electron faking tau veto

Electron-faking-tau veto Alex Tuna Ryan Reece Brig Williams - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Electron-faking-tau veto Alex Tuna Ryan Reece Brig Williams University of Pennsylvania February 25, 2013 On behalf of Tau WG Tuna Electron-faking-tau veto 1 -1 10 Background efficiency 0.00 | | < 0.80 TauEleBDT Winter

  1. Electron-faking-tau veto Alex Tuna Ryan Reece Brig Williams University of Pennsylvania February 25, 2013 On behalf of Tau WG Tuna Electron-faking-tau veto 1

  2. -1 10 Background efficiency ≤ η 0.00 | | < 0.80 TauEleBDT Winter 2013 ≤ η 0.80 | | < 1.37 ≤ η 1.37 | | < 1.52 -2 ≤ η 10 1.52 | | < 2.00 ≤ η 2.00 | | -3 10 ATLAS Internal Simulation -4 10 s = 8 TeV 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Signal efficiency Background efficiency as a function of signal efficiency with a Boosted Decision Tree (BDT) algorithm for 1-prong τ had–vis candidates with p T > 15 GeV and | η | < 2 . 5. The signal efficiency is obtained using γ ⋆ → ττ simulated events. The background efficiency is obtained using Z / γ ⋆ → ee simulated events. Z / Candidates are required to pass loose tau identification and not overlap with reconstructed electron candidates which pass tight electron identification within a ∆ R -cone of 0.4. Signal (background) Tuna candidates are further required to overlap with a truth τ had–vis (electron). Electron-faking-tau veto 2

  3. 1 Signal efficiency 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 ATLAS Internal 0.65 TauEleBDT loose Simulation 0.6 TauEleBDT medium TauEleBDT tight s = 8 TeV 0.55 0.5 20 30 40 50 60 70 [GeV] p T Signal efficiency of the Winter 2013 TauEleBDT for 1-prong τ had–vis candidates as a function of reconstructed transverse momentum for p T > 15 GeV and | η | < 2 . 5. The identification is performed using a BDT algorithm at a loose, medium, or tight working point. The efficiency is obtained using γ ⋆ → ττ simulated events. Z / Tuna Electron-faking-tau veto 3

  4. 1 Signal efficiency 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 ATLAS Internal 0.65 TauEleBDT loose Simulation 0.6 TauEleBDT medium TauEleBDT tight s = 8 TeV 0.55 0.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 N(vertices) Signal efficiency of the Winter 2013 TauEleBDT for 1-prong τ had–vis candidates as a function of the number of reconstructed vertices for p T > 15 GeV and | η | < 2 . 5. The identification is performed using a BDT algorithm at a loose, medium, or tight working point. The efficiency is obtained using γ ⋆ → ττ simulated events. Z / Tuna Electron-faking-tau veto 4

  5. 0.12 Background efficiency ATLAS Internal TauEleBDT loose 0.1 TauEleBDT medium Simulation TauEleBDT tight s = 8 TeV 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 [GeV] p T Background efficiency of the Winter 2013 TauEleBDT for 1-prong τ had–vis candidates as a function of reconstructed transverse momentum for p T > 15 GeV and | η | < 2 . 5. The identification is performed using a BDT algorithm at a loose, medium, or tight working point. The efficiency is obtained using γ ⋆ → ee simulated events. Z / Tuna Electron-faking-tau veto 5

  6. 0.12 Background efficiency ATLAS Internal TauEleBDT loose 0.1 TauEleBDT medium Simulation TauEleBDT tight s = 8 TeV 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 N(vertices) Background efficiency of the Winter 2013 TauEleBDT for 1-prong τ had–vis candidates as a function of the number of reconstructed vertices for p T > 15 GeV and | η | < 2 . 5. The identification is performed using γ ⋆ → ee a BDT algorithm at a loose, medium, or tight working point. The efficiency is obtained using Z / simulated events. Tuna Electron-faking-tau veto 6


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