efficient simulation of random states and random unitaries

Efficient Simulation of Random States and Random Unitaries Gorjan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Efficient Simulation of Random States and Random Unitaries Gorjan Alagic, Christian Majenz and Alexander Russell QCrypt 2020, in Cyberspace Results overview We study the simulation of random quantum objects , i.e. random quantum states

  1. Efficient Simulation of Random States and Random Unitaries Gorjan Alagic, Christian Majenz and Alexander Russell QCrypt 2020, in Cyberspace

  2. Results — overview ‣ We study the simulation of random quantum objects , i.e. random quantum states and random unitary operations ‣ We develop a theory of their stateful simulation , a quantum analogue of “lazy sampling” ‣ For random states, we develop an efficient protocol for stateful simulation ‣ For random unitaries, we show that simulation can be done in polynomial space ‣ As an application , we design a quantum money scheme that is unconditionally unforgeable and untraceable.

  3. Introduction

  4. Randomness… …is extremely useful. Applications: ‣ All of cryptography ‣ Monte Carlo simulation ‣ Randomized algorithms ‣ …

  5. Easy example: random string Random element x ∈ R {0,1} n

  6. Easy example: random string Random element x ∈ R {0,1} n Runtime limit Randomness cost distinguisher Exact No n

  7. Easy example: random string Random element x ∈ R {0,1} n Runtime limit Randomness cost distinguisher Exact No n Pseudorandom poly( λ ) poly( λ ) generator

  8. Another example: random function f : {0,1} m → {0,1} n Function such that independently f ( x ) ∈ R {0,1} n

  9. Another example: random function f : {0,1} m → {0,1} n Function such that independently f ( x ) ∈ R {0,1} n Oracle simulation Randomness cost Stateful simulation Limit distinguisher for f Exact No None n ⋅ 2 m

  10. Another example: random function runtime, f : {0,1} m → {0,1} n ≤ Function such that independently f ( x ) ∈ R {0,1} n memory Oracle simulation Randomness cost Stateful simulation Limit distinguisher for f Exact No None n ⋅ 2 m

  11. Another example: random function f : {0,1} m → {0,1} n Function such that independently f ( x ) ∈ R {0,1} n Oracle simulation Randomness cost Stateful simulation Limit distinguisher for f Exact No None n ⋅ 2 m -wise t O ( t ⋅ n ) q ≤ t No independent function # of queries

  12. Another example: random function f : {0,1} m → {0,1} n Function such that independently f ( x ) ∈ R {0,1} n Oracle simulation Randomness cost Stateful simulation Limit distinguisher for f Exact No None n ⋅ 2 m -wise t O ( t ⋅ n ) q ≤ t No independent function Pseudorandom time ≤ poly( λ ) poly( λ ) No function

  13. Another example: random function f : {0,1} m → {0,1} n Function such that independently f ( x ) ∈ R {0,1} n Oracle simulation Randomness cost Stateful simulation Limit distinguisher for f Exact No None n ⋅ 2 m -wise t O ( t ⋅ n ) q ≤ t No independent function Pseudorandom time ≤ poly( λ ) poly( λ ) No function q ⋅ n “Lazy sampling” Yes None

  14. Another example: random function f : {0,1} m → {0,1} n Function such that independently f ( x ) ∈ R {0,1} n Oracle simulation Randomness cost Stateful simulation Limit distinguisher for f Exact No None n ⋅ 2 m -wise t O ( t ⋅ n ) q ≤ t No independent Information-theoretically secure message authentication function Pseudorandom time ≤ poly( λ ) poly( λ ) No function q ⋅ n “Lazy sampling” Yes None

  15. Another example: random function f : {0,1} m → {0,1} n Function such that independently f ( x ) ∈ R {0,1} n Oracle simulation Randomness cost Stateful simulation Limit distinguisher for f Exact No None n ⋅ 2 m -wise t O ( t ⋅ n ) q ≤ t No independent Information-theoretically secure message authentication function Pseudorandom time ≤ poly( λ ) poly( λ ) No Computationally secure symmetric-key crypto function q ⋅ n “Lazy sampling” Yes None

  16. Another example: random function f : {0,1} m → {0,1} n Function such that independently f ( x ) ∈ R {0,1} n Oracle simulation Randomness cost Stateful simulation Limit distinguisher for f Exact No None n ⋅ 2 m -wise t O ( t ⋅ n ) q ≤ t No independent Information-theoretically secure message authentication function Pseudorandom time ≤ poly( λ ) poly( λ ) No Computationally secure symmetric-key crypto function q ⋅ n “Lazy sampling” Random oracle model security (e.g. indifferentiability) Yes None

  17. Quantum states and operations

  18. Quantum states and operations Quantum state: unit vector | ϕ ⟩ ∈ S ⊂ ℂ 2 n Sphere

  19. Quantum states and operations Quantum state: unit vector | ϕ ⟩ ∈ S ⊂ ℂ 2 n Sphere Strictly speaking: , | ϕ ⟩ ∈ P 2 n − 1 ( ℂ ) projective space

  20. Quantum states and operations Quantum state: unit vector Quantum operation: unitary | ϕ ⟩ ∈ S ⊂ ℂ 2 n matrix U ∈ U(2 n ) ⊂ ℂ 2 n × 2 n Sphere Strictly speaking: (Compact Lie-)group , of unitary | ϕ ⟩ ∈ P 2 n − 1 ( ℂ ) 2 n × 2 n -matrices projective space

  21. Quantum states and operations Quantum state: unit vector Quantum operation: unitary | ϕ ⟩ ∈ S ⊂ ℂ 2 n matrix U ∈ U(2 n ) ⊂ ℂ 2 n × 2 n Sphere Strictly speaking: (Compact Lie-)group , of unitary | ϕ ⟩ ∈ P 2 n − 1 ( ℂ ) 2 n × 2 n -matrices projective space Really nice mathematical objects with a natural notion of a uniform distribution!

  22. Quantum states and operations Quantum state: unit vector Quantum operation: unitary | ϕ ⟩ ∈ S ⊂ ℂ 2 n matrix U ∈ U(2 n ) ⊂ ℂ 2 n × 2 n Sphere Strictly speaking: (Compact Lie-)group , of unitary | ϕ ⟩ ∈ P 2 n − 1 ( ℂ ) 2 n × 2 n -matrices projective space Really nice mathematical objects with a natural notion of a uniform distribution! Haar measure

  23. Example application: Haar money No-cloning principle: quantum information cannot be copied.

  24. Example application: Haar money No-cloning principle: quantum information cannot be copied. Oldest idea in quantum crypto: Let’s make money out of it!

  25. Example application: Haar money No-cloning principle: quantum information cannot be copied. Oldest idea in quantum crypto: Let’s make money out of it! Haar money (JLS ’19): | ϕ ⟩ ∈ R S ⊂ ℂ 2 n

  26. Example application: Haar money No-cloning principle: quantum information cannot be copied. Oldest idea in quantum crypto: Let’s make money out of it! Haar money (JLS ’19): | ϕ ⟩ | ϕ ⟩ ∈ R S ⊂ ℂ 2 n | ϕ ⟩ | ϕ ⟩ | ϕ ⟩

  27. Example application: Haar money No-cloning principle: quantum information cannot be copied. Oldest idea in quantum crypto: Let’s make money out of it! Haar money (JLS ’19): | ϕ ⟩ | ϕ ⟩ ∈ R S ⊂ ℂ 2 n | ϕ ⟩ | ϕ ⟩ | ϕ ⟩ Unforgeable ✓

  28. Example application: Haar money No-cloning principle: quantum information cannot be copied. Oldest idea in quantum crypto: Let’s make money out of it! Haar money (JLS ’19): | ϕ ⟩ | ϕ ⟩ ∈ R S ⊂ ℂ 2 n | ϕ ⟩ | ϕ ⟩ | ϕ ⟩ Unforgeable ✓ Untraceable ✓

  29. Example application: Haar money No-cloning principle: quantum information cannot be copied. Oldest idea in quantum crypto: Let’s make money out of it! Can the Bank Haar money (JLS ’19): sample such a random state? | ϕ ⟩ | ϕ ⟩ ∈ R S ⊂ ℂ 2 n | ϕ ⟩ | ϕ ⟩ | ϕ ⟩ Unforgeable ✓ Untraceable ✓

  30. Simulation of random quantum objects

  31. Can we sample a random quantum state? | ϕ ⟩ ∈ S ⊂ ℂ 2 n Haar-random state .

  32. Can we sample a random quantum state? | ϕ ⟩ ∈ S ⊂ ℂ 2 n Haar-random state . Oracle simulation Randomness/ Simulation Limit distinguisher for Memory cost 1 ↦ | ϕ ⟩ Exact ∞ inefficient, stateless None

  33. Can we sample a random quantum state? | ϕ ⟩ ∈ S ⊂ ℂ 2 n Haar-random state . Oracle simulation Randomness/ Simulation Limit distinguisher for Memory cost 1 ↦ | ϕ ⟩ Exact ∞ inefficient, stateless None # of queries ε -Net O (log (1/ ε ) ⋅ 2 n ) inefficient, stateless q ≤ O (1/ ε )

  34. Can we sample a random quantum state? | ϕ ⟩ ∈ S ⊂ ℂ 2 n Haar-random state . Oracle simulation Randomness/ Simulation Limit distinguisher for Memory cost 1 ↦ | ϕ ⟩ Exact ∞ inefficient, stateless None ε -Net O (log (1/ ε ) ⋅ 2 n ) inefficient, stateless q ≤ O (1/ ε ) State -design efficient, stateless q ≤ t poly( n , t ) t

  35. Can we sample a random quantum state? | ϕ ⟩ ∈ S ⊂ ℂ 2 n Haar-random state . Oracle simulation Randomness/ Simulation Limit distinguisher for Memory cost 1 ↦ | ϕ ⟩ Exact ∞ inefficient, stateless None ε -Net O (log (1/ ε ) ⋅ 2 n ) inefficient, stateless q ≤ O (1/ ε ) State -design efficient, stateless q ≤ t poly( n , t ) t Pseudorandom efficient, stateless poly( λ ) time ≤ poly( λ ) quantum state (JLS ’19, BS ’20)

  36. Can we sample a random quantum state? | ϕ ⟩ ∈ S ⊂ ℂ 2 n Haar-random state . Oracle simulation Randomness/ Simulation Limit distinguisher for Memory cost 1 ↦ | ϕ ⟩ Exact ∞ inefficient, stateless None ε -Net O (log (1/ ε ) ⋅ 2 n ) inefficient, stateless q ≤ O (1/ ε ) State -design efficient, stateless q ≤ t poly( n , t ) t Pseudorandom efficient, stateless poly( λ ) time ≤ poly( λ ) quantum state (JLS ’19, BS ’20) This work: poly( q , n ) quantum state efficient, stateful None “lazy sampling”

  37. Can we simulate a random unitary? Haar-random unitary U ∈ U(2 n )


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