9,090 $9,346 $10,008 $10,546 $10,400 $5,000 $- 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Source: KFF analysis of IBM MarketScan Commercial Claims and Encounters Database and KFF Employer Health Benefits Survey, 2018; Kaiser/HRET Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits, 1999-2017

  12. Figure 7

  13. Figure 8

  14. Figure 9

  15. Figure 10

  16. From the survey: Eligibility, take-up, & coverage rates

  17. Figure 11

  18. Figure 12

  19. Figure 19 Figure 13

  20. From the focus groups: Strategies in network selection

  21. Figure 14 How can firms improve the value of their health spending? Address price of Address care utilization of care Wellness and Reconfigure Increase cost- health promotion provider sharing programs networks Direct employees Add alternative Restrict network to more efficient sites of care breadth providers

  22. Quick Audience Poll Q: Have you ever reconfigured provider networks in any of the following ways? A. Added alternative sites of care B. Tiered networks C. Centers of Excellence D. Direct contracting E. Eliminated providers

  23. Figure 15

  24. Figure 16: Alternative Sites of Care NOTE: For Retail Clinics and Telemedicine, firms were asked if their plan with the largest enrollment had these features. SOURCE: KFF Employer Health Benefits Survey, 2019

  25. Figure 17: Tiered Networks * Estimate is statistically different from estimate for all other firms not in the indicated size category (p < .05). SOURCE: KFF Employer Health Benefits Survey, 2019

  26. Figure 18: Centers of Excellence * Estimate is statistically different from estimate for all other firms not in the indicated size category (p < .05). SOURCE: KFF Employer Health Benefits Survey, 2019

  27. Figure 19: Direct Contracting Test found no statistical difference from estimate for all other firms not in the indicated size category. NOTE: Large Firms have 200 or more workers. SOURCE: KFF Employer Health Benefits Survey, 2019

  28. Figure 20: Eliminating Providers & Narrowing Networks * Estimate is statistically different from estimate for all other firms not in the indicated size category (p < .05). SOURCE: KFF Employer Health Benefits Survey, 2019

  29. Figure 21: Wellness Programs

  30. Figure 22

  31. Considerations and Challenges Benefits: • Lower costs • Improved quality of care • Alternative to raising deductibles Barriers: • Capacity • Lack of information • Employee considerations • Market conditions

  32. Special thanks to Human Resource Executive (HRE) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

  33. Questions?

  34. Thank you! www.kff.org www.healthsystemtracker.org Rabah Kamal rabahk@kff.org Twitter: @rubbah


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