elt perspective 3 2 september 2015

ELT Perspective 3(2), September 2015 PRESENTATION DIFFICULTIES - PDF document

ELT Perspective 3(2), September 2015 PRESENTATION DIFFICULTIES EXPERIENCED BY STUDENTS OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF UNSWAGATI Tiara Widyastuti Ratna Andhika Mahaputri (ratna_mahaputri@yahoo.com ) Department of English Education, Unswagati Cirebon

  1. ELT Perspective 3(2), September 2015 PRESENTATION DIFFICULTIES EXPERIENCED BY STUDENTS OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF UNSWAGATI Tiara Widyastuti Ratna Andhika Mahaputri (ratna_mahaputri@yahoo.com ) Department of English Education, Unswagati Cirebon Abstract This research is aimed to know how the students make the presentation in the FODVVURRP�� 7KLV� UHVHDUFK� ZDQWV� WR� H[SORUH� WKH� VWXGHQWV¶� GLIILFXOWLHV� LQ� SUHVHQWLQJ� WKH� material. The research was conducted at Unswagati Cirebon toward fifth semester of A and B class. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach and use observation, and questionnaire as instruments in collecting data. Then the result of this research is presented descriptively. The findings of this research show that most of the students give good criteria in make presentation in the classroom, they can deliver the presentation well. The difficulties that faced by the student when presenting the material consist of: the students bring note when they presenting the material, they often fidgeting, jiggling or swaying when they deliver the presentation, the student stiff when deliver the presentation and it makes presentation tedious, and they end the presentation with an inspiration deficit. Keywords : Student, Difficulties, Presentation . INTRODUCTION are important in every profession but are Presentation is an activity in considered of prime importance in the which someone shows, describes, or cooperate world. Presentation skills is one explains something to a group of people. of the skills that will enhance the ability When some people hear the phrase to speak in public or public speaking. This presentation skills, there is only one thing expertise has an important role in career which comes to our mind that is a person development, marketing of products and standing in front of the projector and services, to build opinion for the purpose running through the powerpoint slides. of clarification and lobby. If linked with But, what about the presentation skills of the job, then the ability of public speaking a chef, a dancer, what about the teacher, is one of the skills to build professional they too need proper presentation skills . credibility. Presentation skills in any Presentations should be the high profession is an art of getting the attention points of working life. Presentations are of the audience and enthralling them with the moment in the spotlight, chance to ideas or performance. Presentation skills shine, and an opportunity to plead a case, ISSN: 2354-7340 371

  2. Widyastuti, T. & Mahaputri, R. A. spread a word, and influence people. valuable learning experiences, but giving (Shipside, 2006:6). Chivers & Shoolbred oral presentation in class can also be (2007: 2) said that VWXGHQW¶V�SUHVHQWDWLRQV� stressful for students. Not only they are may be given for the purposes of: worried about getting up in front of the advocacy/persuasion, training, teaching audience or groups to speak, but also many and learning, informing, assessment of them have not had much instruction in student presentations are used what constitutes an effective presentation. increasingly on educational courses to Oral presentation are a common encourage students to be more active in requirement in many courses. They may be their own learning. short or long, include slides or visual aids According to Alshare & Hindi and be done individually or in a group. The (2004) D� VWXGHQW¶V� SUHVHQWDWLRQ� LQ� WKH� objectives of this research is to to find out classroom becomes an important element the difficulties made by the students in in delivering positive learning experiences. presenting the material. The stated above show that the presentation is important, the presentation Khaled & Nitham (2004) gives the high points of working life, it can conclude that forty-three percent of be used to encourage the students to be respondents indicated students were more active in learning process and give required to present in two classes per the positive learning experience. semester for an average of 10 0DQ\� VWXGHQWV¶� SUHVHQWDWLRQV� DUH� minutes. Students and instructors used by tutors to assess student agreed that critical objectives of understanding, knowledge and progress in presentations were to improve modules, and at important stages on communication skills and to train academic and vocational courses. students to talk to a group of people. Presentations also help students to prepare The two groups differed on ranking for employment in organizations that place the presentation evaluation. While LQVWUXFWRUV� UDQNHG� ³WKH� FRQWHQW� RI� an increasing value on effective SUHVHQWDWLRQ´� LQ� WKH� ILUVW� SODFH�� presentation skills. (Chivers and VWXGHQWV�UDQNHG�³WKH�RUJDQL]DWLRQ�RI� Shoolbred, 2007: ix). Class presentation or WKH�SUHVHQWDWLRQ´�DV�WKHLU�ILUVW�FKRLFH�� also known as oral presentation or VWXGHQWV¶�SUHVHQWDWLRQ�LV�D�WHUP�WKDW�UHIHUV� Both groups, however, agreed that ³ZHOO -organized presen WDWLRQ´� DQG� to a teaching technique which engages ³HQMR\DEOH� FRQWHQW´� ZHUH� WKH� WZR� students in a project to explore about a topic and later share the findings in the most important measures of SUHVHQWDWLRQ�HIIHFWLYHQHVV��6WXGHQWV¶� class. Kayfetz and Stice (1987) defined class presentation as a group of students responses showed no statistical studying and exchanging information and significance between the grade ideas through reports and discussions. assigned and the grade that should As the writer knows that most of be assigned for presentation. While educational institute is assigning oral the majority of graduate students (70 presentation in courses. These can be very percent) reported 11-20 minutes for 372 ISSN: 2354-7340

  3. ELT Perspective 3(2), September 2015 presentation period, undergraduates 5. To focus the attention of the audience indicated 10 minutes (68 percent). on what the speaker is saying, using PDUNHU� SKUDVHV�� VXFK� DV� µ7KH� ILUVW� Undergraduate students thought SRLQW� ,� ZDQW� WR� PDNH«¶�� µ7KH� PRVW� handouts were the most important LPSRUWDQW�WKLQJ�WR�UHPHPEHU�LV«´ visual aid compared to graduate students who preferred PowerPoint. 6. When the presenter reinforce and The paper concluded by providing a consolidate the points that is making, checklist of items for effective and the presenter can use example ineffective presentations. purposefully. Just as a house consists of a 7. During the presentation, the presenter harmonious arrangement of some common recapped at intervals what the speaker elements (door, hall, kitchen, lounge, have said. bedroom, bathroom, garage), so a 8. When deliver the presentation, the presentation consists of a set of standard presenter must use the simple components (introduction, body, sentences to avoid confusing the conclusion) arranged in such a way that the listeners. audience can be informed, educated and 9. The presenter should explain any entertained. The structure of the talk is technical terms that used with which important in keeping the audience engaged the audience might be unfamiliar. a poorly structured talk leaves the audience 10. The presenter should take time at the confused and disorientated. outset to familiarize with the Tolley & Wood ( 2010:62) technology. much detailed guidance has been provided 11. When talking with members of the above on how to succeed in giving audience, the presenter make and presentations, as summarized as follows: maintain eye contact with them. 1. A good starting point is preparation, 12. The presenter must manage self thorough planning and preparation performance are essential to success. So, the 13. in order to not distract the audience, presenter must do the best the presenter must avoid the preparation. unnecessary facial expressions, 2. When the presenter want to talk with gestures and hand movements. the audience, the presenter should 14. The presenter should avoid being start with the clear introduction in overly informal as a way of dealing which the presenter tell the audience with the pressure of the situation. what the presenter plans to talk about. 15. In the end of the presentation, the 3. In delivering presentation, the presenter conclude the material that presenter communicate with a clear have delivered by reminding the structure to the audience. listeners of the main points that the 4. The presenter should make a list of speaker have made, and inviting key points when intend to make each questions. VHFWLRQ�RI�WKH�SUHVHQWHU¶V�DGGUHVV� ISSN: 2354-7340 373


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