effect on private sector in gaza

Effect on Private Sector in Gaza Prepared by: Palestinian - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Gaza: 1 2 July, 2 0 0 7 Border Closures Effect on Private Sector in Gaza Prepared by: Palestinian Federation of Industries - PFI On Behalf of: The Palestinian Private Sector Coordinating Council ( PSCC) Contents 1 . The Private

  1. Gaza: 1 2 July, 2 0 0 7 Border Closures “Effect on Private Sector in Gaza” Prepared by: Palestinian Federation of Industries - PFI On Behalf of: The Palestinian Private Sector Coordinating Council ( PSCC)

  2. Contents… 1 . The Private Sector in Gaza • Current Status • Dependency on Border Term inals • Effect of Current Crisis 2 . Average Daily I m port and Export Statistics ( 2 0 0 5 -2 0 0 7 ) 3 . General Econom ic I m pact 4 . Required Actions

  3. I ndustrial Sector June 2005 Week 1, July 2007 (pre –disengagement) (current Crisis) Number of working 3,900 780 establishments  Number of working employees  35,000 4,200 Export (truckloads)  748 0 • Most of the industries in Gaza are manufacturing industries of which there is a 95% dependency on imported raw materials • There is an 80% dependency on the imports of machinery and maintenance parts which can lead to the suspension of production lines. “80% Temporary Shut Down of establishments and operating establishments work with 60% capacity” (1) Source: Industrial Associations  (2) Source: PalTrade

  4. Key I ndustrial Sectors Furniture Sector Garm ent & Textile Food Sector Sector June 2005 Week 1, July June 2005 Week 1, July June 2005 Week 1, July 2007 2007 2007 (pre – (pre – (pre – disengageme (current disengageme (current disengageme (current nt) Crisis) nt) Crisis) nt) Crisis) Number of working 600 120 960 48 80 28 establishments  Number of working 5,500 550 16,000 800 2500 300 employees  Export 168 0 143 0 154 0 (truckloads)  Reliance on … I m ports Exports -There is a 100% dependency on imported raw -76% of Furniture sector output is for exports materials (wood, paint, accessories, Fabrics, yarn, (mainly Israel) accessories, food elements, etc…) -90% of Garment sector output is for exports (to Israel) - 20% of Processed Food sector output is for exports (mainly Israel and West Bank) (1) Source: Industrial Associations (WIU, SFOU, TIA, PFIA)  (2) Source: PalTrade

  5. Key I ndustrial Sectors - Current Losses Sector’s Sales losses in the First Month (June 12 – July 11, 2007): • Furniture Sector : US$ 3.6 million • Garment and Textile Sector : US$ 10 million • Processed Food Sector : US$ 2.5 million A Total Sales Loses is estimated to be US$ 16 million Notes: • The estimated losses is the value of products available for export, at stock and ordered within the current season. If these products were not exported in due time these will be considered as losses. •The summer season is critical for the exports of industrial sectors. Source: Industrial Associations (WIU, SFOU, TIA, PFIA)

  6. Export Cash Crops Sector Planned Planting Expected Export Expected Export Crop Area 2007 Volume Sales (dunums) 2007 2007 450 38 million stems US$ 3 million Carnations 2600 1380 tons US$ 8 million Strawberries 250 904 tons US$ 1 million Cherry Tomatoes 0 0 0 Ex-Settlement Farms (Various produce) • The Planting Season have started in June for the upcoming export season in November, If the border terminal remain closed the sector will face a 100% loss in sales estimated to be more than US$ 12 million. • There is a total of 5,000 farmers in the cash crops sector (excluding ex-settlement farms) • There is a 100% dependency on imports (fertilizers, pesticides, sterilization gas, seeds, seedlings, packaging materials, etc..) . The imports of these products are critical in the summer season. • If the cultivation materials (fertilizers, pesticides, gas) are not available there will be a 20- 30% drop in the quality and quantity of produce. • 100% of sector output is for exports.  Source: Agricultural Marketing Cooperatives/Associations-Gaza. 

  7. Other Local Plant Cultivation Sector 1 • There is a 100% dependency on imports (fertilizers, pesticides, sterilization gas, packaging materials, etc..) • If cultivation needs (fertilizers, pesticides, sterilization gas, etc..) materials are not available there will be a 50% drop in the quality and quantity of produce. Livestock Sector 2 • There is a 100% dependency on the imports of: Animal and Chicken feed Fertilized eggs Veterinary drugs •The current available inputs prices have increased dramatically.  (1) Source: Agricultural Cooperatives/Associations-Gaza.  (2) Source: FAO 

  8. Construction Sector January 2007 Week 1, July 2007 (current Crisis) Number of working 120 50 establishments Number of working employees 42,000 7,000 (direct and indirect) Value of current projects which cannot be completed due to the current crisis are US$ 160 million including UNRWA, UNDP and other projects Work Stoppage and Delay Costs Losses in the first month is estimated to be US$ 1.6 million Losses include:, increase of available construction materials prices, management costs, accumulative interest rate, and other.  Source: Palestinian Contractors Union

  9. I m porters Losses “m ore than 1 3 0 0 containers stuck at the I sraeli freight term inals and w arehouses” until 4 / 7 / 2 0 0 7 : – There are 850 containers at Israeli ports valued at US$65 million – There are 450 new containers on the way to Israeli Ports (which have already left the ports before the cancellation of Gaza destination custom code) valued at US$35 million – Accordingly, an estimated total of US$ 3 million are paid as demurrage fees.  Source: Palestinian Shippers Council (Survey of 104 companies)

  10. Al Montar / Karni Average Daily Exports ( 2 0 0 5 -2 0 0 7 ) 20 16 15 Truck loads 9 9 10 8 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fish Eggs Tomato Tiles Garment Medical Furniture Citrus Produce Scrap Metal Cut Flowers Ice-Cream Cherry Vegetables Tools Strawberries Other 2005 2006 Jan - M ay 2007 Source: PalTrade, Com m ercial Term inals Database

  11. Average Daily I m ports ( 2 0 0 5 -2 0 0 7 ) Al Montar / Karni Average Daily I m ports ( 2 0 0 5 -2 0 0 7 ) Vs. Average Daily I m ports via Sufa & Kerem Shalom Term inals in the period betw een June 1 9 th – July 9 th 2 0 0 7 . 175 180 160 140 120 Truck loads 95 100 85 81 80 67 60 39 38 32 32 31 31 40 30 28 28 28 27 23 19 17 17 16 16 14 14 14 13 13 11 11 20 9 8 6 5 6 5 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 included Basic Dairy and Tobacco Other Goods Full Containers Products Fertilized Eggs Metal Live animals Medical tools Cement Commodities" Animal feeds Aggregates Packed Vegetables Mixed cement- Frozen Fruit & Food " Silo 2005 2006 2007 Sufa & KS Source: PalTrade, Com m ercial Term inals Database

  12. Econom ic I m pact In one month… - At least 3,190 establishments have temporarily closed. - At least 65,800 employees are temporary laid off. - An estimated US$ 20.6 million losses, in addition to stopping of US$ 160 million of construction projects.

  13. PalTrade Com pany Visits – July 1 0 th 2 0 0 7 Company Name: AG Company Contact Person: Maged Keir Deen No. of employees: 240 Production: Garment “Factory stopped operations on 14 June 2007, all employees are currently out of work” Current Losses: 8,000 pieces valued at US$38,000 were already exported to the Israeli Company 8,000 pieces valued at US$38,000 should be exported now in order to receive a total of US$76,000.

  14. PalTrade Com pany Visits – July 1 0 th 2 0 0 7 Company Name: Maple Furniture Contact Person: Alaa Amasi No. of employees: 85 Production: Furniture “Factory stopped operations on 12 June 2007, only 8 administrative staff are currently working” Current Losses: 40 truckloads of a total value $700,000 are waiting to be exported.

  15. Required Actions 1 - I m m ediate opening of AlMontar/ Karni Term inal for both im ports and exports. 2 - I m m ediate Re-I nstatem ent of Gaza destination custom code


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