NEW J JERSEY’S ’S S STATEWID IDE ASSESSMENT P PROGRAM ( (NJSLA) ■ NJDOE: Purpose of the assessment system is to promote and measure educational achievement at benchmark grade levels. – New Jersey has had statewide assessments since the 1970s. – In 2001, under the federal No Child Left Behind Act, every state was required to test students in grades 3-8 and grade 11. That mandate is still in effect. ■ The importance of ensuring state assessment participation rates: rich, reliable data stores.
In Information a about N NJSLA-S ■ Fourth year of administration ■ English Language Arts (ELA) administered in Grades 3-11 ■ Mathematics administered in Grades 3-8 ■ End of course assessments in Algebra 1, Geometry, and ■ Algebra II ■ In New Jersey a minimum of Level 4 is considered passing.
THE D DATA A ANALYSIS IS P PROCESS ■ What do we ask ourselves when it comes to data? 1. How will we use student achievement data as a tool to address student specific learning needs? 2. How will we use student achievement data to identify strengths, gaps, and trends that exist in our instruction? 3. How can we provide additional resources and support for our educators to meet the learning needs of all our students?
Five P Performance L Levels NJSLA uses five performance levels that delineate the knowledge, skills, and practices students are able to demonstrate: Level 2 l 2: Level 3 l 3: Level 4 l 4: Level 5 l 5: Level 1 l 1: Partially Met Approached Met Exceeded Did Not Yet Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations Meet Expectations
Elmwood P Park P Publ blic S Schools Data A At A A G Glance
NJ NJSLA SLA ELA ELA Analysis o of t f the L Last 5 5 y years Percentage o of S Students W Who M Met o or E Exceeded E Expectations ELA EL 20 2015 5 20 2016 20 2017 20 2018 20 2019 Grade 3 44 50.6 51.7 56.9 50.5 Grade 4 44.6 50.9 57.6 60.3 61.4 Grade 5 45.2 53.7 64.6 61.5 57.6 Grade 6 41.9 42 46.4 46.4 52.8 Grade 7 42.6 60.9 47.8 55.2 66.1 Grade 8 50.3 51.2 53.3 53.2 57.8 Grade 9 33.5 50.3 42.2 52.4 48.8 Grade 10 41.2 55.6 42.5 43.5 53.8
NJ NJSLA SLA ELA ELA Compared t to S State 2 2019 Percentage o of S Students W Who M Met o or E Exceeded E Expectations EL ELA 20 2019 St State Di Difference Grade 3 50.5 50.3 +0.2 Grade 4 61.4 57.4 +4 Grade 5 57.6 57.9 -.03 Grade 6 52.8 56.2 -3.4 Grade 7 66.1 62.8 +3.3 Grade 8 57.8 62.8 -5 Grade 9 49 55.3 -6.5 Grade 10 47.2 58 -4.2
NJ NJSLA SLA Ma Math th Compared t to S State 2 2019 Percentage o of S Students W Who M Met o or E Exceeded E Expectations Ma Math 20 2019 St State Di Difference Grade 3 -2.0 53.1 55.1 Grade 4 +3.5 54.5 51.0 Grade 5 -11.4 35.4 46.8 Grade 6 -14.9 25.6 40.5 Grade 7 -4 38.1 42.1 Grade 8 -11 18.3 29.3 8 th Grade Algebra +24.9 67.8 42.9 Algebra 1 -10.3 32.6 42.9 Geometry -26.1 5.1 31.2 Algebra 1I 47.1 +1.2 45.8
Subg bgroup A Analysis- NJ NJSLA LA Mat Math His Hispa panic ic Compared t to S State 2 2019 Percentage o of S Students W Who M Met o or E Exceeded E Expectations Ma Math St Students 20 2019 St State Grade 3 79 53.2 55.1 Grade 4 69 478 51.0 Grade 5 78 28.2 46.8 Grade 6 97 13.4 40.5 Grade 7 80 26.3 42.1 Grade 8 56 14.3 29.3 Algebra 1 74 28.4 42.9 Geometry 50 0.0 31.2 Algebra 1I 26 26.9 45.8
Subg bgroup A Analysis- NJ NJSLA LA EL ELA His Hispa panic ic Compared t to S State 2 2019 Percentage o of S Students W Who M Met o or E Exceeded E Expectations EL ELA St Students 20 2019 St State Grade 3 55.1 50.3 78 Grade 4 56.5 57.4 69 Grade 5 48.7 57.9 76 Grade 6 46.9 56.2 96 Grade 7 58.2 62.8 79 Grade 8 46.8 62.8 62 Grade 9 44.9 55.3 69 Grade 10 39.1 58 69
Subg bgroup A Analysis- NJ NJSLA LA Mat Math Black/African A American Compared t to S State 2 2019 Percentage o of S Students W Who M Met o or E Exceeded E Expectations Ma Math St Students 20 2019 St State Grade 3 16 25 55.1 Grade 4 16 37.5 51.0 Grade 5 21 19 46.8 Grade 6 33 6.1 40.5 Grade 7 19 15.8 42.1 Grade 8 13 0.0 29.3 Algebra 1 30 23.3 42.9 Geometry 15 0.0 31.2 Algebra 1I 4 25 45.8
Subg bgroup A Analysis- NJ NJSLA LA EL ELA Black/African A American Percentage o of S Students W Who M Met o or E Exceeded E Expectations EL ELA St Students 20 2019 St State Grade 3 16 50 50.3 Grade 4 16 50 57.4 Grade 5 21 47.6 57.9 Grade 6 32 18.8 56.2 Grade 7 18 61.1 62.8 Grade 8 19 63.2 62.8 Grade 9 21 28.6 55.3 Grade 10 21 14.3 58
Subg bgroup A Analysis- NJ NJSLA LA MA MATH Economically D Disadvantaged Percentage o of S Students W Who M Met o or E Exceeding E Expectations Ma Math St Students 20 2019 St State Grade 3 95 56.8 55.1 Grade 4 64 43.8 51.0 Grade 5 77 28.6 46.8 Grade 6 112 16.1 40.5 Grade 7 82 34.1 42.1 Grade 8 62 12.9 29.3 Algebra 1 88 23.9 42.9 Geometry 46 6.5 31.2 Algebra 1I 22 36.4 45.8
Subg bgroup A Analysis- NJ NJSLA LA EL ELA Economically D Disadvantaged Percentage o of S Students W Who M Met o or E Exceeding E Expectations EL ELA St Students 20 2019 St State Grade 3 47.9 50.3 94 Grade 4 53.2 57.4 62 Grade 5 50 57.9 76 Grade 6 41.8 56.2 110 Grade 7 60.5 62.8 81 Grade 8 42.6 62.8 68 Grade 9 41.7 55.3 84 Grade 10 39.7 58 63
Subg bgroup A Analysis- NJ NJSLA LA Mat Math Special E Education Percentage o of S Students W Who M Met o or E Exceeding E Expectations Ma Math St Students 20 2019 St State Grade 3 37 40.5 55.1 Grade 4 22 18.2 51.0 Grade 5 33 9.1 46.8 Grade 6 39 7.7 40.5 Grade 7 22 0.0 42.1 Grade 8 37 5.4 29.3 Algebra 1 43 11.6 42.9 Geometry 18 5.6 31.2 Algebra 1I 6 16.7 45.8
Subg bgroup A Analysis: : NJ NJLS LSA EL ELA Special E Education Percentage o of S Students W Who M Met o or E Exceeding E Expectations EL ELA St Students 20 2019 St State Grade 3 37 32.4 50.3 Grade 4 23 21.7 57.4 Grade 5 33 24.2 57.9 Grade 6 39 20.5 56.2 Grade 7 22 27.3 62.8 Grade 8 37 24.3 62.8 Grade 9 43 20.9 55.3 Grade 10 30 13.3 58
Subg bgroup A Analysis: : NJ NJSL SLA Mat Math Students w with C Current 5 504 P Plans Percentage o of S Students W Who M Met o or E Exceeded E Expectations Ma Math St Students 20 2019 St State Grade 3 25 4 55.1 Grade 4 33.3 3 51.0 Grade 5 0.0 4 46.8 Grade 6 11.1 9 40.5 Grade 7 33.3 6 42.1 Grade 8 18.2 11 29.3 Algebra 1 50 4 42.9 Geometry 12.5 8 31.2 Algebra 1I 2 100 45.8
Subg bgroup A Analysis: : NJ NJSL SLA EL ELA Students w with C Current 5 504 P Plans Percentage o of S Students W Who M Met o or E Exceeded E Expectations EL ELA St Students 20 2019 St State Grade 3 4 25 50.3 Grade 4 3 0.0 57.4 Grade 5 4 50 57.9 Grade 6 9 44.4 56.2 Grade 7 6 66.7 62.8 Grade 8 11 45.5 62.8 Grade 9 50 55.3 4 Grade 10 80 58 10
Subg bgroup A Analysis- NJ NJSLA LA Mat Math English L Language L Learners ( (ELLs) Percentage o of S Students W Who M Met o or E Exceeded E Expectations MA MATH St Students 20 2019 St State Grade 3 15 46.7 55.1 Grade 4 8 12.5 51.0 Grade 5 7 0.0 46.8 Grade 6 7 0.0 40.5 Grade 7 8 12.5 42.1 Grade 8 6 0.0 29.3 Algebra 1 0.0 11 42.9 Geometry 0.0 7 31.2 Algebra 1I 0 N/A 45.8
Subg bgroup A Analysis- NJ NJSLA LA EL ELA English L Language L Learners ( (ELLs) Percentage o of S Students W Who M Met o or E Exceeded E Expectations EL ELA St Students 20 2019 St State Grade 3 14 35.7 50.3 Grade 4 5 20 57.4 Grade 5 5 20 57.9 Grade 6 4 25 56.2 Grade 7 5 0.0 62.8 Grade 8 3 0.0 62.8 Grade 9 6 0.0 55.3 Grade 10 7 0.0 58
NJ NJSLA SLA ELA ELA Year t to Y Year P Percent D Difference: Percentage o of S Students W Who M Met o or E Exceeding E Expectations EL ELA 2015 t to 20 2016 2016 t to 2 2017 2017 t to 2 2018 2018 t to 2 2019 Grade 3 6.6 .6 1. 1.1 5.2 .2 -6.4 .4 Grade 4 6.3 .3 6.7 .7 2.7 .7 1. 1.1 Grade 5 8.5 .5 10.9 .9 -3. 3.1 -3.9 .9 Grade 6 0. 0.1 4.4 .4 0 6.4 .4 Grade 7 18.3 .3 -13 13.1 7.4 .4 10.9 .9 Grade 8 0.9 .9 2. 2.1 -0. 0.1 4.6 .6 Grade 9 16.8 .8 -8. 8.1 10.2 .2 -3.6 .6 Grade 10 14.4 .4 -13 13.1 1 10.3 .3
NJ NJSLA SLA Ma Math th Last 5 5 y years Percentage o of S Students W Who M Met o or E Exceeding E Expectation Ma Math 20 2015 5 20 2016 20 2017 20 2018 20 2019 Grade 3 27.4 49.2 47.1 56 53.05 Grade 4 41.7 49.2 42.4 45 54.5 Grade 5 31.9 42.2 35.7 38.2 35.4 Grade 6 36.3 27.5 38 33 25.6 Grade 7 34.4 39.8 34.6 42.3 38.1 Grade 8 24.6 18.1 20.1 25.8 33.7 Algebra 1 24.5 34 35.2 37.3 32.6 Geometry 12 10.7 12.9 6.1 5.1 Algebra 1I 1.6 13 18 16.1 47
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