Presentation Agenda Contract language Timeline Measure selection process Studying retention and performance degradation Measures selected Q&A Contract Timeline Measure Selection Performance Degradation Measures Selected Q&A
Contract Language Deliverable 16: Effective Useful Life Estimates and Approach Contractor shall review the effective useful life (EUL) parameter… to determine if any updates or adjustments need to be made… the approach must answer the following key questions: 1. What factors impact durability? 2. What are the criteria for uncertain measures that will be studied? 3. Why do some measures last longer than the others? 4. How long do measures actually last? 5. How should the Remaining Useful Life of a measure be determined? Contract Timeline Measure Selection Performance Degradation Measures Selected Q&A
Timeline 1. Stakeholder info document, webinar, and survey 2. Work plan, measure selection document, and stakeholder response document (https://pda.energydataweb.com/#!/documents/2191/view) 3. Field research plan (year 1) 1. Draft and webinar by end of July 2. Final by end of August 4. Field research and draft/final reports from September 2019 – September 2021 1. Choose new measures each year Contract Timeline Measure Selection Performance Degradation Measures Selected Q&A
Measure Selection Process Stakeholder input: simplify Contract Timeline Measure Selection Performance Degradation Measures Selected Q&A
Measure Selection Process Stakeholder input: simplify ------------ Summer 2019 ----------------- ----------------- Fall 2019 ------------- 2019-2021 Contract Timeline Measure Selection Performance Degradation Measures Selected Q&A
Measure Selection Process 2. What are the criteria for uncertain measures that will be studied? • Stakeholder input: • High installation rate; uncertainty; impact on portfolio, savings, and cost-effectiveness • Challenging RUL-based methodology: add-on equipment and retrocommissioning measures (5. How should the Remaining Useful Life of a measure be determined?) • Challenging EUL caps: behavioral, retrocommissioning, & operational; long-lived measures • Exclude standard practice measures (LED lighting, pool pumps) • Split on whether to study normalized metered energy consumption (NMEC) Contract Timeline Measure Selection Performance Degradation Measures Selected Q&A
Measure Selection Process 2. What are the criteria for uncertain measures that will be studied? • Process used: • High impact (lifecycle savings, contribution to total portfolio uncertainty) measure categories • High impact (first year savings) measures • Effort/cost involved • Ability to use evaluation results • Stakeholder input • CPUC and Navigant staff input • Included electric and gas measures • Filtered out certain measure types Contract Timeline Measure Selection Performance Degradation Measures Selected Q&A
Performance Degradation CONTRACT CA EE EVALUATION PROTOCOLS • Persistence : changes in net impacts achieved through 1. What factors impact durability? installation/adoption of measures over time. • EUL : median number of years measures are in place and 3. Why do some measures operable (retained). last longer than the others? • Performance degradation : 4. How long do measures • Technical : technical operational characteristics of measures, including operating conditions and product design. actually last? • Behavioral : human interaction components and behavioral measures. Contract Timeline Measure Selection Performance Degradation Measures Selected Q&A
Measures Selected – Year 1 Measure Selected Priority/Cost • Whole Building Retrofit and/or Priority: high • P4P including NMEC analysis Cost: $, no site visits or survey; desk review (Residential) – gas and electric • Food service, gas fryer Priority: low, unless can leverage existing efforts • Cost: $, can leverage IOU research efforts • Heat Pumps and Ductless heat Priority: high • pumps - electric Cost: $$-$$$, requires site visits • Envelope measures - gas and Priority: medium • electric (residential) Cost: $-$$, test if web-based survey results in meaningful data, otherwise reconsider effort Contract Timeline Measure Selection Performance Degradation Measures Selected Q&A
Measures Selected – Years 2 and 3 Year Measure Selected Priority/Cost • Heat Pump Water Heater - electric Medium / $$ • Retrocommissioning - gas and electric High / $$$ 2 • Water heater, tankless - gas Medium / $$ • HVAC controls and Energy management systems (Non- High / $$-$$$ residential) – gas and electric • Smart thermostats (Residential) – gas and electric Medium / $$ 3 • HVAC blower motor Low / $$-$$$ • Process pumps (VFDs, pump repair, other) Low / $$$ Contract Timeline Measure Selection Performance Degradation Measures Selected Q&A
Q&A Erica Petrofsky Energy Efficiency Policy Analyst epf@cpuc.ca.gov 415-703-1142 Contract Timeline Measure Selection Performance Degradation Measures Selected Q&A
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