electricity markets and

Electricity Markets and Energy Storage Thursday, August 27, 2015 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP) Webinar: Electricity Markets and Energy Storage Thursday, August 27, 2015 Hosted by Todd Olinsky-Paul ESTAP Project Director, CESA Housekeeping State & Federal Energy Storage

  1. Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP) Webinar: Electricity Markets and Energy Storage Thursday, August 27, 2015 Hosted by Todd Olinsky-Paul ESTAP Project Director, CESA

  2. Housekeeping

  3. State & Federal Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP) Todd Olinsky-Paul Project Director Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA)

  4. Thank You: Dr. Imre Gyuk U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Dan Borneo Sandia National Laboratories

  5. ESTAP is a project of CESA Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) is a non-profit organization providing a forum for states to work together to implement effective clean energy policies & programs: State & Federal Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP) is conducted under contract with Sandia National Laboratories, with funding from US DOE. ESTAP Key Activities: Massachusetts: New Jersey: Vermont: 4 MW New York $40 Million Oregon: $10 million, 4- energy storage $40 Million Resilient Energy year energy microgrid & Microgrids Power/Microgrids Storage RFP storage Airport 1. Disseminate information to stakeholders Initiative Solicitation; $10 solicitation Microgrid Million energy storage • ESTAP listserv >2,000 members demonstration program New • Mexico: Webinars, conferences, information Connecticut: Energy $45 Million, updates, surveys. Storage Task 3-year Force Microgrids Initiative 2. Facilitate public/private partnerships to Kodiak Island support joint federal/state energy storage Pennsylvania Wind/Hydro/ Battery Battery & demonstration project deployment Demonstration Cordova Project Hydro/flywheel Northeastern projects States Post- 3. Support state energy storage efforts Sandy Critical Maryland Game Changer Infrastructure Awards: Solar/EV/Battery with technical, policy and program Resiliency Hawaii: 4MW & Resiliency Through Project Microgrids Task Force storage on assistance Molokai Island and ESTAP Project Locations 2MW storage in Honolulu

  6. Today’s Guest Speakers • Seth Mullendore , Project Director, Clean Energy Group • Jay Marhoefer, CEO and Founder, Intelligent Generation • John Andersen , Executive Manager, Intelligent Generation

  7. ESTAP Contact In Information Sandia Project Director: CESA Project Director: Dan Borneo Todd Olinsky-Paul (drborne@sandia.gov) (Todd@cleanegroup.org) Webinar Archive: www.cesa.org/webinars ESTAP Website: http://bit.ly/CESA-ESTAP ESTAP Listserv: http://bit.ly/EnergyStorageList

  8. Energ ergy y Sto torag rage e and d Elect ectricity ricity Marke rkets ts Augus gust 27, 2015 2015 Seth h Mullendo endore re Project Director Clean Energy Group

  9. www.resilient-power.org 2

  10. Increase public/private investment in clean, resilient power systems • Protect low-income and vulnerable communities • Focus on affordable housing and critical public facilities • Engage city officials to develop resilient power policies and programs • Advocate for state and federal supportive policies and programs • Technical assistance for pre-development costs to help • agencies/project developers get deals done See www.resilient-power.org for reports, newsletters, webinar • recordings www.resilient-power.org 3

  11. Energy Storage and Electricity Markets “There is currently no location in the U.S. where an energy storage system can realize its full economic potential for the multitude of services it is capable of providing .” http://bit.ly/Energy-Storage-And-Electricity-Markets www.resilient-power.org 4

  12. Energy Storage Monetization Em Emerging ng marke kets: ts: • Ancillary services • Demand Response Custom tomer er savin ings gs: • Demand management • Time-of-use energy shifting www.resilient-power.org 5

  13. Why do energy markets exist? • Electricity is a commodity • Demand limited by generation supply • Must be delivered in a narrow frequency range (60 Hertz) • Lack of capacity to store energy www.resilient-power.org 6

  14. Energy Market Structure www.resilient-power.org 7

  15. Ancillary Services www.resilient-power.org 8

  16. PJM Frequency Regulation • Two-part compensation • Effective megawatt compensation • Five-minute interval lost opportunity cost • Mileage compensation • 100 kilowatt participation threshold • Resource aggregation www.resilient-power.org 9

  17. Demand Response • Demand side resource • Lower system peak demand • Delay or avoid new generation capacity • NYC, CA, HI • FERC Order 745 www.resilient-power.org 10

  18. Customer Savings Peak reduced from 100 kW to 65kW = 35 kW reduction ction @ $10/kW = $4,200 00 annual l savings ings @ $20/kW = $8,400 00 annual l savings ings www.resilient-power.org 11

  19. Additional Opportunities www.resilient-power.org 12

  20. Contact Information Seth Mull llen endore dore www.cleanegroup.org Project Director www.cesa.org Clean Energy Group www.resilient-power.org Email: Seth@cleanegroup.org Phone: (802) 223-2554 x213 Follow us on Twitter @Resilient_Power and @CleanEnergyGrp Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Clean-Energy-Group www.resilient-power.org 13

  21. Developing the Operating System for the Networked Clean Energy Grid Clean Energy Group August 27, 2015 Jay Marhoefer, Intelligent Generation LLC

  22. About Intelligent Generation • We believe we can create a world of sustainable abundance, powered by clean energy • IG empowers everyone to produce clean energy by maximizing their market power in an intelligent network • Intelligent Generation provides the operating system for the networked clean energy grid 2

  23. Operating Model Dimensions 1. 2. Asset Markets classes 3. Applications 3

  24. Asset Class Jeff Cobb (2014-09-09). "Americans Buy Their 250,000th Plug-In Car". HybridCars.com . 4

  25. Asset Class Annual peak demand last year was 800 GW (.8 TW) Source: Rocky Mountain Institute 5

  26. Asset Class Source: Rocky Mountain Institute 6

  27. Energy storage needed to address inefficiencies 1,167 GW 1,200,000 If electricity were ÷ 2.5 an efficient supply Other Energy Sources chain, it would 1,000,000 Hydroelectric Pumped have 150% excess Storage 467 GW Other Biomass demand capacity! Geothermal 800,000 Wood and Wood- Derived Fuels Solar Thermal and 600,000 Photovoltaic Wind Hydroelectric Conventional 400,000 Nuclear Other Gases Natural Gas 200,000 Petroleum US Annual electrical consumption 4,095 B.kWh = Coal flat average demand of 467 GW 2012 Nameplate capacity MW 7

  28. The Duck Curve 8

  29. Markets Source: FERC 9

  30. A Complex Overlay • Federal (FERC) vs. state (PUC) • De-regulated (wires and meters, merchant power, IPP) vs. vertically integrated • IOU vs. muni vs.co-op • Utility-sided vs. behind the meter 10

  31. Application Source: EPRI 11

  32. Example: Frequency Regulation • Blue is PJM regulation signal, gold is IG tracking it. • 96% performance score (40% is PJM minimum) • Average hourly clearing price: $40/MW-hour 12

  33. IG’s Genesis of the Operating System Problem: Energy Storage without intelligent application is non-economic IG’s solution: Intelligently leverage energy storage to optimize economics . Frequency regulation, capacity reduction and ITC Frequency regulation during vehicle off hours ($8,000/yr./vehicle) Network solution extends battery life 13

  34. Intelligent Solar with Storage Benefits IG Intelligent Solar delivers benefits stack: Conventional Bottom Line Results Benefit Item Solar Earn back 15-20% of annual Save on Energy Electricity Bill energy costs, depending on Save on battery size . Capacity Power Electricity Bill Save on Save 10-20% off the power – Demand Power Electricity Bill related charges on electricity bills. Fast Response Earn Power Frequency Regulation Market Revenues Protect critical operations with Protect with Battery Back-up Power battery backup at no extra cost. 14

  35. IG Platform for Multiple Storage Applications 15

  36. Summary • Solar + storage, EVs are emerging markets today • Impact on the grid within 10 years will be seismic • Market will drive management, control and monetization of the distributed clean energy grid • IG poised to be platform leader for networking these distributed assets along dimensions of: 1. Asset class 2. Market 3. Application 16

  37. Thank You! Jay Marhoefer Co-founder & CEO, Intelligent Generation jay@intelgen.com John A. Andersen, Jr. Executive Manager, Intelligent Generation jandersen@greenleafadvisors.net www.intelgen.com 17


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