effective refinements of classical theorems in

Effective refinements of classical theorems in descriptive set - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Effective refinements of classical theorems in descriptive set theory Vassilis Gregoriades (ongoing work with Y.N. Moschovakis) TU Darmstadt 8th of July 2013, Nancy France V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 1 / 15 Recursive Polish

  1. Effective refinements of classical theorems in descriptive set theory Vassilis Gregoriades (ongoing work with Y.N. Moschovakis) TU Darmstadt 8th of July 2013, Nancy France V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 1 / 15

  2. Recursive Polish spaces A Polish space is a topological space which is separable and metrizable by a complete distance function. For the remaining of this talk we fix a recursive enumeration ( q k ) k ∈ ω of the set of all rational numbers. V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 2 / 15

  3. Recursive Polish spaces A Polish space is a topological space which is separable and metrizable by a complete distance function. For the remaining of this talk we fix a recursive enumeration ( q k ) k ∈ ω of the set of all rational numbers. Definition Suppose that ( X , d ) is a separable complete metric space. A recursive presentation of ( X , d ) is a function r : ω → X such that the set { r n | n ∈ ω } is dense in X , 1 V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 2 / 15

  4. Recursive Polish spaces A Polish space is a topological space which is separable and metrizable by a complete distance function. For the remaining of this talk we fix a recursive enumeration ( q k ) k ∈ ω of the set of all rational numbers. Definition Suppose that ( X , d ) is a separable complete metric space. A recursive presentation of ( X , d ) is a function r : ω → X such that the set { r n | n ∈ ω } is dense in X , 1 the relations P < , P ≤ ⊆ ω 3 defined by 2 P < ( i , j , s ) ⇐ ⇒ d ( r i , r j ) < q s P ≤ ( i , j , s ) ⇐ ⇒ d ( r i , r j ) ≤ q s are recursive. V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 2 / 15

  5. Definition (continued) A separable complete metric space ( X , d ) is recursively presented if it admits a recursive presentation. V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 3 / 15

  6. Definition (continued) A separable complete metric space ( X , d ) is recursively presented if it admits a recursive presentation. A Polish space X is a recursive Polish space if there exists a pair ( d , r ) as above. V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 3 / 15

  7. Definition (continued) A separable complete metric space ( X , d ) is recursively presented if it admits a recursive presentation. A Polish space X is a recursive Polish space if there exists a pair ( d , r ) as above. We encode the set of all finite sequences of naturals by a natural in a recursive way and we denote the corresponding set by Seq . V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 3 / 15

  8. Two classical results V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 4 / 15

  9. Two classical results Theorem (Well-known) Every Polish space is the continuous image of the Baire space 1 N = ω ω though an open mapping. V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 4 / 15

  10. Two classical results Theorem (Well-known) Every Polish space is the continuous image of the Baire space 1 N = ω ω though an open mapping. Every zero-dimensional Polish space is homeomorphic to a 2 closed subset of N . V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 4 / 15

  11. Suslin schemes Definition A Suslin scheme on a Polish space X is a family ( A s ) s ∈ Seq of subsets of X indexed by Seq . We say that ( A s ) s ∈ Seq is of vanishing diameter if for all α ∈ N we have that n →∞ diam ( A α ( n ) ) = 0 , lim for some compatible distance function d , where α ( n ) is the code of the finite sequence ( α ( 0 ) , . . . , α ( n − 1 )) . V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 5 / 15

  12. Suslin schemes Definition A Suslin scheme on a Polish space X is a family ( A s ) s ∈ Seq of subsets of X indexed by Seq . We say that ( A s ) s ∈ Seq is of vanishing diameter if for all α ∈ N we have that n →∞ diam ( A α ( n ) ) = 0 , lim for some compatible distance function d , where α ( n ) is the code of the finite sequence ( α ( 0 ) , . . . , α ( n − 1 )) . For every Suslin scheme ( A s ) s ∈ Seq on a Polish space X of vanishing diameter we assign the set D = { α ∈ N | ∩ n ∈ ω A α ( n ) � = ∅} . Since the Suslin scheme is of vanishing diameter the intersection ∩ n ∈ ω A α ( n ) is at most a singleton. V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 5 / 15

  13. Definition We define the partial function f : N ⇀ X by f ( α ) ↓ ⇐ ⇒ α ∈ D f ( α ) ↓ = ⇒ f ( α ) = the unique x ∈ ∩ n ∈ ω A α ( n ) . The preceding function f is the associated map of the Suslin scheme ( A s ) s ∈ Seq . V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 6 / 15

  14. Definition We define the partial function f : N ⇀ X by f ( α ) ↓ ⇐ ⇒ α ∈ D f ( α ) ↓ = ⇒ f ( α ) = the unique x ∈ ∩ n ∈ ω A α ( n ) . The preceding function f is the associated map of the Suslin scheme ( A s ) s ∈ Seq . Definition A Suslin scheme ( A s ) s ∈ Seq is semirecursive ( recursive ) if the set A ⊆ Seq × X defined by A ( s , x ) ⇐ ⇒ x ∈ A s , (so that the s -section of A is exactly the set A s ) is semirecursive ( recursive ). V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 6 / 15

  15. Definition We define the partial function f : N ⇀ X by f ( α ) ↓ ⇐ ⇒ α ∈ D f ( α ) ↓ = ⇒ f ( α ) = the unique x ∈ ∩ n ∈ ω A α ( n ) . The preceding function f is the associated map of the Suslin scheme ( A s ) s ∈ Seq . Definition A Suslin scheme ( A s ) s ∈ Seq is semirecursive ( recursive ) if the set A ⊆ Seq × X defined by A ( s , x ) ⇐ ⇒ x ∈ A s , (so that the s -section of A is exactly the set A s ) is semirecursive ( recursive ). We notice that semirecursive Suslin schemes consist of open sets and that recursive Suslin schemes consist of clopen sets. V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 6 / 15

  16. Lusin schemes Definition A Lusin scheme on a Polish space X is a Suslin scheme ( A s ) s ∈ Seq with the properties A s ˆ i ∩ A s ˆ j = ∅ for all s ∈ Seq and i � = j , and 1 A s ˆ i ⊆ A s for all s ∈ Seq and i ∈ ω . 2 The notions of “vanishing diameter", “associated map" and “being semirecursive/recursive" apply also to Lusin schemes in the obvious way. V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 7 / 15

  17. Theorem (Well-known) Suppose that ( A s ) s ∈ Seq is a Suslin scheme on a Polish space X of vanishing diameter. V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 8 / 15

  18. Theorem (Well-known) Suppose that ( A s ) s ∈ Seq is a Suslin scheme on a Polish space X of vanishing diameter. Then the associated map f : D → X is continuous, 1 V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 8 / 15

  19. Theorem (Well-known) Suppose that ( A s ) s ∈ Seq is a Suslin scheme on a Polish space X of vanishing diameter. Then the associated map f : D → X is continuous, 1 if every A s is open and A s ⊆ ∪ i A s ˆ i then f is open, 2 V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 8 / 15

  20. Theorem (Well-known) Suppose that ( A s ) s ∈ Seq is a Suslin scheme on a Polish space X of vanishing diameter. Then the associated map f : D → X is continuous, 1 if every A s is open and A s ⊆ ∪ i A s ˆ i then f is open, 2 if ( A s ) s ∈ Seq is a Lusin scheme and every A s is open then f is a 3 homeomorphism between D and f [ D ] , V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 8 / 15

  21. Theorem (Well-known) Suppose that ( A s ) s ∈ Seq is a Suslin scheme on a Polish space X of vanishing diameter. Then the associated map f : D → X is continuous, 1 if every A s is open and A s ⊆ ∪ i A s ˆ i then f is open, 2 if ( A s ) s ∈ Seq is a Lusin scheme and every A s is open then f is a 3 homeomorphism between D and f [ D ] , if ( A s ) s ∈ Seq is a Lusin scheme and every A s is closed then D is 4 closed as well. V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 8 / 15

  22. Lemma Suppose that X is recursive Polish space and that ( A s ) s ∈ Seq is a semirecusive Suslin scheme with associated map the function f and diam ( A s ) < 2 − lh ( s ) for all s ∈ Seq for some compatible pair ( d , r ) . Then the partial function f : N ⇀ X is recursive on its domain. V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 9 / 15

  23. Lemma Suppose that X is recursive Polish space and that ( A s ) s ∈ Seq is a semirecusive Suslin scheme with associated map the function f and diam ( A s ) < 2 − lh ( s ) for all s ∈ Seq for some compatible pair ( d , r ) . Then the partial function f : N ⇀ X is recursive on its domain. If moreover the family ( A s ) s ∈ Seq is a Lusin scheme then the inverse partial function f − 1 : X ⇀ N is recursive on its domain as well. V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 9 / 15

  24. Lemma For every recursive Polish space X and every compatible pair ( d , r ) there exists a semirecursive Suslin scheme ( A s ) s ∈ Seq with the following properties. Every A s is non-empty, 1 diam ( A s ) < 2 − lh ( s ) for all s ∈ Seq , 2 A 0 = X , 3 A s = ∪ i ∈ ω A s ˆ i = ∪ i ∈ ω A s ˆ i . 4 V.G. (TU Darmstadt) Effective Refinements 10 / 15


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