electromagnetic counterparts ii

Electromagnetic Counterparts II M. Benacquista ICE Summer School: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Electromagnetic Counterparts II M. Benacquista ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy July 5, 2018 What is an electromagnetic counterpart? Source of gravitational waves Source of electromagnetic waves Coincident in time

  1. Electromagnetic Counterparts II M. Benacquista ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy July 5, 2018

  2. What is an electromagnetic counterpart? • Source of gravitational waves • Source of electromagnetic waves • Coincident in time (Events) • Mergers Tuesday • Supernovae • Coincident in space (Continuous) • Compact Binaries • Pulsars • Statistically correlated (Long Delay) • Binary SMBH Today • Tidal Disruptions ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy � 2 July 5, 2018

  3. • Supermassive Black Hole Binaries • Reside in centers of galaxies • M- σ relation implies relationship between galaxy growth and black hole growth • Galaxies merge • SMBH merge ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy July 5, 2018

  4. Merger frequency is related to the "Innermost Stable Circular Orbit" ISCO r ISCO ∼ 3 R s = 6 GM c 2 f ISCO ∼ 3 × 10 4 Hz ( M ⊙ M ) GM = r 2 ω 3 ⟹ So SMBH binaries merge in the mHz band: LISA LISA Digression ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy � 4 July 5, 2018

  5. Quick Summary of eLISA Three spacecraft in solar orbit • Laser links between two pairs • 2.5 x 10 6 km armlengths • ESA L3 Mission Scheduled launch: 2034 5

  6. ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy � 6 July 5, 2018

  7. ψ ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy � 7 July 5, 2018

  8. 8

  9. "Gravitational Universe" (2013) ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy � 9 July 5, 2018

  10. Show Eris Movie ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy � 10 July 5, 2018

  11. �� �� �� 20 t black hole - black hole mergers e 18 space based n 16 gravitational wave e observatory 14 n, 12 Redshift (z) 10 r future 8 EM probes f 6 . 4 20 0 50 100 300 1 2 f 1000 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 s log(M/M ) 9 . ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy � 11 July 5, 2018 z ~ 6 QSO (starting from a massive seed, blue curve, or from a Pop III seed from a collapsed metal-free star, yellow curve); a typical 10 M black hole in a giant elliptical galaxy (red curve); and a Milky Way-like black hole (green curve). Circles mark black hole-black hole mergers occurring merger tree models corner roughly identifjes the parameter space for which massive black

  12. Motivation • LISA should be able to detect SMBH binary mergers • LISA should be able to localize them to less than a square degree (possibly much less). • We will know the properties (masses, spins, distance, location) in exquisite detail (less than 1 %) • If we could identify the host galaxy, we could skip the distance ladder and go straight to redshift/distance out to z=10 (or more). ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy July 5, 2018

  13. 10 6 galaxy mergers X − shaped occup. fraction radio lobes diffuse gas dual AGN M − sigma 10 3 galaxy cores (scouring) galaxy cores (recoil) 10 0 binary quasars HCSSs circumbinary off − centered/ R(pc) post − merger disks Doppler − shifted quasars towards merger variable 10 − 3 X − ray/UV/IR afterglows accretion tidal disruption enhanced suppressed Bondi accretion accretion accretion delayed quasar 10 − 6 GRMHD 9 6 3 3 6 9 − 10 yr − 10 yr − 10 yr 0 yr 10 yr 10 yr 10 yr time since merger Figure 4. Selection of potential EM sources, sorted by timescale, typical size of emission region, and physical mechanism (blue/ italic = stellar; yellow/Times- Roman = accretion disk; green/ bold = di ff use gas/miscellaneous). The evolution of the merger proceeds from the upper-left through the lower-center, to the upper- right. Schnittman, 2013 ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy � 13 July 5, 2018

  14. Candidate EM counterpart SMBH binary Hayasaki, 2009 ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy � 14 July 5, 2018

  15. • Many properties of black hole binary mergers are independent of mass (or scale with mass). • Numerical simulations of black hole binary mergers indicate roughly 5% of the initial mass is converted to gravitational wave energy. • A pair of million solar mass black holes will radiate 100,000 solar masses of energy at merger. • The circumbinary disk will no longer be in equilibrium. ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy July 5, 2018

  16. Analytical Model Prior to merger, disk particles are in circular orbits GM Keplerian velocity : v K = R Specific angular momentum : j = v K R = GMR j 2 Orbital Radius : R = GM After merger, disk particles are in perturbed orbits M ⟶ M (1 − ε ) j 2 R ′ � circ = GM (1 − ε ) = R (1 + ε ) ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy � 16 July 5, 2018

  17. After the mass loss, the particles find themselves in elliptical orbits with periapsis at R and apapsis at R'. Epicycles! circ ( R ) + A sin ( Ω t + ϕ 0 ) R new ( R , t ) = R ′ � Require R = R' at t=0, so ϕ 0 = 3 π /2 and A = R ′ � circ − R = ε R GM (1 − ε ) Ω = orbital frequency = R ′ � 3 circ Nearby particles will go to different orbits and eventually be 180° out of phase, leading to density peaks ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy � 17 July 5, 2018

  18. Time scales Phase difference 3 t dp ε Δ ϕ = t dp [ Ω ( R ) − Ω ( R + 2 ε R ] = t dyn So the time scale for density peak formation is: t dyn t dyn = 1 t dp ≃ with ε Ω For SMBH, this is more than 3 days assuming in inner disk radius of about 2 AU. ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy � 18 July 5, 2018

  19. radio IR/optical UV X-ray 10 48 Luminosity E L E (erg/s) total with inverse Compton 10 46 synchrotron seeds 10 44 10 42 bremsstrahlung seeds 10 40 10 -6 10 -4 10 -2 10 0 10 2 E (keV) Figure 3. A preliminary calculation of the broad-band spectrum produced by the GRMHD merger of [88], sampled near the peak of gravitational wave emission. Synchrotron and bremsstrahlung seeds from the magnetized plasma are ray-traced with Pandurata [224]. Inverse-Compton scattering o ff hot electrons in a di ff use corona gives a power-law spectrum with cut-o ff around kT e . The total mass is 10 7 M � and the gas has T e = 100 keV and optical depth of order unity. ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy � 19 July 5, 2018

  20. 10 47 1 > L bol (erg s − 1 ) r / h L Edd 10 45 (ii) inner disc (iii) o (i) u t 10 43 e r + i n n e (iv) r outer disc 10 41 − 10 2 0 − 10 4 10 2 10 4 10 6 t − t m (days) Infrared Optical UV X-ray 10 46 ν L ν (erg s − 1 ) h/r=1 10 42 o u t e r d i s c 10 38 10 13 10 14 10 15 10 16 10 17 ν (Hz) Fontecillo et al. 2016 ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy � 20 July 5, 2018

  21. 10 6 galaxy mergers X − shaped occup. fraction radio lobes diffuse gas dual AGN M − sigma 10 3 galaxy cores (scouring) galaxy cores (recoil) 10 0 binary quasars HCSSs circumbinary off − centered/ R(pc) post − merger disks Doppler − shifted quasars towards merger variable 10 − 3 X − ray/UV/IR afterglows accretion tidal disruption enhanced suppressed Bondi accretion accretion accretion delayed quasar 10 − 6 GRMHD 9 6 3 3 6 9 − 10 yr − 10 yr − 10 yr 0 yr 10 yr 10 yr 10 yr time since merger Figure 4. Selection of potential EM sources, sorted by timescale, typical size of emission region, and physical mechanism (blue/ italic = stellar; yellow/Times- Roman = accretion disk; green/ bold = di ff use gas/miscellaneous). The evolution of the merger proceeds from the upper-left through the lower-center, to the upper- right. Schnittman, 2013 ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy � 21 July 5, 2018

  22. ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy � 22 July 5, 2018

  23. Figure 1. From top to bottom, left to right: color gri SDSS DR8 images of the sources NGC 5058, NGC 3773, Mrk 1114, Mrk 712, Mrk 721, Mrk 116, Mrk 104, NGC 3758, Mrk 1263, NGC 7468, NGC 5860, Mrk 423, NGC 5256, Mrk 212, and MCG +00-12-073. Sources are ordered in ascending nuclear separation. The field of view is different for each object (i.e., 25 arcsec × 25 arcsec, 51 arcsec × 51 arcsec, and 100 arcsec × 100 arcsec) so that the morphological type of the host galaxy can be appreciated. (A color version of this figure is available in the online journal.) ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy � 23 July 5, 2018

  24. Prospects for SMBH counterparts • Long time delays — of order years. • Low luminosities for the distances involved. • Unlikely to connect counterpart with GW observation. • Look for characteristic brightening of galaxy merger remnants • Correlate rate densities of EM events with rate densities of observed GR events. ICE Summer School: Gravitational Wave Astronomy July 3, 2018


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