efficiency of commercial kitchen kiventis the highest

efficiency of commercial kitchen KIVENTIS | The highest efficiency of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ventilation system and efficiency of commercial kitchen KIVENTIS | The highest efficiency of commercial kitchen 1997 company founding for supply of equipment for ventilation and air conditioning. 2000 start of production of the

  1. Ventilation system and efficiency of commercial kitchen

  2. KIVENTIS | The highest efficiency of commercial kitchen  1997 – company founding for supply of equipment for ventilation and air conditioning.  2000 – start of production of the energy saving kitchen hoods Media with control system.  2013 – European patent application for energy-saving kitchen hood Media.  2018 – complete ventilation system KIVENTIS for commercial kitchens.  More than 400 kitchens with our ventilation system in Slovenia, Austria and Croatia.

  3. KIVENTIS | The highest efficiency of commercial kitchen The highest efficiency of commercial kitchen An efficient ventilation system for commercial kitchens creates ideal working conditions and reduces the system operation costs to a minimum.

  4. KIVENTIS | The highest efficiency of commercial kitchen The extreme importance of ventilation No equipment in the kitchen has more impact on work efficiency than the ventilation system. The ventilation system decides whether the work conditions in the kitchen will be unbearable or healthy, safe and comfortable. And the ventilation system decides important about the operation costs and this way about the profitability of the kitchen.

  5. KIVENTIS | The highest efficiency of commercial kitchen Why a system? Whether the kitchen is large or small, perfect working conditions must be automatically ensured in all its areas. The only solution that ensures decades of smooth operation is a comprehensive ventilation system.

  6. KIVENTIS | The highest efficiency of commercial kitchen Why a system? A commercial kitchen uses a lot of energy, which hurts its profitability. The energy consumption and costs can be significantly reduced with the help of different technologies. These technologies can be efficient used only with a comprehensive ventilation system.

  7. KIVENTIS | The highest efficiency of commercial kitchen Satisfied guests A correctly designed kitchen ventilation system provides the best conditions for healthy and sanitary food preparation and allows the guests in the dining room to enjoy their meal in a perfect environment, without any unwanted odours.

  8. KIVENTIS | The highest efficiency of commercial kitchen Typical problems of inefficient kitchens  to high temperature,  poor air quality,  air draft,  exhaust air escapes past the hood (grease on the hood and the ceiling),  very greasy exhaust air duct and extracting fan,  smells spreading from the kitchen to other areas,  high air-heating costs,  high cleaning and maintenance costs,  kitchen staff have to deal with air-flow settings instead of focusing on food preparation.

  9. KIVENTIS | The highest efficiency of commercial kitchen The first choice of demanding chefs and owners Chefs and other personnel want the best working conditions. Owners want a profitable kitchen with the lowest costs. Demanding owners and chefs do not accept compromises and require both. KIVENTIS is made for you.

  10. KIVENTIS | The highest efficiency of commercial kitchen KIVENTIS Ideal conditions, incredible savings. This unique system for the ventilation of commercial kitchens provides the impossible: ideal work conditions and the lowest possible operation and maintenance costs.

  11. KIVENTIS | The highest efficiency of commercial kitchen Saving hood MEDIA A comprehensive system for a profitable kitchen KIVENTIS is a combination of different Other hoods Control Fan hoods connected to an air conditioning system CONVECTO devices system with the automatic central CLASSIC KITCON management of all elements. This always ensures the most optimal operation, automatically adjusted to the current conditions, whether in a small kitchen with one hood or in a large kitchen that needs several. Other devices

  12. KIVENTIS | The highest efficiency of commercial kitchen Automatic adjustment Sometimes only a few thermal cooking elements are is use in your kitchen, sometimes all of them and sometimes only the dishwashers. KIVENTIS automatically adjusts the air temperature and power of ventilation depending on the intensity of work and the external weather conditions. Kitchen staff do not have to worry about ventilation settings. In the excellent working conditions, they can focus on food preparation.

  13. KIVENTIS | The highest efficiency of commercial kitchen Our promise – superior efficiency To every client, you included, we give the same promise: If you are looking for the best work conditions in your kitchen with the highest operational cost-savings for a competitive investment price, you will find no better solution.

  14. Provent d.o.o. Pod lipami 5, 1218 Komenda, Slovenia T: 01 580 97 10 info@provent.si | www.provent-int.com


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