effectiveness evaluation


EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION UNDER ARTICLE 16 OF THE STOCKHOLM CONVENTION- UNINTENTIONAL POPS Katarina Magulova Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions www.brsmeas.org @brsmeas 1 10/11/2017 EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION:

  1. EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION UNDER ARTICLE 16 OF THE STOCKHOLM CONVENTION- UNINTENTIONAL POPS Katarina Magulova Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions www.brsmeas.org @brsmeas 1 10/11/2017

  2. EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION: PROCESS 2017 marked the first effectiveness evalution of the Stockholm Convention according to the adopted framework Purpose of the effectiveness evaluation Framework for effectiveness evaluation Effectiveness evaluation committee • Assess whether the Convention has succeeded in achieving its Process for effectiveness evaluation adopted by: Established in May 2015 ( SC-7/24 ) objective of protecting human health • SC-6/22 : Effectiveness evaluation; and the environment from persistent Framework set out in document: Consists of 14 experts , as follows: organic pollutants; • UNEP/POPS/COP.6/27/Add.1/Rev.1; • Determine the effectiveness of the • Set of process and outcome indicators to • Ten experts designated by parties; specific measures taken to • One from GMP GCG; evaluate effectiveness of implementation of the implement the Convention; various article. • One identified by compliance committee • Identify ways to improve the • Review of the framework in the first evaluation (when and if established); effectiveness of the Convention. cycle. • Two internationally recognized experts. First stage: Information collection and compilation Second stage: Information synthesis and evaluation Independent compilation of information gathered Secretariat prepares a preliminary report, including through existing arrangements under the compilation of the various information and data Convention, including the reports from the global available in the information obtained from the first stage. monitoring plan, the compilation of national The effectiveness evaluation committee reviews and reports, technical assistance reports by the Secretariat evaluates the information compiled by the and reports from the entity entrusted with administering Secretariat, draws conclusions as to the effectiveness of the financial mechanism, as well as reports generated in the Convention, and makes recommendations to the accordance with the compliance procedure under Article Conference of the Parties on any improvements that 17, once established. might be warranted. 2 2 10/11/2017 10/11/2017 www.brsmeas.org @brsmeas

  3. EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION: INFORMATION SOURCES Three main streams of information according to Article 16: • Information on environmental monitoring in core media provided through the global monitoring plan ; • Information from parties provided through national reports submitted pursuant to Article 15; • Information on non-compliance provided through procedures to be established under Article 17. Other relevant Outputs of expert processes under the scientific, environmental, technical and economic Convention: information available: • The global monitoring report under the • COP decisions Global Monitoring Plan; • National Implementation Plans • The report of the DDT expert group ; • Government reports and peer reviewed • The report of the Toolkit experts ; • The report of the PCB Elimination scientific articles • Outcomes of the review of the Financial Network . Mechanism • GEF database These groups through their operation and • Needs assessment data analysis have contributed to QA/QC of • Outcomes of the review of regional centres the reported data in their respective areas. • Etc 3 3 10/11/2017 10/11/2017 www.brsmeas.org @brsmeas

  4. EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION: OUTCOMES IN 2017  Effectiveness Evaluation report (COP.8/22/Add.1 and COP.8/INF/40)  Report of the effectiveness evaluation framework (COP7/INF/41)  Substance specific factsheets (available online at http://chm.pops.int) Overall outcomes • The Convention provides an effective and dynamic framework to regulate POPs throughout their lifecycle , addressing the production, use, import, export, releases, and disposal of these chemicals worldwide. • Inadequate implementation is the key issue that has been identified. • A key challenge was the limited data available from national reports and NIPs. • Mechanisms and processes required by the Convention to support Parties in meeting their obligations have all been put in place, with the exception of procedures and mechanisms on compliance . • Global monitoring of POPs, as well as data sharing and modelling should be sustained in the long term to confirm decreasing concentrations of legacy POPs and to identify trends in the concentrations of the newly listed POPs. 4 10/11/2017

  5. ARTICLE 5: UNINTENTIONAL PRODUCTION AND USE Parties should develop and maintain up-to-date action plans to minimize and ultimately eliminate releases of unintentionally produced POPs. Actions should be taken to enhance implementation of requirements for the use of best available techniques and best environmental practices . Parties should pay more attention to issues related to quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) of inventories and consistency and comparability of data reported for various reference years. The Toolkit should be used for this purpose. Parties should develop and update their inventories of unintentional POPs, and provide the information as part of their national reports to confirm the success of the measures they have taken to implement Article 5. 5 5 10/11/2017 10/11/2017 www.brsmeas.org @brsmeas

  6. PARTIES THAT HAVE IMPLEMENTED MEASURES TO CONTROL POPS 120 Aldrin Chlordane Number of parties responded that they have implemented measures to 100 Dieldrin Initial POPs Endrin Entry into force of 80 Heptachlor endosulfan listed in 2011 control POPs Hexachlorobenzene Entry into force of POPs listed in 2009 60 Mirex PCB 40 Toxaphene POPs listed in 2009 and 2011 DDT 20 AlphaHCH BetaHCH 0 Chlordecone Before 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Hexabromobiphenyl 2004 6 6 10/11/2017 10/11/2017 www.brsmeas.org @brsmeas

  7. CONCENTRATION OF DIOXINS AND FURANS IN HUMAN MILK PG TEQ/G FAT 1987-2002 2005-2010 India Congo DR Ivory Coast Luxembourg Belgium Chile Moldova Czech Republic Hong Kong SAR Senegal Uruguay Slovak Republic Sudan Switzerland Sweden Finland Lithuania Norway Hungary Australia Georgia Cyprus Taijikistan Antigua and Barbuda Fiji Korea Rep. Mali Kiribati Haiti Ghana Syria Nigeria Tonga Mauritius Kenya Uganda 0 10 20 30 40 WHO PCDD/PCDF-TEQ/g fat 7 10/11/2017

  8. TRENDS – DIOXINS (JAPAN) 8 Secretariat of Stockholm 8 Convention 10/11/2017

  9. Thank you The worldwide implementation of the Global Monitoring Plan is made possible thanks to the generous contributions to the Stockholm Convention Voluntary Trust Fund from the Governments of Japan, Norway, Sweden, and through the European Commission’s Thematic Programme for Environment and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, including Energy (ENRTP). Further, the contribution of the projects to support POPs monitoring activities in regions, funded through the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM), is greatly acknowledged. Monitoring activities, and data collection and analysis are implemented in the five UN regions in cooperation with strategic partners and through involvement of Regional Organization Groups and Global Coordination Group. MORE INFORMATION AT: chm.pops.int 9 10/11/2017


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